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UK lawmaker calls for Pakistan's foreign debt to be cancelled after cataclysmic floods


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom

  • Claudia Webbe voices support for Pakistan after deadly floods.
  • "Pakistan should be given reparations for climate crisis caused."
  • Officials say more than 33 million Pakistanis people are affected.
A lawmaker from the United Kingdom has called for Pakistan's international debt to be cancelled after cataclysmic floods boosted inflation to a 47-year-high.
In a statement on Twitter, Member of Parliament for Leicester East Claudia Webbe said that given Pakistan's current condition, the country should be provided funds to cushion the economic impact of the disaster.
"Inflation in Pakistan is at an all-time high at 27%! Pakistan’s international debt should be immediately cancelled — they should instead be given reparations for the climate crisis caused," she said.

Pakistan’s inflation measured by the consumer price index (CPI) has hit a 47-year high by accelerating to 27.3% in August 2022, the level last seen in May 1975, while still, the full impact of massive flooding on the prices of food items and other commodities is yet to come.
Rainfall 10 times heavier than usual caused Pakistan’s devastating floods, the European Space Agency has said.

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Rains, described by UN chief Antonio Guterres as a “monsoon on steroids” have claimed hundreds of lives since June, unleashing powerful floods that have washed away swathes of vital crops and damaged or destroyed more than a million homes.
Officials say more than 33 million people are affected — one in every seven Pakistanis — and reconstruction work will cost more than $10 billion.
Guterres has called the floods a “climate catastrophe” and launched an appeal for $160 million in emergency funding.
These are good statements but nobody will act on it.

The only country who can really help Pakistan getting rid of the debt is Pakistan itself.
Weak government, inept foreign office, wishy washy poorly trained diplomats who can't fight the country case. Good will for Pakistan do exists but our pathetic officials are too useless and don't even know which door to knock at or how to articulate other then lining up their own pockets at every opportunity.
One bad apple of establishment have screwed up other circles of power as well thanks to their stranglehold of the country. Listen to the poor African countries diplomats and listen to the Islamic republic of Pakistan diplomats the difference how they articulate their case is of day and the night. Imagine if this sort of tragedy would have happened in any African country UN and Western countries would have up in arms to raise the funds.
When our own media, government, bureaucracy, ISI, Army, pathetic politicians who should be inside the jail were busy knocking Imran down instead of highlighting flood tragedy, don't expect others to fight and look after our orphan nation.
This is 2022 and our little kids bodies are floating in the floods waters, they have got no shelter, slippers and food in their little tummies. These traitors generals and worm politicians need to be send to the firing squad so next generation of politicians can operate and work towards the Pakistan interests instead of lure of the green card benefits. World have moved on, countries have learned from there mistakes but our generals, judges and diplomats are still the best in the world ranking from the bottom up. In the rest of the world side effects of such tragedies are to get debt relief while our officials get green cards and their bank accounts get more fatter.
I mean the West is on the hook for a lot more misery than just climate change.

Possibly more than 1 trillion.
These are good statements but nobody will act on it.

The only country who can really help Pakistan getting rid of the debt is Pakistan itself.
If something like this proposal happens, it would be without precedent. Also there is no business imperative in making sure Pakistan thrives. What is imperative is maintaining the status quo and making sure it doesn’t crumble totally. That goes for Indian policy too.
I think EU and US will give Pakistan some trade concessions to restore its economy :cheers:
I mean the West is on the hook for a lot more misery than just climate change.

Possibly more than 1 trillion.
The whole planet should be grateful to the West for dragging the world into the modern era.Humanity owes everything to Westerners and should follow their lead always.Ungrateful, spiteful, evil people should shut their pie holes.

No need for debt cancellation, Pakistan should halve its Defence budget and it will manage to pay.
This is simply an extension of the CIA's propaganda line that every Chinese loan around the world should be defaulted on so that nations never develop.

Debt is the only thing that keeps economic basket cases from going full retard.

If all debt is changed to grants, then every economic basket case will simply be endless holes of capital destruction and bring negative development forever.
The whole planet should be grateful to the West for dragging the world into the modern era.Humanity owes everything to Westerners and should follow their lead always.Ungrateful, spiteful, evil people should shut their pie holes.

No need for debt cancellation, Pakistan should halve its Defence budget and it will manage to pay.
colonial enslaved countries that paid for modernity in the west? modernity bull sh it we have more dangerous weopons now that can wipe humanity.
colonial enslaved countries that paid for modernity in the west? modernity bull sh it we have more dangerous weopons now that can wipe humanity.
It has been 70 years since the Brits left. Plus Pakistan was ruled for only 100 years
What is your excuse ?
It has been 70 years since the Brits left. Plus Pakistan was ruled for only 100 years
What is your excuse ?

my excuse 45 trillion stolen, by the way American printed out of thin air debt is 18 trillion.
brits leaving doesn't mean they left, they left over thier colonial slaves that were rewarded with huge land and to rule over the masses to this day and are still serving the western empire. all true wealth is transferred to brit Rothschild bank, that's how it works.
my excuse 45 trillion stolen, by the way American printed out of thin air debt is 18 trillion.
brits leaving doesn't mean they left, they left over thier colonial slaves that were rewarded with huge land and to rule over the masses to this day and are still serving the western empire. all true wealth is transferred to brit Rothschild bank, that's how it works.
excuses ... excuses...excuses
excuses ... excuses...excuses
excuses excuses excuses by imperialist. oh we here to liberate the women, oh we here to help them civilize, oh we are protecting our borders, oh we are fighting them here so we dont have to fight them at home. brainwashed by tv and media, you learnt not much except regurgitating.
excuses ... excuses...excuses
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