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UFO Sightings in Pakistan I guess it is Airforce related

there can be other creatures but i believe no other creature can be as destructive as human beings so i dont realy see any reason to believe in UFOs

they'd treat us like we treat ants and insects...
It is written & stated very clearly in most major religions that there is life out there in space other then us that there are other worlds/beings ..... there has been to many stories and to many hidden top secret cover ups to have some belive that there perhaps is someone out there other then just us! It's been held under wraps for too many years by many countries so there wont be panic in the world! But i think most of us know that the truth is becoming more clear and speaks for its self .......

Some quotes would be worth supporting your claim and provide us an interesting read.

As far as I know, in Islam there is only a mention of jinns but nowhere does it suggest anything to do with space.

I would be interested in your references.
Some quotes would be worth supporting your claim and provide us an interesting read.

As far as I know, in Islam there is only a mention of jinns but nowhere does it suggest anything to do with space.

I would be interested in your references.

there is somethig that line about creatures living in the sky but this completly ambigious as this could mean Birds, insects, People n planes and rockets, Jinns Microrgansm.

islam doesn't focus this too much for a very good reason. :)
Some quotes would be worth supporting your claim and provide us an interesting read.

As far as I know, in Islam there is only a mention of jinns but nowhere does it suggest anything to do with space.

I would be interested in your references.

Boss then i suggest you read the holy Quran again it states there are other worlds in the universe other then ours meaning other life ( Dunia) or (Dunias) thankyou very much plzz don't insult me again .. read first then talk thx .
Boss then i suggest you read the holy Quran again it states there are other worlds in the universe other then ours meaning other life ( Dunia) or (Dunias) thankyou very much plzz don't insult me again .. read first then talk thx .

Firstly, I do not know why you took it as an insult. That was not my intention at all. I am interested in this topic and have researched it (as a hobby) so I got excited by your claims. I am sorry if my choice of words sounded as an insult to you. That was clearly a misunderstanding as that is not my intent. I have read the Quran several times with translation.

Secondly, its a far stretch to call worlds as "other life forms in space". Most of the scholars say that by saying ,"Lord of the Worlds", Allah means the "Lord of the Worlds of all Living Beings"; like the World of Animals, World of Fishes, World of Angels, World of Spirits etc. عَالَمِينَ is the plural of the word عالَم which means a thing from which knowledge of something is learnt.

As the knowledge of God is learnt through the universe hence the universe is called عالم . عالم can also refer to an age (era), it has been used in this meaning in the Holy Quran in Surah Al Baqarah 2:47.

Another explanation given of the word 'Worlds' is that perhaps it is pointing to the existing of other worlds identical to ours with the existence of life.

So it is definitely possible but I don't think the verse is clear enough to deduce the certain existence of life in space. When you wrote with such certainty, I assumed you had some unambiguous reference which is what I was asking for. But the word "Lord of the worlds" points to a possibility since it can be interpreted in many ways but not a certainty.

Another explanation is given below.

"Rabb al-‘alamin" - the lord of the worlds. The word meaning 'worlds' implies all possible worlds known to exist. This was interpreted at the time to mean the spirit world, the world of the heavens, the world of human beings. Essentially each realm of known existence. (the word in fact comes from the root verb "to know"). A modern interpretation might consider the worlds to mean different planets or even parallel universes as in the 'many worlds' theory which some physicists seem to like at the moment.

The Opening of the Qur'an

In my humble opinion, it is dangerous to be drawing such conclusions with certainty from something that the Quran has left ambiguous.

Cheers and may Allah guide us all to the right path.
That object must be there to pick up Nawaz sharif or shahbaz sharif. Next time we might see the same object hovering over Islamabad to pick up zardari. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well said ! :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously though:

Havent anyone thouight that these could well be spy planes to spy on Pakistan Progress in the Military ?
Admiral Byrd's Arctic expedtiton

At the request of a vexatious contributor I am posting an item I have prepared about Admiral Byrd's 1947 Antarctic Expedition. I have the newspaper cutting from the 5 March 1947 edition of "El Mercurio" of Santiago Chile before me. It is in Spanish. If any reader requires a passage in the original language I will supply it. The translation is my own. The article is the only known report of an interview given "On Board Mount Olympus on the High Seas" to Lee van Atta. Admiral Byrd gave two news conferences to the International News Service on the subject of his abandoned mission, but neither conference was ever reported elsewhere.

The article runs to three longish columns from which I have extracted the main parts.

