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Ukraine situation shows why Karabakh conflict has to be resolved


Jul 15, 2012
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The situation in Ukraine shows once and for all why the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has to be resolved, the U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Morningstar told journalists March 18 at an event held at the U.S. Embassy.

"First of all I would refer to the statements that President Obama and Secretary Kerry have made with respect to the situation in Ukraine and Crimea," Morningstar said.

The ambassador said that what happened in Ukraine was a very bad thing and appropriate actions need to be taken.

"I would add that what happened in Ukraine, to me makes even more important other relations between Azerbaijan and United States, and Azerbaijan and European Union," Morningstar said. "I think that it shows once and for all why the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has to be resolved".

The United States does not recognize the results of the referendum held in the Crimea, as it considers the referendum illegal and has warned Russia that the country would have to be held accountable for its actions in Ukraine and face international sanctions.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, Russia, France and the U.S. are currently holding peace negotiations.

Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding regions.

"It is important that presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia come up with steps to lead to a resolution and to remove Nagorno-Karabakh as an unstable situation in this region. It is not helpful for anybody that this conflict goes on," the ambassador added.

The vast majority of residents of Crimea - 96 percent - voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia, in a referendum held March 16.

Most countries refused to recognize the referendum's results.

A change of power took place in Ukraine on Feb.22.

The Verkhovna Rada (parliament) of Ukraine ousted President Viktor Yanukovych from the power, changed the constitution and scheduled presidential elections for May 25.

Yanukovych said he was forced to leave Ukraine under the threat of violence, and he remains the legally elected head of state.

A number of provinces in eastern and southern Ukraine, as well as the Crimea did not recognize the legitimacy of the Rada and decided on possibility of holding a referendum on the future fate of the regions.
Today.Az - Ukraine situation shows why Karabakh conflict has to be resolved

Coincidence? Caucasus front is forming in case Putin wants to play chess

Azerbaijani, Georgian, Turkish leaders to meet in early May in Tbilisi
19 MARCH 2014 [18:20] - TODAY.AZ

Azerbaijani, Turkish and Georgian presidents, Ilham Aliyev, Abdullah Gul and Giorgi Margvelashvili will meet in Tbilisi in early May, Georgian Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze said.

"Previously these meetings of the three countries' representatives were held at the level of economy ministers, then foreign ministers and now there has been made a decision to organize a meeting in a trilateral format at the level of presidents," Georgian foreign minister said.

The meeting's agenda and the exact date will be determined during the consultations between representatives of the three countries' heads of state and foreign ministers, according to Panjikidze.

The last meeting in this format was held on Feb.19 in the Azerbaijani city of Ganja where the Azerbaijani, Turkish and Georgian foreign ministers met and discussed relations between the three countries and issues of regional cooperation.
So is Georgia on Azerbaijan's side in the conflict or neutral?
Ukraine situations shows once again why we all need nukes :to keep US "democracy" and Russian "brotherly love" away.

Scramble for nukes everybody,that's the way I see it.
Ukraine situations shows once again why we all need nukes :to keep US "democracy" and Russian "brotherly love" away.

Scramble for nukes everybody,that's the way I see it.
good luck getting one for Romania.

I mean it.
Ukraine situations shows once again why we all need nukes :to keep US "democracy" and Russian "brotherly love" away.

Scramble for nukes everybody,that's the way I see it.

And in the process get invaded?

Before any of you can process anything the US democracy will come to you. Russians don't have problem with nukes. US does.
good luck getting one for Romania.

I mean it.

Technologically is possible especially as we had an advanced program which got shut down in the 90's (democracy came).If you want to be honest about it we're ahead of Turkey in that department,the knowledge ,blue prints are all there.

Politically however,there's no will for this,so yeah...fat chance.
Technologically is possible especially as we had an advanced program which got shut down in the 90's (democracy came).If you want to be honest about it we're ahead of Turkey in that department,the knowledge ,blue prints are all there.

Politically however,there's no will for this,so yeah...fat chance.
That is impossible to know. Pakistan might have given their nuclear knowledge to us secretly. Plus Turkey sends their scientist to Russia and Japan to learn the nuclear tech. Romania didn't get further than "wanting", we are already almost there.
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That is impossible to know. Pakistan might have given their nuclear knowledge to us secretly. Plus Turkey sends their scientist to Russia and Japan to learn the nuclear tech. Romania didn't get further than "wanting", we are already almost there.

Nope,it was an actual program .Turkey doesn't even have active civilian nuclear facilities yet while we have them for years.

You're talking about speculations when it comes to Turkey,i am talking about an actual program which got shut down in the 90's but the knowledge is still there.

Check up these maps for further knowledge :

Nuclear Capabilities And Potential Around The World : NPR

Turkey is not in the following categories:

1.Had/has a nuclear program.
2.Technological potential for nuclear weapons !!
3.Uranium enrichment capabilities.

Romania is in all of 3.
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Nope,it was an actual program .Turkey doesn't even have active civilian nuclear facilities yet while we have them for years.

You're talking about speculations when it comes to Turkey,i am talking about an actual program which got shut down in the 90's but the knowledge is still there.

Check up these maps for further knowledge :

Nuclear Capabilities And Potential Around The World : NPR

Turkey is not in the following categories:

1.Had/has a nuclear program.
2.Technological potential for nuclear weapons !!
3.Uranium enrichment capabilities.

Romania is in all of 3.

Turkey already has 90 nukes (possibly more) through NATO.

As you said it with your own words. Those facilities are useless and old. Plus Romania doesn't have political will. Turkey has major plans. It will be able to produce nuclears heads within a very short time, on demand.

Turkey already has 90 nukes (possibly more) through NATO.

As you said it with your own words. Those facilities are useless and old. Plus Romania doesn't have political will. Turkey has major plans. It will be able to produce nuclears heads within a very short time, on demand.

No.Those facilities were built in the 90's,2 more reactors stated to be finished in the next 10 years + a new nuclear power plant .And yes,i allready agreed,we don't have the political will altough the capabilities are there.I don't know about Turkey producing nuclear warheads,there's still many years until a nuclear power plant in Turkey plus you don't have the capability to enrich uranium and you haven't provided any source for such capability in Turkey.It's just a wish.Maybe acquire directly from Pakistan ? That can be done.

Agreed on the NATO shared capability.

Btw,we still have a nuclear scientific institute with laboratories in Pitesti and other "undisclosed areas" which deals in "studying nuclear technology".Now,they never really said what they're doing in there as it falls under national security.Most likely that they don't chalk up nuclear warheads but that didn't stop some russian newspapers from accusing us in 2006-2007 that they're secretly developing nukes. :lol:
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