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Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia

Perhaps deploying as many as 200k to begin with and close to the Ukrainian border this is what I would have done if I were in their situation not letting Russia end me stragetically by forcing my allies to default on itself @Apollon what do you say?
Sure they can deploy those troops but if Russia fights a war with the Ukraine, it’s objectives will be met once they seize the Donbas region. So basically the EU would’ve deployed to the borders of the Ukraine and made a big stink about everything without doing any actual fighting, just like I have been saying here.
They will definitely apply more sanctions. But that’s about it. They might stop the pipeline but eventually they will have to reopen it because they will suffer greatly with runaway inflation for everything. The worst they can do is provide arms for Ukraine to create headaches for Russia.

What other options do they have? They are certainly not going to fight Russia head on.

Ok let’s assume that the EU really sees it as crucial as you do. What are their choices for action?

I agree with you and as someone who is born and lives in Europe for the last 26 years this sounds disasterous and the future all of sudden looks bleak for the continent because my worst fears were them folding and it is being realized by every second. Russia Gains Ukraine including alot of defactors as result. I think Scandivinia will defect especially Finland and Norway and most especially Norway they have alot of gas and oil reservers that they have been saving for ages with weak azz military like really really weak azz army to the point Russia doesn't even need to send an army but just a few swat team
Sure they can deploy those troops but if Russia fights a war with the Ukraine, it’s objectives will be met once they seize the Donbas region. So basically the EU would’ve deployed to the borders of the Ukraine and made a big stink about everything without doing any actual fighting, just like I have been saying here.

Russia is not after only Donbass but everything east of the Dnipro river and that even includes Kviy..

A great new documentary on the Ukraine war this is from the Donbass frontline this was posted just today 22mins long

In the Trenches of Russia’s War Against Ukraine
A great new documentary on the Ukraine war this is from the Donbass frontline this was posted just today 22mins long

In the Trenches of Russia’s War Against Ukraine

Don't know how this war has gone under the radar in the media spot light seems like it has been brutal but we even hear more about freaking Myanmar these days.

Ukraine has bravely stood it's ground here and I am wondering who will be the first to deploy in EU. The Americans shouldn't deploy here I for once sense there is geninue fear of Russia in EU it is becoming apparent now but I suspect the British will be the first to deploy they seemed to be the once who have released harsh words against Russia. If anyone will deploy it will be the british first
I agree with you and as someone who is born and lives in Europe for the last 26 years this sounds disasterous and the future all of sudden looks bleak for the continent because my worst fears were them folding and it is being realized by every second. Russia Gains Ukraine including alot of defactors as result. I think Scandivinia will defect especially Finland and Norway and most especially Norway they have alot of gas and oil reservers that they have been saving for ages with weak azz military like really really weak azz army to the point Russia doesn't even need to send an army but just a few swat team

Russia is not after only Donbass but everything east of the Dnipro river and that even includes Kviy..

I don’t think they will go that far. I think their objective would be to seize the Donbas and pro Russian regions and make that the de facto border.
Don't know how this war has gone under the radar in the media spot light seems like it has been brutal but we even hear more about freaking Myanmar these days.

Ukraine has bravely stood it's ground here and I am wondering who will be the first to deploy in EU. The Americans shouldn't deploy here I for once sense there is geninue fear of Russia in EU it is becoming apparent now but I suspect the British will be the first to deploy they seemed to be the once who have realized the harsh words against Russia. If anyone will deploy it will be the british first
I hope the British deploy. Would be great to see those motherfuckers die.
I don’t think they will go that far. I think their objective would be to seize the Donbas and pro Russian regions and make that the de facto border.

I hope the British deploy. Would be great to see those motherfuckers die.

The Russian elite don't believe in Ukraine as an state much like how China doesn't believe in Taiwan statehood both Putin and medvedev hold that opinion and even release a column piece recently. It is more than just Dnipro river but it is all of Ukraine
then do it if you have the guts

We did that in 1982.

Deng Xiaoping: get out.
Thatcher: Yes, sir.


In fact, we tried it when we fought a decisive battle with the KMT army in 1949.

In 1950, we tried again. We also invited the British to participate in the Olympic Games with POW from 26 countries.