Operation High Jump was an Antarctic Expedition led by Admiral Richard E Byrd. Its stated duration was to be "up to six months". The HQ ship was "Mount Olympus". Besides an aircraft carrier there were thirteen other warships and supply ships, a large number of aircraft and 4,000 servicemen. This was by far the largest Antarctic Expedition ever mounted. After only two months it was abandoned, and the entire force returned to the United States.

From what he is reported to have stated one senses that Admiral Byrd's balance of mind was slightly disturbed by something he had seen or been shown.

One assumes that the purpose of the Expedition was to explore Antarctica. However, Admiral Byrd said that the mission "was to make some geographical discoveries", and when these had been made, the expedition would return home.

QUOTE: "The Expedition completed its Mission in less than two months and left the region after having made major geographical discoveries"

QUOTE: "The Admiral stated that in his opinion the Expedition had established a precedent without parallel as regards the rapidity with which the geographical discoveries were made."

Here one asks, "Without parallel in comparison to what?". Was there some kind of timetable to make "the geographical discoveries"?

QUOTE: "As regards the recently terminated Expedition, Admiral Byrd said that the most important result of the observations and discoveries made was the bearing which these had on the security of the United States."

The Admiral then went on to say:
QUOTE: "I am in a position perhaps better than any other person to realize the significance of how to use the scientific knowledge in these explorations because I can make comparisons. Twenty years ago I made my first Antarctic Expedition."

If the Admiral was making comparisons between what he saw now and what he saw twenty years ago, this implies that something relating to the geography of Antarctica must have changed. Otherwise there would be no point in making a comparison because everything would be the same. This might also explain the true Mission of the Expedition: to investigate the topographical changes. (Byrd was obviously referring to the Byrd Expedition I of 1928-1930 when he was in the area between 150° and 180° from the Pole on the Pacific side. It would be here that the geographical change had most likely occurred.)

In what way did these geographical discoveries and observations adversely affect the security of the United States?

QUOTE: "Admiral Richard E Byrd warned today of the need for the United States to adopt protective measures against the possibility of invasion of the country by hostile aircraft proceeding from the polar regions. 'I don't want to scare anybody but the bitter reality is that in the event of a new war the United States will be attacked by aircraft flying in from one or both poles."

On three occasions in the article Admiral Byrd warned of "invasion of the country". This term does not mean invasion of air space, it means invasion of the United States by a foreign Power. In 1947 the United States was the world's only super Power. The threat to the security of the United States was of attack and invasion by aircraft proceeding from the polar regions. One of the main reasons for Admiral Byrd's early return was to warn his countrymen to prepare defences against this threat. He could have reported his findings by signal but instead he decided to head for home, so urgent was what he had to communicate.

When one considers the logistics which would be involved in operating an aerial invasion force to vanquish and take over the United States starting from the South Pole we see at once that the idea is nonsensical UNLESS the enemy force is vastly superior in weaponry and in anti-electronic warfare. This is the reason why so many commentators have seen the presence of an alien force stationed presumably in the other dimension in Antarctica.

So, what did Admiral Byrd see in Antarctica which led him to believe that an imminent threat of attack against the United States existed? What were the geographical changes to Antarctica which he had seen "by comparison"? If he was mentally ill he would have been replaced, but it does appear that he enjoyed the full support of his commanders in his decision.

---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

Interesting case, there was an documentry n him, and he wrote about the expedition in his book, ill try to find it.

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That object must be there to pick up Nawaz sharif or shahbaz sharif. Next time we might see the same object hovering over Islamabad to pick up zardari. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

They will be doing a great favour to Pakistan.
there can be other creatures but i believe no other creature can be as destructive as human beings so i dont realy see any reason to believe in UFOs
I've Just read a book on Bermuda Triangle and the author has presented some reasonable views that UFOs might be coming out of this region.
He sighted various accounts that people saw massive fire balls entering the sea, a very fast submarine that instantaneously disappeared into the sea.The white luminous cloud that took not only many ships and planes but a whole British battalion
The Regimental History of the 1/5th Norfolks "The Vanished Battalion"
This unit, 'The Sandringham Pals' is perhaps better known as 'The Vanished Battalion', as most of them perished in an ill-conceived attack on 12th August 1915 at Suvla.

That they became so famous, was due to three factors : first of all, most of them were employed by the English Royal Family at the Sandringham Estate. A second strange fact was that - officially at least - their bodies were not found. And last but not least, long after the war, a strange story popped up, when two Gallipoli veterans declared they had seen the Norfolks march into a strange cloud, that engulfed them, then lifted and drifted away, leaving nobody behind. Clearly the work of an early UFO and a legend was born.

