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UFO Sightings in Pakistan I guess it is Airforce related

My theory in this regards is simple

When Humans , actually did a nuclear blast , it attracted attention from Aliens July 8, 1947 I suppose in a more serious way before the aliens would zoom by the planet , now they pass by they see lights from space they wait and look peek and move on , they notice our civilization is well primitive - they come in take some shots and move on

But the fact that humans detonated Nuclear weapons
1945 - thing got more interested

Think about it you are alien race, you are flying thru, you have your life detetors on and you are on missing to fly by milky way galaxy and you are wondering where on heck is life in this galaxy , and all of sudden your sensors pick up a nuclear detonation coming from Earth and they are like ok this is not a naturally occuring signal , they zoon in on to planet earth, they and hide behind clouds , and observe ... and gather intellience -

Secondly - their activites have started to become bolder and bolder with passage of time , first it used to be , when spotted in air , planes would fly to intercept and the intruding item would be gone.

This phase was followed by crop circles, and obious cases of Animal Mutilation etc where animals would be dried of blood and other internal organs with out any sign of disection. I would call that a phase when they are exploring.

Third stage is , engaging the most obvious strengths of a civilization
being around places where Space shuttles are launched, or where army airplanes launch , being close to places where war take place and observe animal behavior

Kinda like same way we wild animals in africa or explore mars or moon before we go there we send in probes to investigate the safety of the air/water elements for life etc

Now the the signs have shifted to lights and visual presence - an indication look we are here ? Are you intelligent we see you have create lights on grounds. May be our armies in major countries know it but they figure , why bother ? We will just scare ppl so lets just ignore them and they will go away !! and this has been the official US policy on UFO , ignore, silence and baloon theory - most ppl when they retire they come forward and confess look we saw something ... that was not from this planet -

The whole process is just like when Humans plan a trip to Moon , scan it , observe it , check atmosphere , check existing life signals , analyse minerals , if you spot life log it and send report back ...

The clearly are smart - and technically advance ...

The question remains - what exactly do they find interesting in planet earth - and why they do not dare to engage with us on a communicative level !!!

A) They really are just here on a observation mission and report back
B) They are here to analyse strength and weakneses
C) They are just exploring galaxies , and making log of planets with
life - presence.
D) Perhaps our earth is not livible by their standards, so they come
momentarily and then they have to go back

The best way to understand their behavior is by observing our own behavior , when we search for livable places on earth , our explorers would go in ships and go across oceans and find passage , trade routes, and then they would go back to their respective places and report the finding , and then a bigger trade convoy would come in

Also , one has to understand there are 130 Bilion + glaxies in universe
each galaxy has million and million of star systems , with each having at least 8-9 planets , so that is a high number....

Even if they managed to find us, by the time they will take the message back to their command center and come back , it will take some years - to travel thru space & time. But once the exploration team finds the planet they will surely document our planet location and what they found and rest assured , we will be in their maps for future exploration.

We will likely not understand each other in speach or communication etc, but surely we can engage each other with exchange of signals -
light signals , or noise signals -

Again I could look at things from religious prespective but religion and science are two different matters -
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So wat u wanna say that these UFO comes out from bermuda triangle...?

most probably....because the sighting rate is higher than the national rate over there.....
My theory in this regards is simple

When Humans , actually did a nuclear blast , it attracted attention from Aliens July 8, 1947 I suppose in a more serious way before the aliens would zoom by the planet , now they pass by they see lights from space they wait and look peek and move on , they notice our civilization is well primitive - they come in take some shots and move on

Very interesting point that i missed in my last post about claim of Nuke tech read this mysterious event

The Tunguska Event, or Tunguska explosion, was a powerful explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya (Lower Stony) Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia, at around 7:14 a.m.[1][2] on June 30, 1908 (June 17 in the Julian calendar, in use locally at the time).[2]

Although the cause of the explosion is the subject of debate, it is commonly believed to have been caused by the air burst of a large meteoroid or comet fragment at an altitude of 5–10 kilometres (3.1–6.2 mi) above the Earth's surface. Different studies have yielded varying estimates of the object's size, with general agreement that it was a few tens of metres across.

Although the meteor or comet burst in the air rather than directly hitting the surface, this event is still referred to as an impact. Estimates of the energy of the blast range from 5 megatons of TNT (21 PJ)[4] to as high as 30 megatons of TNT (130 PJ)[5], with 10–15 megatons of TNT (42–63 PJ) the most likely[5]—roughly equal to the United States' Castle Bravo thermonuclear bomb tested on March 1, 1954, about 1,000 times as powerful as the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan and about one-third the power of the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated.[6] The explosion knocked over an estimated 80 million trees over 2,150 square kilometres (830 sq mi). It is estimated that the shockwave from the blast would have measured 5.0 on the Richter scale. An explosion of this magnitude is capable of destroying a large metropolitan area.[7] This possibility has helped to spark discussion of asteroid deflection strategies.