By the way, we tried it this year again. In the future, we will impose more and more sanctions on the British, and the British need to learn to get used to it.

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The Russian elite don't believe in Ukraine as an state much like how China doesn't believe in Taiwan statehood both Putin and medvedev hold that opinion and even release a column piece recently. It is more than just Dnipro river but it is all of Ukraine
I too believe the Ukraine is Russian. Ukrainian ethnicity is a myth. They are ethnically Russian. Same for Belarus.

However Putin and Russia is patient so they will take what is within reason which is why I don’t think they will go all the way to Kiev. Although it will be better for both Ukraine and Belarus to be reunited with their mother.
We did that in 1982.

Deng Xiaoping: get out.
Thatcher: Yes, sir.

View attachment 794234
The mouse is screaming at the dragon. Lmao one hypersonic missile and England is history. Lol
I too believe the Ukraine is Russian. Ukrainian ethnicity is a myth. They are ethnically Russian. Same for Belarus.

However Putin and Russia is patient so they will take what is within reason which is why I don’t think they will go all the way to Kiev. Although it will be better for both Ukraine and Belarus to be reunited with their mother.

The mouse is screaming at the dragon. Lmao one hypersonic missile and England is history. Lol

You remember the recent random satellite striking of Russia it was only for sending a message saying we can take out your satellites and blind you.

But aside from that they need to develope a long term plan against Russia or Europe will become a Russian vessal as soon as within the next 10-15 years. An offensive plan has to be ditched out. The nukes will become a deterence but not an impossible task it will hinder but not able to grant full victory
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You remember the recent random satellite striking of Russia it was only for sending a message saying we can take out your satellites and blind you.

But aside from that they need to develope a long term plan against Russia or Europe will become a Russian vessal as soon as within the next 10-15 years. An offensive plan has to be ditched out. The nukes will become a deterence but not an impossible task it will hinder but not able to grant full victory
I don’t really agree. Russia is fighting to preserve its core interests and it is NATO that has gone too far.
I don’t really agree. Russia is fighting to preserve its core interests and it is NATO that has gone too far.

Fair enough.

I remember some random post here someone saying China should send 10 divisions:lol: PDF can sometimes be hilarious some random poster just shared that comment somehwere on this forum. That is like 250.000
I don’t think they will go that far. I think their objective would be to seize the Donbas and pro Russian regions and make that the de facto border.

I hope the British deploy. Would be great to see those motherfuckers die.

the Russians could give the british a good hammering if they showed up but if one were to show up first it would be them
Fair enough.

I remember some random post here someone saying China should send 10 divisions:lol: PDF can sometimes be hilarious some random poster just shared that comment somehwere on this forum. That is like 250.000
The EU is not under the threat of Russia. In fact, it is the other way around. The EU and NATO are constantly encircling and antagonizing Russia under the direction of the US and it’s pathetic sidekick, the UK, all under control of the Zionist leeches, who specialize in creating division and hatred by manipulating the sheeple.

Russia is fighting to regain its strategic depth which was completely lost after the collapse of the USSR. It has to draw the line otherwise the greedy zogs will keep taking.
The EU is not under the threat of Russia. In fact, it is the other way around. The EU and NATO are constantly encircling and antagonizing Russia under the direction of the US and it’s pathetic sidekick, the UK, all under control of the Zionist leeches, who specialize in creating division and hatred by manipulating the sheeple.

Russia is fighting to regain its strategic depth which was completely lost after the collapse of the USSR. It has to draw the line otherwise the greedy zogs will keep taking.

It is true the 3 baltic states, Poland, and now Ukraine.. Russia is encircled NATO have moved in with them all of sudden and live on their borders NATO's headquarters is in East Europe
The EU is not under the threat of Russia. In fact, it is the other way around. The EU and NATO are constantly encircling and antagonizing Russia under the direction of the US and it’s pathetic sidekick, the UK, all under control of the Zionist leeches, who specialize in creating division and hatred by manipulating the sheeple.

Russia is fighting to regain its strategic depth which was completely lost after the collapse of the USSR. It has to draw the line otherwise the greedy zogs will keep taking.

That is 50/50 in my opinion
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