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Ukraine’s Motor Sich awarded $800 million contract to support Chinese JL-10 trainer fleet


Apr 28, 2011
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A JL-10 fighter trainer attached to a regiment under the PLA Naval Aviation University. Photo by Xu Yinglong

Ukrainian manufacturer of jet engines Motor Sich has agreed to a record $800 million contract with People’s Liberation Army for turbofan AI-322 engine production, according to multiple reports.

The story was first reported by Defense Express, which cited a defense industry source that stated that China is buying a batch of 400 AI-322 engines for JL-10 fighter trainer aircraft and its L-15 export version.

The JL-10 is a new type of supersonic jet trainer and light combat aircraft developed by the state-run Aviation Industry Corporation of China, or AVIC.

AVIC says the JL-10 has a maximum speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour and a maximum flight range of 2,600 km.

Trainer jets for advanced application teach student pilots how to operate supersonic aircraft and how to carry out sophisticated aerial maneuvers, while those for lead-in fighter training are enhanced versions of advanced jet models and focus on familiarizing trainees with combat maneuvers and skills.

The aircraft made its maiden flight on 13 March 2006. The aircraft’s general designer is Mr. Zhang Hong, and development had reportedly been completed alongside Yakovlev OKB of Russia.

On July 1, 2013, the first batch of JL-10 began delivery to the PLAAF. Chinese Air Force and later Naval Air Force are highly satisfied with the aircraft’s all-around performance, high reliability, cost-effectiveness, as well as its great multi-role update potentials, easy maintainability, and a service life of over 10,000 flying hours.


The Chinese light combat aircraft has two Ukrainian-made AI-322 engines.

AI-322 turbofan engine is designed to power modern trainers and light combat aircraft of L-15 or Yak-130 types, etc. According to Motor Sich’s website, the engine ensures maximum operational safety in flight and increased combat effectiveness with long service life and low operating costs.


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Ukraine’s Motor Sich awarded $800 million contract to support Chinese JL-10 trainer fleet (defence-blog.com)
hhahaha where are Chinese fan boys saying China is making f22 engine soon? ))
Also, does anybody know what are differences between AI-222 and Ai-322?
Good development for Ukraine engine manufacturer. The order will secure the business operation for quite long time. 400 engine order is huge and it will be followed by other new order and spare parts.
hhahaha where are Chinese fan boys saying China is making f22 engine soon? ))
Also, does anybody know what are differences between AI-222 and Ai-322?
just asking, what is your honest thought on Turkish defence sector vs Chinese defence sector, be it airforce navy army rocket force outer space.
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hhahaha where are Chinese fan boys saying China is making f22 engine soon? ))
Also, does anybody know what are differences between AI-222 and Ai-322?
Maybe Turkey wil be so STUPID to go make something that is available in the market reliably and cheaply and not as essential an item like the WS-10 or WS-15 is to the air defence of China.
just asking, what is your honest thought on Turkish defence sector vs Chinese defence sector, be it airforce navy army rocket force outer space.

What a great indicator that you are up in the infamous case, need to compare yourself with Turkey at the end of business
hhahaha where are Chinese fan boys saying China is making f22 engine soon? ))
Also, does anybody know what are differences between AI-222 and Ai-322?

Even mighty american need to import propulsion from UK. You think all major power can make 100% themselves?

The AL-222 engine is just a small turbofan for advance trainer. We wouldn't want to waste time on non significant matters.
Maybe Turkey wil be so STUPID to go make something that is available in the market reliably and cheaply and not as essential an item like the WS-10 or WS-15 is to the air defence of China.
last time i checked Ukraine refused to take care of Chinese illegal copy of Ukrainian tank engine sold to Bangladesh.. which later Bangladesh had to switch to original Ukranian engine..
its almost 7-8 years every single year Chinese people here come up with fake pictures that they already produce the engine without any proof. i guess this news is the proof))
just asking, what is your honest thought on Turkish defence sector vs Chinese defence sector, be it airforce navy army rocket force outer space.
Turkey doesnt compare its capabilities. we dont even care what you are able or not, we show our quality in the battlefield not in forum which fan photos for years. BTW, when is the next time you are going to order Russian Turbo fan engine? )
May be we should have gone to ukrain and co designed an engine for thunder and azm back in 2015
Turkey doesnt compare its capabilities. we dont even care what you are able or not, we show our quality in the battlefield not in forum which fan photos for years. BTW, when is the next time you are going to order Russian Turbo fan engine? )
chill, just out of curiosity, we don't know each other, you don't have to be aggressive to a stranger,whatever written here doesn't change anything, isn't it?
but you clearly dodged my question.
last time i checked Ukraine refused to take care of Chinese illegal copy of Ukrainian tank engine sold to Bangladesh.. which later Bangladesh had to switch to original Ukranian engine..
its almost 7-8 years every single year Chinese people here come up with fake pictures that they already produce the engine without any proof. i guess this news is the proof))
Whose engine was it on VT-4 that Pakistan made the purchase last year? it seems this "last time" was pretty "last".
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last time i checked Ukraine refused to take care of Chinese illegal copy of Ukrainian tank engine sold to Bangladesh.. which later Bangladesh had to switch to original Ukranian engine..
its almost 7-8 years every single year Chinese people here come up with fake pictures that they already produce the engine without any proof. i guess this news is the proof))
Lol.. u put that data from where? out of thin air?

China has solve all tank engine ,ship and submarine problem. I guess u are self denial of the recent sales of VT-4 tank to PA and Nigeria army. One of the competitor for VT-4 is Oplot T-84. You mean Ukraine sold their engine to Chinese and sabotage their own sales? :lol:

The VT-4 tank has to be 100% Chinese made to win the tender. We are not like Turkey Altay tank hamper by German sanction of export of engine to turkey. :enjoy:

Thanks to a certain member, this thread is sliding to a xick measure contest again.. a contest which only happened in PDF.
His self denial is high. He probably pull the article about China having tank engine problem 10 years ago. There is absolutely no contest between China and Turkey with regards to propulsion system. Just becos China buys a small turbofan from Ukraine and some make a hooha about it...

Even Russia , US , UK and France do buy propulsion system from other if it's fits their doctrine. That doesn't mean they couldn't build their own.
Why is China still importing engines? . I would understand if it were engines for SU-35 from Russia but this sounds weird that China relies on Ukraine.
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