The Tunguska event is the largest impact event over land in Earth's recent history.[8] Impacts of similar size over remote ocean areas would have gone unnoticed[9] before the advent of global satellite monitoring in the 1960s and 1970s.
interestingly the eyewitnesses stated that they had a mashroom shaped fire rising towards the sky ( Hint Hint)
The weather was clear with no clouds in the sky, they saw a glow coming towards the earth and then there was a great luminous blast intially a wave of warm wind approached followed by a warm blow......the huts demolished
initially it was believed as a comet colliding the earth.....but lately it came out that nothing was found which could prove the comet strike.A black rain started after the blast and such luminous clouds emerged that even without moon, the nights in the central Asia and even UK were bright enough for studying ( the study was conducted by Leonid Alekseyevich)
The remote site of the explosion was first investigated from 1927 to 1930 in expeditions led by Russian scientist Leonid Alekseyevich Kulik. Around the epicentre (the location on the ground directly below the explosion) Kulik found felled, splintered trees lying radially for some 15–30 km (10–20 miles); everything had been devastated and scorched, and very little was growing two...
so it was most probably the radioactivity that kept trees and land to revive
enormous explosion that occurred about 7:40 am on June 30, 1908, at an altitude of 5–10 km (15,000–30,000 feet), flattening some 2,000 square km (500,000 acres) and charring more than 100 square km of pine forest near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in central Siberia (60°55′ N, 101°57′ E), Russia. The energy of the explosion is estimated to have been equivalent to that of about 15 megatons of TNT, a thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, on Aug. 6, 1945. Based on historical records of significant noctilucent cloud development in the skies over Europe following the event, some scientists contend that a comet caused the explosion. Such clouds are thought to be the result of a sudden influx of ice crystals into the upper atmosphere (such as those that could have been triggered by the rapid vaporization of a comet). Other scientists maintain that the event was caused by an asteroid (large meteoroid) perhaps 50–100 metres (150–300 feet) in diameter and having a stony or carbonaceous composition. Objects of this size are estimated to collide with Earth once every few hundred years on average (see Earth impact hazard). Because the object exploded in the atmosphere high above Earth’s surface, it created a fireball and blast wave but no impact crater, and no fragments of the object have yet been found. The radiant energy from such an explosion would be enough to ignite forests, but the subsequent blast wave would quickly overtake the fires and extinguish them. Thus, the Tunguska blast charred the forest but did not produce a sustained fire.

The remote site of the explosion was first investigated from 1927 to 1930 in expeditions led by Russian scientist Leonid Alekseyevich Kulik. Around the epicentre (the location on the ground directly below the explosion) Kulik found felled, splintered trees lying radially for some 15–30 km (10–20 miles); everything had been devastated and scorched, and very little was growing two decades after the event. The epicentre was easy to pinpoint because the felled trees all pointed away from it; at that spot investigators observed a marshy bog but no crater. Eyewitnesses who had observed the event from a distance spoke of a fireball lighting the horizon, followed by trembling ground and hot winds strong enough to throw people down and shake buildings as in an earthquake. At the time, seismographs in western Europe recorded seismic waves from the blast. The blast had been initially visible from about 800 km away, and, because the object vaporized, gases were dispersed into the atmosphere, thus causing the abnormally bright nighttime skies in Siberia and Europe for some time after the event. Additional on-site investigations were performed by Soviet scientists in 1958 through 1961 and by an Italian-Russian expedition in 1999.
most probably....because the sighting rate is higher than the national rate over there.....

Well see man..first of all bermuda triangle is something where gone no one returns.we all know that...now i dont see any base in this theory that UFO comes out from bermuda triangle...See there could be possiblities of Aliens..Ok but if u still think that it comes out from bermuda triangle..then only in one possiblity..Some historians says that there is one more world which exist under our earth..and they have also mentioned few of ways to go in.and some believe bermuda also could be one of the way to go inside...and recently one hollywood movie also came on this(i dont remeber its name but its actor was that one of mummy)..So perhaps could be their Aircraft....:coffee:
Well see man..first of all bermuda triangle is something where gone no one returns.we all know that...now i dont see any base in this theory that UFO comes out from bermuda triangle...See there could be possiblities of Aliens..Ok but if u still think that it comes out from bermuda triangle..then only in one possiblity..Some historians says that there is one more world which exist under our earth..and they have also mentioned few of ways to go in.and some believe bermuda also could be one of the way to go inside...and recently one hollywood movie also came on this(i dont remeber its name but its actor was that one of mummy)..So perhaps could be their Aircraft....:coffee:
Well it is also subject to debate that they are "aliens". Some of the people claiming that they were kidnapped by aliens, say that they were human beings. The only extra natural quality was that they were immensely intelligent. They could speak all the languages and very proficient in maths and technology
We Must Understand 1 Common thing is that

Crappy Light Years

no Other Civilization can detect us

b/c even if they they detect our Signals at that time we will all be gone ..

there is no other thing which can travel as fast as light ...

