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Ukrainian Base Attacked by Russian Troops

A battle group? Wow, that's 80 combat aircrafts right there. While Russia can only deploy some 1200. Face the reality mate, there is no way that USA can project enough power in Russia's backyard to intimidate Russia. We are not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan, that the sight of a battle group should send shivers down their spine.

If Russia has 1200 running fighters/bombers/ground attack aircraft ,i'm the Shah of Persia.
If Russia has 1200 running fighters/bombers/ground attack aircraft ,i'm the Shah of Persia.


They don't even have a fleet. What's left of their rusting bucket is being sold off to other countries...
If Russia has 1200 running fighters/bombers/ground attack aircraft ,i'm the Shah of Persia.
The point is that Russia has more than enough aircrafts to not be intimidated by a CBG. Not to mention submarines and other naval assets that can fight the carrier. Bringing 80 super hornets is not going to intimidate Russia in any way, and cannot change the situation.
Wow i post the most important news of the day and i dont even get 1 :tup:


Because it's sad news dude.It might look that we "like" the death of the poor soldier.

Appreciate the info.:tup:
And so do we, and so does France, Britain. But they won't be used unless we are struck first. And I doubt Russia has a suicidal wish to dare fire one salvo at any NATO country.

Because I guarantee you, We will make Russia into GLASS if they dare launch 1 salvo at any of our military installations.

So, any future war will be conventional...

Got it, bud?

The problem is our troops can spank Russia conventionally (why you think we have all those tanks lying around that we would otherwise have sidelined years ago, they are specifically for facing Russia) whereas the Russians know they cannot win a conventional war and will have to go nuclear to hold off an assault.

They don't even have a fleet. What's left of their rusting bucket is being sold off to other countries...
Right, that statement is quite telling about your knowledge of reality. Enjoy your dreams of ''liberating'' Crimea from Russia. I'm out. So is the Ukrainian military, from Crimea.
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