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Ukraine tells EU leaders: Prepare for war with Russia

The Western elites already know Ukraine and Belarus are major red lines of the Russian state. This is precisely why they are trying to absorb these countries into their sphere, to get right up to the border of Russia and give Russia no breathing space. That way, they can station weapons and missiles right up to the Russian border and threaten Moscow and St Petersburg within minutes.

They know this and this is precisely why they are using the Ukraine to target Russia. Putin is only reiterating a well known fact and is stating that Russia will not back down on this red line. This is common sense, there is nothing new here. NATO is the aggressor.
NATO is greedy as hell. Just look at the map of 30 years ago. They swore to not to move even 1 inch Eastward of Germany. And now they want the whole Ukraine. What next? Crimea? Saint-Petersburg? Moscow?
NATO is greedy as hell. Just look at the map of 30 years ago. They swore to not to move even 1 inch Eastward of Germany. And now they want Ukraine itself. What next? Crimea? Saint-Petersburg? Moscow?
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Absolutely. Soon, they will claim that what happens in the Kremlin are part of their "core interests".

It's not surprising when you consider who is running NATO. I don't want to go back down that rabbit hole, but these people aren't known to be "generous".
Europe&USA have been tried to put pressure on Russia's economic limits, and they failed. Without China's participation, Europe&USA cannot hurt Russia's economy. Stop threatening Russia's economy, China will not let Russia's economy collapse. If Europe&USA want to defeat Russia, they must defeat them on the battlefield.
Honestly, as far as Iranian interests are concerned, the more Europe tries to pressure Russia economically, the better it is for Iran.
Russia then will most probably agree to large weapon sales to Iran without the fear of European/US backlash. And well, we can buy billions of dollars of weapons from Russia when it comes to fighter jets, heavy submarines and tanks. We need at least 100 modern fighter jets, for example.
Honestly, as far as Iranian interests are concerned, the more Europe tries to pressure Russia economically, the better it is for Iran.
Russia then will most probably agree to large weapon sales to Iran without the fear of European/US backlash. And well, we can buy billions of dollars of weapons from Russia when it comes to fighter jets, heavy submarines and tanks. We need at least 100 modern fighter jets, for example.
Why can't you buy weapons from China?
Soon, they will claim that what happens in the Kremlin are part of their "core interests".

It is already happening this part. They have stationed alot of NGOs and freelance human rights activists who constantly meddle with Kremlin affairs by causing outcries online example just like last time they mobilized kids to demonstrate for Navalny it was like that Hong Kong situation
Honestly, as far as Iranian interests are concerned, the more Europe tries to pressure Russia economically, the better it is for Iran.
Russia then will most probably agree to large weapon sales to Iran without the fear of European/US backlash. And well, we can buy billions of dollars of weapons from Russia when it comes to fighter jets, heavy submarines and tanks. We need at least 100 modern fighter jets, for example.

The elites who run the Western world are truly a bunch of narcissistic psychopaths. They are deluded that they have limitless power and that the countries they are bullying, or attempting to bully, have zero recourse for anything that they do. However, as we have seen in the last 20 years and especially in the last 5 years, the more hostile they become towards countries that refuse to take orders, the more it contributes to their own weakening.
It is already happening this part. They have stationed alot of NGOs and freelance human rights activists who constantly meddle with Kremlin affairs by causing outcries online example just like last time they mobilized kids to demonstrate for Navalny it was like that Hong Kong situation

Exactly. All of these NGOs are just vessels of Zog control. This is what they really intend when they preach about "liberal democratic societies". What is the end goal of all of these NGOs? The betterment of society? No. They are there to create discord, hatred and instability. This is the trademark of Zog wherever they go, and their own controlled societies are now the embodiment of this because the chickens come home to roost.
Absolutely. Soon, they will claim that what happens in the Kremlin are part of their "core interests".

It's not surprising when you consider who is running NATO. I don't want to go back down that rabbit hole, but these people aren't known to be "generous".
At least Nazi were more or less honest. They just said - "We need lands. We need slaves. We kill you". This modern Western hypocrisy about "human rights" and so on is the most disgusting thing. Like if we do not understand they still need lands and slaves.
At least Nazi were more or less honest. They just said - "We need lands. We need slaves. We kill you". This modern Western hypocrisy about "human rights" and so on is the disgusting thing.

Yep. It is the emotional manipulation, gaslighting, hypocrisy and brainwashing that makes me the most disgusted about Zog rule. Not surprising though considering the culture that is in control.
Why can't you buy weapons from China?
I have no idea. I am all for expanding our ties with China in all spheres, particularly military. But Russia has a better reputation in the military industry and they seem more wiling to sell arms, but I am sure that if China decides to sell us high tech stuff like JF-10 with ToT, Iran will be more than happy to sign military deals with them.
Only fools will believe EU will go to a war with Russia for Ukraine.
If they had any intention of helping Ukraine militarily, they wouldn't have blocked Ukraine from joining the NATO for years.
Ukraine will be sacrificed here like sheep unfortunately.
If they had any intention of helping Ukraine militarily, they wouldn't have blocked Ukraine from joining the NATO for years.
Ukraine will be sacrificed here like sheep unfortunately.

Ukraine could be sacrificed that is if but it is hard to tell now because they obviously realize more than Ukraine is on the line here.. I think this frontline could be frozen for atleast 15-20 years but it will definitely ignite down the line like especially if the economy crashes Russia is going in and Europe will fight at that point which is sometime in the 40-50s which will be the endgame..

EU Knows they will have to fight Russia at some point when the world economy eventually crashes
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NATO is greedy as hell. Just look at the map of 30 years ago. They swore to not to move even 1 inch Eastward of Germany. And now they want the whole Ukraine. What next? Crimea? Saint-Petersburg? Moscow?
View attachment 794406
Well, it was the Soviet Union that collapsed though. It's not like they advanced by military means.
Ukraine could be sacrificed that is if but it is hard to tell now because they obviously realize more than Ukraine is on the line here.. I think this frontline could be frozen for atleast 15-20 years but it will definitely ignite down the line like especially if the economy crashes Russia is going in and Europe will fight at that point which is sometime in the 40-50s which is will be the endgame

The only thing that is on the line is the supposed invincibility of NATO. That it can keep invading others spaces with no recourse. They are afraid that this aura of invincibility will be shattered and then member states, most of whom are weak little beta countries, would feel some insecurity that their alpha wolf is not as strong as they thought.

This is the problem with overreach. When you have so much hubris you start making huge mistakes. NATO should've been satisfied with its original form and then the sense of invincibility would not have been lost.
Well, it was the Soviet Union that collapsed though. It's not like they advanced by military means.
The agreement was not about conquering lands. It was about not to let countries Eastward of Germany to join NATO. Russia is still here as legal successor of USSR. They broke all agreements and even dare to call Russia as an agressor, while closing to Russian borders and encircling her.
The agreement was not about conquering lands. It was about not to let countries Eastward of Germany to join NATO. Russia is still here as legal successor of USSR.
It might be still there as the successor of the USSR (whatever that means), but it does not hold the same amount of power to defend its interests. And it holds no control over the lost territories. Those territories no longer belong to Russia (the successor of the Soviet Union). If those lost territories want to join NATO, what can Russia do about it?

Let's say that you have a family and I sign a deal with you that I will not do business with your family without your permission as the head of the household. If somehow your wife ends up divorcing you, can you stop your wife or your children from doing business with me? Can you blame me if I do business with them? Same story.
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