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UK lawmaker calls for Pakistan's foreign debt to be cancelled after cataclysmic floods

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  • Claudia Webbe voices support for Pakistan after deadly floods.
  • "Pakistan should be given reparations for climate crisis caused."
  • Officials say more than 33 million Pakistanis people are affected.
A lawmaker from the United Kingdom has called for Pakistan's international debt to be cancelled after cataclysmic floods boosted inflation to a 47-year-high.
In a statement on Twitter, Member of Parliament for Leicester East Claudia Webbe said that given Pakistan's current condition, the country should be provided funds to cushion the economic impact of the disaster.
"Inflation in Pakistan is at an all-time high at 27%! Pakistan’s international debt should be immediately cancelled — they should instead be given reparations for the climate crisis caused," she said.

Pakistan’s inflation measured by the consumer price index (CPI) has hit a 47-year high by accelerating to 27.3% in August 2022, the level last seen in May 1975, while still, the full impact of massive flooding on the prices of food items and other commodities is yet to come.
Rainfall 10 times heavier than usual caused Pakistan’s devastating floods, the European Space Agency has said.

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Rains, described by UN chief Antonio Guterres as a “monsoon on steroids” have claimed hundreds of lives since June, unleashing powerful floods that have washed away swathes of vital crops and damaged or destroyed more than a million homes.
Officials say more than 33 million people are affected — one in every seven Pakistanis — and reconstruction work will cost more than $10 billion.
Guterres has called the floods a “climate catastrophe” and launched an appeal for $160 million in emergency funding.

The british are host to the most corrupt of Pakistan's convicted criminal politicians that have done everything in their power to loot and plunder our country. And they, the brits, want our foreign debt cancelled? What a load of horse$h!t

Tell you one thing though, irrespective of what becomes of Pakistan, I eagerly await the day Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah annihilates this (Britain) wretched country .... the one that gave birth to the devil's spawn, Zionist Israel.
The british are host to the most corrupt of Pakistan's convicted criminal politicians that have done everything in their power to loot and plunder our country. And they, the brits, want our foreign debt cancelled? What a load of horse$h!t

Tell you one thing though, irrespective of what becomes of Pakistan, I eagerly await the day Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah annihilates this (Britain) wretched country .... the one that gave birth to the devil's spawn, Zionist Israel.
Who is allowing those politicians to participate in Pakistani politics?
Who is allowing those politicians to participate in Pakistani politics?

The same ones bought and owned by the West!

The world ain't big anymore, bud. And some of us humans aren't asleep, we actually know what the West has done around the world. So you cannot use that sleazy tactic here with me. We know the game the West has played over the last 150 years, and guess what that game is up now. Those tactics are now failing, from Iran, to Venezuela, to Syria, to Afghanistan and now Pakistan.

If the West still thinks it can you around with people's lives with the same old rotten strategies, think again!

The time is just around the corner, when the West will pay for what it has done to the world.
The same ones bought and owned by the West!

The world ain't big anymore, bud. And some of us humans aren't asleep, we actually know what the West has done around the world. So you cannot use that sleazy tactic here with me. We know the game the West has played over the last 150 years, and guess what that game is up now. Those tactics are now failing, from Iran, to Venezuela, to Syria, to Afghanistan and now Pakistan.

If the West still thinks it can you around with people's lives with the same old rotten strategies, think again!

The time is just around the corner, when the West will pay for what it has done to the world.

We are not setting the rules of the game

Iran has been ruled by the Ayatollahs since 1979. The only game in town in Pakistan is the Pakistani army
We are not setting the rules of the game

Iran has been ruled by the Ayatollahs since 1979. The only game in town in Pakistan is the Pakistani army

Buddy, you seem to be living in an alternate reality or some parallel dimension, when you put the blame squarely on Pakistan Army. Just to wake you up out of your stuper, a question .... where do Pakistan Army Commissioned Officers go for their military academy higher learning, outside of Pakistan? Answer, America and Britain.

Pakistan Army's leadership is decided in Washington DC and London. Which is why Bajwa was fleeing to Washington DC where his masters are, where as Imran Khan was on a State Visit to Moscow to try and get a deal for Pakistan's energy needs.
These are good statements but nobody will act on it.

The only country who can really help Pakistan getting rid of the debt is Pakistan itself.

The other problem is that Pakistan is in the habit of regularly spending more than it earns - although I doubt we take in more debt every year than we spend on debt payments.

We are not setting the rules of the game

Iran has been ruled by the Ayatollahs since 1979. The only game in town in Pakistan is the Pakistani army

Careful - you might get banned for pointing out the problem.

At least you're not Pakistani and don't have to worry about being tortured or worse for pointing it out.
The whole planet should be grateful to the West for dragging the world into the modern era.Humanity owes everything to Westerners and should follow their lead always.Ungrateful, spiteful, evil people should shut their pie holes.

No need for debt cancellation, Pakistan should halve its Defence budget and it will manage to pay.
God complex right there.

But yeah no budget for DHA Plot dealers we can agree on that one.
The other problem is that Pakistan is in the habit of regularly spending more than it earns - although I doubt we take in more debt every year than we spend on debt payments.

Careful - you might get banned for pointing out the problem.

At least you're not Pakistani and don't have to worry about being tortured or worse for pointing it out.

It is not like Uncle Sam is an angel. We are not running the show in wide swath of countries. We may be a participant.
The whole planet should be grateful to the West for dragging the world into the modern era.Humanity owes everything to Westerners and should follow their lead always.Ungrateful, spiteful, evil people should shut their pie holes.

No need for debt cancellation, Pakistan should halve its Defence budget and it will manage to pay.
Which modern era are you talking about?
The era where we are facing existential crisis due to climate change
Or the era where WMDs put us within seconds of the proverbial 'midnight'

Not to mention most of this progress was achieved by looting the wealth of the East through enslavement.
Buddy, you seem to be living in an alternate reality or some parallel dimension, when you put the blame squarely on Pakistan Army. Just to wake you up out of your stuper, a question .... where do Pakistan Army Commissioned Officers go for their military academy higher learning, outside of Pakistan? Answer, America and Britain.

Tell us what % of Pakistani army officers go abroad for training. it is a small percentage. it has been falling
Most of our debt is due to corruption and gross mismanagement. Forgiving loans, or providing more aid simply encourages more corruption and mismanagement And get into the same trouble all over again.
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