In the meantime, the definitive book on the matter is available and the BBC has even made a documentary film about the affair. What is harder to find however, is the official regimental history, published after the war, in which the few survivors tell about their experiences in Gallipoli at the time.

For those who are interested in the original material, here goes (with some pics added) ...
the details of this even can be had at
Vanished Battalion Sandringham 1/5th Norfolk
the mystery of submarine is portrayed as

there is a very interesting reading
A German historian/scuba diver has recorded the exact location and value of deviations in magnetic fields off the Bahamas coast. Scientists to whom he has shown the figures do not dismiss the possibility that they are caused by micro-wormholes. His researches have also led him to wonder whether the American AUTEC naval base on Andros Island is not-perhaps on account of these same wormholes-an "Underwater Area 51 of the Caribbean." And he has reached some new conclusions concerning Atlantis and the Bahamas.

Oceans of ink have been spilt over the subject of the Bermuda Triangle, that apparent paranormal grab-bag of missing vessels (hundreds of ships and scores of planes), deviations in the magnetic field, abrupt outpourings of fog, UFO sightings far above the national average-and much, much more. A vast amount of pure speculation has accompanied these reports, the most controversial being that the Bahamas archipelago is comprised of the mountaintops and higher areas of the lost continent of Atlantis, sunk beneath these waters millennia ago.

As a practicing historian, with a doctorate in history and sociology from the German Sports University in Cologne-and therefore with a vigorous training in avoiding speculation-I certainly never expected to have anything to contribute to this controversy, which I tended to entirely dismiss.

Pure happenstance changed all that. I am also a trained scuba diving instructor; and, in 1995, I was sent by my company on a six-month stint to Nassau, Bahamas, with my wife and children. My German customers were the travel companies Inter Airlines and Aeroplane. My task was to develop tourist programs for scuba divers and help customers who were already there.

In the course of my work, I heard persistent reports of persons on boats who had experienced sudden deviations in their compass readings which had put them right off course. My curiosity as a historian got the better of me (and, besides, it would make for an unusual diving experience): I decided to look for magnetic field anomalies in the places where the deviations had been noted, and try to bring back exact figures for those deviations.

Based on the stories I'd heard, I chose more than half-a-dozen points at which to dive: Fish Hotel, Lyford Cay, and White Hole, near Nassau; Lost Blue Hole, about an hour by boat from Nassau; Dogleg Reef, an hour by boat from Marathon, in the Florida Keys; the "Atlantis Wall," near Bimini; and Sunken Train, near Eluthera.

Fellow scuba divers Al Miller, an American, and Joel Green, a Jamaican, accompanied me on these expeditions. Over the course of several weeks, we carried out one to seven dives a week, depending on the time we had available.

Dressed in our scuba gear, and singly or in pairs, we dove at each location several times, usually descending to a depth of no more than a few dozen feet. The dives lasted 60 to 75 minutes; sometimes we made them from cheap inflatables, other times from rented boats.

We found clear evidence of deviations at four locations: Fish Hotel, Lyford Cay, White Hole, near Nassau; and Dogleg Reef, near Marathon, in South Florida.

In the course of our dives, we recorded precise figures for what the compass readings were as compared to what they normally should have been.

Over the next few months, I communicated these figures to a number of physicists around the world. To a one, they told me that such magnetic field anomalies could be caused by briefly-appearing micro-wormholes. They could think of no other explanation for the deviations. Prof. John Wheeler, of Princeton University, in Princeton, NJ, has given the name of "wormhole" to what he believes may be "transit tunnels" between different dimensions of reality. According to Wheeler, these wormholes may be only a giga-fraction of a square inch in size-the number one preceded by 33 zeroes, preceded by a decimal point. Wheeler says these mini-black holes, constantly blinking in and out of the geometry of space, are thought to be bits of "virtual matter;" that is, they can exist for a limited time only. Their counterparts-so-called mini-white holes-are virtual anti-matter. Whenever these two kinds of virtual matter build up to any extent, they immediately destroy themselves. Wheeler can offer no explanation as to why mini-holes appear, disappear, then reappear.

Regarding my magnetic field anomaly readings, here are some typical responses, from some of the scientists-usually quantum physicists-to whom I spoke:

Dr. Werner Muller, physicist, Karlruhe, Germany, in a 1995 phone interview: "According to the figures you provided and the fact that no natural source was found in the bottom of the sea, there are just the quantum physical theories left to explain the phenomenon."

