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UK Teen arrested for Afghan war post

This is what he wrote apparently.


if my country men were getting killed in some war and some good decided to curse out the fallen heroes, i'd personally kick his ***. freedom of speech would take the backseat. if he doesnt like bretain then he should depart or keep his views to himself.
civilians back here in Pakistan talk worse **** here in Pakistan about the army shaheeds sitting in their comfy drawing rooms with their ***** on leather sofas and even here on pdf but we have not incarcerated anyone till now or the jail population will boom if only our government cared so much for our troops.....where the hell is the freedom of speech now, guesss in this respect we in Pakistan are more democratic than the Brits.....

He got arrested because someone made a complaint against him in the police. Am sure if someone was bad mouthing fallen Pakistani soldiers, on Pakistan Armies Facebook page, where lot of servicemen and their relatives read such things, he/she would get in trouble too.
We had to suffer the exact same thing in Canada. Our Chapter of the Pakistan Nationalist Association was almost systematically kicked out by the Canadians. All these countries they want you to live your lives their way. You just can't disagree with them and have your own opinions. They want you to think exactly like them. They placed bugs and listening devices everywhere, these backstabbers. We condemned the war on terror they loved it. Our people supported Iran and were critical of US policy towards Pakistan and they begin being assholes.

The west has brutally stabbed Pakistan in the back and we are fools if we don't look at other options. We fight the terrorists, 40000 of our people die or are maimed, yet we are always suspects who can't share our views without being jailed. Imran Khan is right. This war will only bring death, destruction and dishonor to us.

The fault actually is no one elses but our own countries which can't take on the terrorists nor can they withstand foreign pressure. South Korea gained freedom at about the same time as Pakistan. Their GDP per Capita is more than $30,000 compared to our meagre $2700 though they too initially started off at around $2000 in 1950. This means they have the power and influence to stand for what they believe in. We can't and thats why the world is crushing us and leaving us behind. Today Nationalists can't stand for their own country without being called terrorists.

Same song again and again.. Every one is conspiring against you. come out of paranoia boss!, The kid was Brits citizen, Why the hell you guys are on fire??? There is human right watch available in UK, if that kid is innocent they will definitily help him.

Pathetic na, you guys are favoring him only coz he is "MUSLIM"
This is what he wrote apparently.


Thats a different matter because I assumed his views were non violent.

But still it does not warrant arrest. You can't arrest a person until he is planning to attack society... many people would have negative views about the occupation and some would be supporting the militants who attack british soldiers. Its still not enough to arrest him.
Personally I'd arrest him for murdering the English language! But seriously, maybe an arrest was extreme. He's clearly a bit of an idiot, but no terrorist. Just a gobby little git.
Commenting like that infront of the relatives of the dead is in bad taste, but he doesn't deserve to be arrested over this. His arrest exposes the double standards of these westerners against Muslims.
Actually he said the right thing. He is a Muslim so they will prosecute him. If it were any one else, he had the power to use 'freedom of speech tool' and certainly no action would be taken.
i bet he was preaching hate message, no point commenting on this without knowing the whole story.

He was charged with a racially aggravated offense meaning his comments were most likely extremely racist. If they weren't the police wouldn't even waste their time on it.

Just because you do something on the internet, doesn't mean you are safe against criminal prosecution.

Make racist comments again 1.5+ billion muslims = everyone will defend you
Make a comment pointing out hypocrisy of the war on terror = get thrown in Jail

European Freedom of speech at it's finest.

Islam isn't a race.

I thought Britain is a democratic country where they champion freedom of speech.:woot:

Having the right of free speech does not entitle you to complete and absolute right to say anything you want. In every country, there is a line and this guy crossed it.

You can't arrest a person until he is planning to attack society...

Incorrect. Theres a line and every country is different. Hate speech is not tolerated in any free speech country.

many people would have negative views about the occupation and some would be supporting the militants who attack british soldiers. Its still not enough to arrest him.

And that's perfectly acceptable, and these views can be expressed in a proper manner. HOWEVER, swearing, insulting people and presenting your view in a hateful way is not the correct way at expressing your opinion

Commenting like that infront of the relatives of the dead is in bad taste, but he doesn't deserve to be arrested over this. His arrest exposes the double standards of these westerners against Muslims.

It has nothing to do with his religion. Soldiers in a country such as Britain are held at the HIGHEST most respected position. You are simply asking for trouble by swearing and insulting Soldiers and their families.

People need to stop using the excuse "OH YOUR JUST DOING THIS BECAUSE IM MUSLIM" and instead take responsibility for what they say and do.

Actually he said the right thing. He is a Muslim so they will prosecute him. If it were any one else, he had the power to use 'freedom of speech tool' and certainly no action would be taken.

He has not said the right thing, hence why he is now under arrest. He was not arrested for his opposition towards the war, he was arrested for his down right insulting and wrong hate speech.
I told you relevant thread exist and you are not the only genius bhartii to quote that, Post your crap in that thread and stay on topic

"Avantte oru myru varthamanam, Poyi umbiko porrimone... " :angel:

"Anger is a momentary madness, so control your speech at the moment" - Swami Kunnashastra
This is what he wrote apparently.


Was that moron aware that the very soldiers who serve the UK military are there to protect him and his family? It appears he wasn't. Being a soldier is the most stressful job in the world, with little or no pay. And they deserve to be honored for their service.

And besides, it was a rogue American soldier who carried out the recent atrocity. Not British soldiers.

And he should know as a Muslim that cursing the fallen is haraam. It is this kind of ignorance even about one's own identity that are the cause of extreme views and at worst actions.

The authorities should look into as to why such radical behavior exist. And make the sources accountable. The UK law enforcers are too soft on criminals.

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