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Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia

Do you really think B&R is the Silk Road and the end must be Europe? Naive, B&R essentially is China needs to invest a large amount of foreign exchange retained in its hands. What we need is investment channels, this is another Marshall Plan. B&R does not have to involve Europe, in fact, the most important participant in B&R is ASEAN.

I ask again, do you agree the best option is to freeze the status quo and discourage russia from any adventure? Yes or no?
EU seems to be the potential casualty here, if things get out of control over the Ukraine situation.

EU, instead of seeking more political autonomy, seems to be shackling itself into US/NATO subjugation. Thus, instead of false alarmism over a faraway place on Russia's next door, the EU should first seek some minimum political/security autonomy from the Atlanticist chokehold.

I believe both Russia and China welcome it.

As it stands, EU whining over Ukrainen autonomy does not seem sincere; they themselves lack it. In that regard, Ukraine may be said to be freer.

Ukraine is right at our border and poland wont accept if russia attacks ukraine
I ask again, do you agree the best option is to freeze the status quo and discourage russia from any adventure? Yes or no?

I think the only way is to freeze NATO to the stage it was in 1990.

This, or nothing.
China will support the EU because its imperative to do so. China has zero interest in any border disputes erupting anywhere in the world. For historical reasons Poland and the Baltics will not and can not accept if Russia annexes Ukraine.

China just signed enormous trade deals with Ukraine to bulk up its silkroad initiative. All this chinese investment would be lost, since the border would be sealed and shut of by Poland. China would not invest in a dead end. You know that as much as i do.

Russia is already poor enough, the last thing EU wants is millions of starving russians storming the borders. So its also not in EU interest to collapse Russia. Its also not in Putins interest. So we agree its best for all to keep the status quo.
Yes, we do not support any war. Because we are one of the biggest beneficiaries of global economic integration. We are a trading country, and trade needs a peaceful and stable environment. Therefore, any war anywhere in the world is not in our interests. But that doesn't mean we will allow Russia to collapse, even if Russia starts a war.
I think the only way is to freeze NATO to the stage it was in 1990.

This, or nothing.

You want divide Germany again? I think the Germans should decide that.
Yes, we do not support any war. Because we are one of the biggest beneficiaries of global economic integration. We are a trading country, and trade needs a peaceful and stable environment. Therefore, any war anywhere in the world is not in our interests. But that doesn't mean we will allow Russia to collapse, even if Russia starts a war.

Russia wont start a war, we know this charade long enough. Its constantly testing. It recently lost the game in Belarus and now moves the migrants away and the Nordstream 2 block was a life insurance for Ukraine.

As i said, the status quo will be hold.
Exactly.. This is more than just Ukraine there is more at stake if Russia blitz them again like crimea it could mean the end of EU nobody would feel safe with the bureaucrats in Bruxelles..

Kremlin will completely take over the influence countries in the area will seek refuge in Russia and ask them for protection it will change the entire dynamic of Europe

Wake up, buddy. If Russia send tanks to Kiev, EU clowns would sit idle with its tail between legs.

But dont worry. Russia will not do it.

It will be much more prosaic for you and not spectacular at all as you are fantasizing here.

You will continue to finance that neonazi corrupted shithole with you tax money and the price you pay will only grow. While Ukraine will continue to degrade and depopulate at accelerating pace sitting under economic blocade of Russia.

Do you know that now 70% of electricity in Ukraine is produced by 15 nuclear reactors, which in just 7-10 years will exceed its all maximum allowed age limits and have to be closed, while another 20% of electricity is produced by 60 years old barely working coal power stations?

Do you know that 3 people in Ukraine die for each 1 new birth (not even taking into account covid) and million of young Ukrainians migrate out every year?

In just 10-15 years Ukraine will become Somali-style bankrupted failed state where 60-80% of population would be 60+ years old and the rest are totatally brainwashed neonazis and criminals. It will be Kosovo on steroids in the center of Europe. And EU faggots will have to deal with it and we will be hearing their pathetic excuses how all this disaster happened only because of bad Russia :lol:
You want divide Germany again? I think the Germans should decide that.

Russia wont start a war, we know this charade long enough. Its constantly testing. It recently lost the game in Belarus and now moves the migrants away and the Nordstream 2 block was a life insurance for Ukraine.

As i said, the status quo will be hold.

NATO right at the end of the Cold War and as it stands based on unwritten consensus between the two rival camps over non-enlargement.

The aggresive side is not Russia. Has never been. It is NATO-controlled Europe.
I ask again, do you agree the best option is to freeze the status quo and discourage russia from any adventure? Yes or no?

Ukraine is right at our border and poland wont accept if russia attacks ukraine

Yes, China certainly wants to see the status quo maintained. The EU and Russia have forgotten the damn war.
China frankly told the EU that our opposition to sanctions, it is to avoid misjudgment by the EU. Similarly, China frankly told Russia that China will not support them to launch a war, it is to avoid Russia's misjudgment.
NATO right at the end of the Cold War and as it stands based on unwritten consensus between the two rival camps over non-enlargement.

The aggresive side is not Russia. Has never been. It is NATO-controlled Europe.

Wrong, Poland, Baltics had to suffer extremly under USSR occupation. They wanted join NATO to secure their freedom.
Yes, China certainly wants to see the status quo maintained. The EU and Russia have forgotten the damn war.
China frankly told the EU that our opposition to sanctions, it is to avoid misjudgment by the EU. Similarly, China frankly told Russia that China will not support them to launch a war, it is to avoid Russia's misjudgment.

Exactly. So both, EU and China will convince Russia to do nothing stupid.
Russia wont start a war, we know this charade long enough. Its constantly testing. It recently lost the game in Belarus and now moves the migrants away and the Nordstream 2 block was a life insurance for Ukraine.