Professor Tsung-Min Gung, physicist, Tokyo, Japan, 1995; phone interviews: "If the theories of inter-dimensional connections are not completely wrong and can develop in the way I am expecting them to, the strong interdependencies with gravitation and the earth's magnetic field may be a way to track them down."

Grazyna Fosar, physicist, Berlin, Germany, in a radio discussion together with myself, in 1997: "From the physicist's point of view, gates to hyperspace can be the only reasonable explanation for these mysterious deviation fields."

These startling results led me to investigate, tentatively at first, then with growing interest, some of the other "Bermuda Triangle" phenomena associated with the Bahamas area. I knew that the theory of compass deviations as being caused by "stargates" went back some way (though, as far as I knew, I was the first to come up with any figures); I was now told that the extremely high incidence of UFO sightings in the Bahamas archipelago had been associated by some researchers with these stargates.

I was further told that many of the sightings took place near the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC), the American naval base on the Bahamas island of Andros, and that some researchers believed AUTEC might be an underwater "Area 51"- a place where secret research was being carried out on UFOs by the American government, and which, from time to time, was even visited by UFOs.

I decided, as a historian, to try to get to the bottom of these extraordinary speculations. The Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) possesses unique resources, including an underwater range for testing and research on acoustic equipment. It is located 177 miles southeast of West Palm Beach, Florida, at Andros Island and the Tongue of the Ocean, in Bahamas. The Andros Island AUTEC test facility-access to which must be obtained beforehand - covers only one square mile on land, but actually comprises 1,670 square miles of the surrounding Caribbean. This ocean area is a steep-sided deep-water embayment 100 miles long and 20 miles wide, with depths varying from 700 fathoms at the "rim" to 1,100 fathoms (more than a mile) at the northern end. By any reckoning, this is a huge amount of underwater space.

I learned from more than one source that the Andros base has an ultra-top secret caliber of security. Here is an illustration. In 1997, a group of duck-hunters-who, admittedly, had walked right by a PROHIBITED AREA sign less than a mile from the base-suddenly found themselves confronting an unusually thick wall of foliage. At that very moment, they were knocked off their feet and their faces thrust into the ground.

The hapless duck-hunters quickly discovered that the foliage contained sailors in heavy camouflage, and that other sailors, leaping out of the foliage behind them, had hurled them to the ground. Taken to a nearby tent, they were grilled by a colonel for hours, until they were certain they would be thrown into prison. Then, abruptly, the officer released them, declaring, "I believe your story."

In the waters off Andros island, strange craft have been seen from time to time which not only resemble UFOs, but which display the same unbelievable swiftness of motion and execute the same incredibly sharp turns. A Viennese businessman told me that, once, when he was yachting off the coast of Andros, he glimpsed, two miles away (it was a very clear day), in waters over a mile-and-a-half deep, a motionless object he thought was a whale. Coming to within almost half-a-mile of the object-which was now gleaming oddly-the yachter observed that it was some kind of man-made craft of ultramodern design.

Suddenly, the craft took off in a southerly direction at what my informant described as a "lunatic speed." It sped along the surface of the water. Then, abruptly, it disappeared beneath the waves, not to be seen again.

I have been told of conspiracy and suppression theories of a very dark nature which have been burgeoning around the subject of AUTEC as an "underwater Area 51," just as they have been around the subject of the real "Area 51."

Here is an example, passed along to me by an informant whom I interviewed in November, 1998, at NASA headquarters at Cape Kennedy, Florida.

I was told that highly respected and world-class British scuba diver Rob Palmer, who had been director of a "blue holes" research center in Bahamas for a number of years, had failed to surface after a dive in the Red Sea, in Israel, in mid-July, 1997, and was presumed dead. Blue holes are small underwater caves, apparently formed from within, which are found predominately in the area of the Bahamas archipelago. I think it possible that blue holes may, perhaps, have been formed by the popping in and out of existence of micro-wormholes.

Rob Palmer, apparently, had entertained a roughly analogous theory. In addition, he believed blue holes might be the transit points for UFOs arriving here from other dimensions-and his investigations were taking him closer and closer to the AUTEC base on Andros Island, where there is a very great proliferation of blue holes. My informant told me there was a rumor that Palmer might have been murdered by officials at AUTEC, probably because he knew too much, and possibly by a post-hypnotic suggestion which caused him to take his own life while he was under the waters of the Red Sea.

