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UK Teen arrested for Afghan war post


Jun 2, 2011
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British teenager will appear in court on charges of racially aggravated offense after posting Facebook comments about six British soldiers killed in Afghanistan last week.

In his Facebook comments Azhar Ahmed, 19, reportedly criticized the amount of attention the deaths of the six soldiers received as compared to the civilians losses Afghanistan has sustained in the NATO-led war.

A police spokesperson said that the teen "didn't make his point very well and that is why he has landed himself in bother."

Ahmed, who will appear before court on March 20, was detained last Friday and charged over the weekend. He has since been released on bail.

The six British troops were killed last week after their Warrior armored vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan. Most of the soldiers were between 19 and 21 years of age. The incident is considered the

Facebooked: UK Teen arrested for Afghan war post — RT

Democracy & Freedom of speech :argh:
i bet he was preaching hate message, no point commenting on this without knowing the whole story.
Democracy & Freedom of speech :argh:

It happens almost everywhere.When some one spreads a message that is offensive/hurtful to the sentiments of the nation then he can be charged for the offense.For instance Binayak Sen in India or this guy in UK.

But when people goes berserk over even the tiniest issues thats when Democracy & Freedom of speech is said to suppressed/violated. Like when a "10 year old" Christian girl in Pakistan was charged with Blasphemy and ran out the area just because she made a spelling mistake on her answer sheet.
@beckham - Typical bharti mindset, can't stick to the topic, It's not about Pakistan - the threads related to Pakistan exists go and post there.

@Topic - Is it wrong if he pointed the fact that death of 6 soldiers in occupied land (which is quite normal when you are at war) is given more importance than deaths of thousands of innocent civilian???
I thought Britain is a democratic country where they champion freedom of speech.:woot:
This is what he wrote apparently.

@beckham - Typical bharti mindset, can't stick to the topic, It's not about Pakistan - the threads related to Pakistan exists go and post there.

@Topic - Is it wrong if he pointed the fact that death of 6 soldiers in occupied land (which is quite normal when you are at war) is given more importance than deaths of thousands of innocent civilian???

Do Not Expect Snakes To Not Bite :undecided:
@beckham - Typical bharti mindset, can't stick to the topic, It's not about Pakistan - the threads related to Pakistan exists go and post there.

Do Not Expect Snakes To Not Bite :undecided:

I think the post was perfectly in line with subject being discussed.I thought it was better to go for some regional incidents rather than citing something that happened in the jungles of Nicaragua.but if you guys felt mocked/ashamed by the example I quoted in the second part, my apologies.
Make racist comments again 1.5+ billion muslims = everyone will defend you
Make a comment pointing out hypocrisy of the war on terror = get thrown in Jail

European Freedom of speech at it's finest.
This is what he wrote apparently.


civilians back here in Pakistan talk worse **** here in Pakistan about the army shaheeds sitting in their comfy drawing rooms with their ***** on leather sofas and even here on pdf but we have not incarcerated anyone till now or the jail population will boom if only our government cared so much for our troops.....where the hell is the freedom of speech now, guesss in this respect we in Pakistan are more democratic than the Brits.....
Make racist comments again 1.5+ billion muslims = everyone will defend you
Make a comment pointing out hypocrisy of the war on terror = get thrown in Jail

European Freedom of speech at it's finest.

We had to suffer the exact same thing in Canada. Our Chapter of the Pakistan Nationalist Association was almost systematically kicked out by the Canadians. All these countries they want you to live your lives their way. You just can't disagree with them and have your own opinions. They want you to think exactly like them. They placed bugs and listening devices everywhere, these backstabbers. We condemned the war on terror they loved it. Our people supported Iran and were critical of US policy towards Pakistan and they begin being assholes.

The west has brutally stabbed Pakistan in the back and we are fools if we don't look at other options. We fight the terrorists, 40000 of our people die or are maimed, yet we are always suspects who can't share our views without being jailed. Imran Khan is right. This war will only bring death, destruction and dishonor to us.

The fault actually is no one elses but our own countries which can't take on the terrorists nor can they withstand foreign pressure. South Korea gained freedom at about the same time as Pakistan. Their GDP per Capita is more than $30,000 compared to our meagre $2700 though they too initially started off at around $2000 in 1950. This means they have the power and influence to stand for what they believe in. We can't and thats why the world is crushing us and leaving us behind. Today Nationalists can't stand for their own country without being called terrorists.
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