Alien Phenomena is Human Created Fantasy ..
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We Must Understand 1 Common thing is that Crappy Light Years no Other Civilization can detect us
b/c even if they they detect our Signals at that time we will all be gone ..
there is no other thing which can travel as fast as light ...
Alien Phenomena is Human Created Fantasy ..

I think about 400-500 years ago , people said the earth cannot be revolving around the sun , and that earth is probbly flat.

Life forms all around us in universe, some civilizations reach the pinnicle of mind , and technology , and they are able to escape the boundries of the physical planets -

How did we humans managed to reach the moon or mars?

It took us 1-2 million years may be - but the universe we live in is billion + years old who knows - perhaps there are other places that have a , lead of 900 million years then where our civilization is so obviously they will have evolved more then what our civilization is experiencing now.

Civilizations only resets, when a catastrophic event occurs , meteor strike , or a tidal wave (flood of epic proportion) when that happens all the technology we posses, evaporates, and we start back from caves.....so it all depends on if our civilization can theoretically escape any disruption , untill we are technologically advanced enough to escape the planet.

Can we travel faster then light?

Yes - scientist have theorized that you can teleport "state" of a proton (properties) from one location to another coordinate -
which is contrary to the belief that you have to travel a distance, using teleportation you can move a state of proton , from one location to another. That means we can move mass?? No not yet.
This is not science fiction, this has already been done - in labs - sadly we don't hear about it since R&D stuff gain very little coverage in Pakland


Secondly, light travels on space plane (surface) but that surface , can be bent , imagine a paper , north end , south end. You put two marks ... on each end ... you measure the distance lets say its 20 cm , but what if you bent the paper in middle ???

The distance between the north and south end decreases
(worm hole), typically "space" can also be bent and you can use the same principle , and go thru opening on one side , and emerge millions of light years ahead from your point a....

So - here is a question , we used to dream about flying - we kept trying and trying untill one day we flew - similarly if we dream long enough I think we can - travel far distances in space

a) We do not face extinction from meteor strike
b) We do not face sun's super nova
c) Andromeda Galaxy does not collides with Milky way galaxy
(It is coming our away just by the way in case you don't know)
d) Self destruct or super virus kills us.

When current human civilization is very fragile , when rivers change , our cities and countries change shape , and cities vanish, when global temperature changes, whole coastal regions face, flooding ...

We are kinda like an ant - while space is like our world, as we cannot imagine an ant , making a trip from USA to Australia due to huge distances, and oceans - for now , we can't imagine travelling beyond out solar system and galaxy , but if that same ant ....

Some how - finds a souce, which takes it from point a to point b , lets say a human - traveller's bag , that same any can reach there -

So finding means to travel faster then light is key for us , as soon as the scientist will unravel that mystery , the sooner we can escape our boundries -

Humans are special type of animals , we gain knowledge , but we retain it by passing it on in form of books , school, universities etc ... provided this knowledge is not destroyed , we will continue to evolve
and get better with generation and generations ... untill a point is reached , when these things will be trivial -

Just like when we laugh, at ppl who lived 100 years ago who rode horses, as means of travel or who rode ships across oceans , now we do it in airplanes -
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well i beleave there could be something..i mean there could be any other creature in this world except us....well hope they will have good relations with pak and help us making new generation Aircraft....
Lol! Best reply so far. :) i can imagine 30 years from now PAF and officials at Kamra will issue statements praising our time tested and alk weather ties with aliens. We take great pride in our joint projects and people to alien contact with them. JTF-774P Lightning ground attack laser, plasma, and precision guided missile payload high altitude stealth bomber being manufactured at PAC. Maybe one day! :) i hope alien likes spicy food, biryani and kashmiri chai
Why did the aliens decided to leave America and show their presence in Asia.
I my self have seen a phenomenon in Rawalpindi. At night, I was going to buy bread when I saw on sky a light. Small as a start then it grew. then it became 2 and one part vanished slowly while other moved towards east very quickly. I did not hear any sound.
after 3 minute an aircraft took off from Chaklala air base( I used to live near) and headed towards that light that went towards east.

@ Topic: There can others but we should not forget that a lot of experiments are being done by humans. and a lot of new aircrafts are tested. So, it can be an aircraft made by Humans.
There is no UFO or stuff like that aliens etc.......
i cant say anything about alliens but ufos are real & I have seen one my self 5 days ago in KARACHI distric south.Its said that it can be used as vehicle by the anti christ because they are too fast then any other thing in the world.HE will be so fast as we know through HADITHS..It might be possible..
how many of you believe in Hollow earth theory?
they say there is more superior civilization beneath our own land and they continuously monitor us..
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