The game in Belarus was played by two dictators Duda and Lukashenko. Both benefited from it. Russia doesnt give a flying f about that.
The postponing of NS2 for additional 1 month will give Gazprom several more billions of dollar profits and warrant spectacular collapse of Ukrainian economy this winter since price of
gas is back to $1200 per 1000m3 which is unsustainable for Ukraine.
For a land war, Russia can take whole Europe in weeks. EU countries won't commit a fast suicide for Ukraine.
Plot thickens Putin fires back and doesn't seem to back down and even hints at Ukraine itself being Russian redline.


Putin says West taking Russia's 'red lines' too lightly

Tom Balmforth and Vladimir Soldatkin
Thu, November 18, 2021, 2:52 PM·2 min read

MOSCOW (Reuters) -President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the West was taking Russia's warnings not to cross its "red lines" too lightly and that Moscow needed serious security guarantees from the West.

In a wide-ranging foreign policy speech, the Kremlin leader also described relations with the United States as "unsatisfactory" but said Russia remained open to dialogue with Washington.

The Kremlin said in September that NATO would overstep a Russian red line if it expanded its military infrastructure in Ukraine, and Moscow has since accused Ukraine and NATO of destabilising behaviour, including in the Black Sea.

In the televised speech, Putin complained that Western strategic bombers carrying "very serious weapons" were flying within 20 km (12.5 miles) of Russia's borders.

"We're constantly voicing our concerns about this, talking about red lines, but we understand our partners - how shall I put it mildly - have a very superficial attitude to all our warnings and talk of red lines," Putin said.

NATO - with which Moscow severed ties last month - had destroyed all mechanisms for dialogue, Putin said.

He told foreign ministry officials that Russia needed to seek long-term guarantees of its security from the West, though he said this would be difficult and did not spell out what form the assurances should take.

Russia-West ties have been at post-Cold War lows for years, but the tone has sharpened in recent weeks as Ukraine and NATO countries have raised fears over Russian troop movements near Ukraine's borders and tried to guess Moscow's real intentions.

But despite a growing list of disputes, the Kremlin has maintained high-level contacts with Washington and spoken repeatedly of a possible summit between Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden to follow up their initial meeting in Geneva in June, which Putin said had opened up room for an improvement in ties.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan discussed cybersecurity, Ukraine and the migrant crisis on the Belarus border in a phone call on Wednesday, the Kremlin said.

"This was all in the framework of preparation for ... high-level contact," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

(Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin and Tom Balmforth and Darya Korsunskaya; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)

Plot thickens Putin fires back and doesn't seem to back down and even hints at Ukraine itself being Russian redline.

View attachment 794393
Putin says West taking Russia's 'red lines' too lightly

Tom Balmforth and Vladimir Soldatkin
Thu, November 18, 2021, 2:52 PM·2 min read

MOSCOW (Reuters) -President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the West was taking Russia's warnings not to cross its "red lines" too lightly and that Moscow needed serious security guarantees from the West.

In a wide-ranging foreign policy speech, the Kremlin leader also described relations with the United States as "unsatisfactory" but said Russia remained open to dialogue with Washington.

The Kremlin said in September that NATO would overstep a Russian red line if it expanded its military infrastructure in Ukraine, and Moscow has since accused Ukraine and NATO of destabilising behaviour, including in the Black Sea.

In the televised speech, Putin complained that Western strategic bombers carrying "very serious weapons" were flying within 20 km (12.5 miles) of Russia's borders.

"We're constantly voicing our concerns about this, talking about red lines, but we understand our partners - how shall I put it mildly - have a very superficial attitude to all our warnings and talk of red lines," Putin said.

NATO - with which Moscow severed ties last month - had destroyed all mechanisms for dialogue, Putin said.

He told foreign ministry officials that Russia needed to seek long-term guarantees of its security from the West, though he said this would be difficult and did not spell out what form the assurances should take.

Russia-West ties have been at post-Cold War lows for years, but the tone has sharpened in recent weeks as Ukraine and NATO countries have raised fears over Russian troop movements near Ukraine's borders and tried to guess Moscow's real intentions.

But despite a growing list of disputes, the Kremlin has maintained high-level contacts with Washington and spoken repeatedly of a possible summit between Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden to follow up their initial meeting in Geneva in June, which Putin said had opened up room for an improvement in ties.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan discussed cybersecurity, Ukraine and the migrant crisis on the Belarus border in a phone call on Wednesday, the Kremlin said.

"This was all in the framework of preparation for ... high-level contact," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

(Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin and Tom Balmforth and Darya Korsunskaya; Editing by Mark Trevelyan)

By technically putting Ukraine as part of his redlines it means that he wants to checkmate them and they can't just accept Ukraine as his redlines but either way he wants to gain influence in the continent and by Including Ukraine as his redline says everything he wants a penalty kick and everybody else to watch.. This is complicated @tower9 your take would be appreciated
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By technically putting Ukraine as part of his redlines it means that he wants to checkmate them and they can't just accept Ukraine as his redlines but either way he wants to gain influence in the continent and by Including Ukraine as his redline says everything he wants a penalty kick and everybody else to watch.. This is complicated @tower9 your take would be appreciated

The Western elites already know Ukraine and Belarus are major red lines of the Russian state. This is precisely why they are trying to absorb these countries into their sphere, to get right up to the border of Russia and give Russia no breathing space. That way, they can station weapons and missiles right up to the Russian border and threaten Moscow and St Petersburg within minutes.

They know this and this is precisely why they are using the Ukraine to target Russia. Putin is only reiterating a well known fact and is stating that Russia will not back down on this red line. This is common sense, there is nothing new here. NATO is the aggressor.
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