As a professional historian, I don't care to indulge in such lurid speculations. But their existence suggests there might well be significant clandestine activity taking place at the Andros island AUTEC facility.

Since so much of the far-fetched material I had investigated had turned out to have some basis in reality, however indirect, I now decided to investigate the story that the area of the Bahamas is the site of the (not completely sunken) continent of Atlantis.

Many have long believed that Bimini is a remnant of Atlantis. The idea was first mooted by trance-medium Edgar Cayce, who claimed that many of the people to whom he gave readings had lived past lives on Atlantis. Using the latest technology, scientists from the British Government's Building Research Establishment have even discovered tiny amounts of coal and gold in apparently man-made stone found on the seabed at Bimini.

As a historian interested in primary rather than secondary sources, I decided to read the single text upon which all of the thousands of books on Atlantis are based: the dialogue called the Critias, by the Greek philosopher Plato.

Moreover, I decided to read the dialogue, not, as so many have, as myth or metaphor, but as historical fact. And I bypassed most of Plato"s detailed account of the splendors of this ancient kingdom, concentrating instead on its dimensions as reported by Plato: What shape did Atlantis have? How long and wide was it?

I learned something intriguing: that if you were to take the present-day Bahamas archipelago and raise the entire land-mass by 300 feet-or, to put it another way, lower the water level surrounding Bahamas by 300 feet (its level during the last Ice Age)-you would end up with a country that closely matched, in shape and size, the ancient Atlantis of Plato: The philosopher wrote in the Critias that the continent was larger than Egypt (as it was then known); that the center of the island, not far from the sea, was formed by a plain surrounded by shallow mountains to a distance of six miles; and that these mountains themselves were located in a large plain, surrounded by high mountains to a distance of 200 miles.

My conclusions regarding the so-called Bimini Wall, thought by many to be a remnant of Atlantis, were not nearly so "New Age." I believe that some of the stones making up the wall appear to be man-made, not because they came from Atlantis, but because they were left there during the American Civil War.

In those days, a great many ships ran the Union blockade to bring trade to Confederate harbors. Pursued by Union ships, these vessels often escaped into the shallow Bahamas waters where the big man-o-wars couldn"t follow.

To navigate over the reefs that filled these waters, they frequently had to jettison weight so as to ride higher in the water. What easier way to do this than by dumping granite stones from the ship"s ballast? That, I think, may account for a good many of the granite stones now found at such places as Bimini.

I pursued my investigations in a number of other areas. I found out, for instance, that Bahamas has its own legends of mysterious little monkey-like creatures that are almost never seen: the "chickcharnies". I discovered there are numerous "ghost stories" associated with Bahamas, and that the shamans of the area are reputed to have almost godlike-powers. I came away with the impression - one that can scarcely be proven scientifically - that there is high degree of psychic, even "interdimensional," energy in the Bahamas archipelago.

My attention, though, keeps returning to the "underwater stargates of the Caribbean," which I discovered with my friends Al Miller and Joel Green. I continue to wonder what might be the next step in researching these "stargates." I have a proposal. It would be interesting to actually try to enter one of these "stargates"-except that they are usually microscopic to an extreme degree, and they tend to fluctuate in and out of existence.

Therefore, I would like to suggest that one or a number of psychics descend to the sites of some of these underwater anomalies, perhaps those near Nassau, which are shallow, and not far from shore-and not far from the Bahamas capitol, which could make an excellent host to a world press tempted to attend this unusual "Underwater Splashdown to the Stargates of the Caribbean." Jeanne Dixon may be too old for such a venture; but there must be many youngish, athletic and gifted psychics who could be persuaded to don scuba diving gear and venture to the bottom of the ocean to see what telepathic feelings and messages they might be able to pick up, filtering ever so briefly through these on-again, off-again, underwater micro-wormholes.

My proposal may seem outlandish. But I and my scuba diving colleagues would be glad to train as divers any prospective psychics, and descend with them to the ocean bottom off Bahamas. We could do it during the coolest month of the year in Bahamas-January. January 1, 2000, seems like a propitious date. Do I have any takers?

Dr. Michael Preisinger may be contacted at :
P.O. Box 1462,
88620 Pfullendorf, Germany,
FAX (+49/0) 7552-97805.
the whole article can be reached at
If its not UFO, than what is it?

Webby as i mentioned above..it could be any secret Aircraft from America...possible because these kind of objects are mostly visible on that sites where war is going on,and most of those wars in which American army is involved...the maximum time seen of these objects were during world war ii
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