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UFO Crashes Off Okinawa, Japanese Navy Secures Area

so weird that you guys talking UFO so seriously

latest ufo sightings in china at 2012.12.07


??UFO[?] - - ?

strang that no one has a good camera when he saw aliens UFO.
no one has ever make a very clear photo on UFO.....
@Hu Songshan no aggressive greys dont rule the world.... i think u got it wrong. Zetans has two catagories.... Good and Bad.... A good Zetans helping humans while bad zeta reticular want to take over humans as their own race dying.... My english not upto level as i can speak few languages.... But i will try to explain it in simple english.... There is one more zetan race but its a Robo aka Slave race created by Reptilians.... In reptilians there are many types.... Hydra, raptoid, sumerian NAGA and most powerful Alpha Draconians..... The aggressive Zeta reticular want to take over humans. They doing all kinds of test on humans.... Do u know that what makes a human in control? Its Potassium, ceratomine etc etc. Aggressive zetans created a micro chip that can control potassium and ceratomine. u know when this two are controled than humans will do what the microchip programmed to do (i will give u later real micro chip removal operation by top doctors).... In this Neural transmission comes into play. Aggressive zetan greys want to create a new hybrid and want to take over earth as they dont have their own planet which got destroyed in nuclear war.... i will explain u everything but i want u to know every each humanoid race, Reptilian race and grey race.... And than i will tell you to whom i met and to whom i want to meet.... Which am sure soon will happen. Before i give u details of nibirian aka annunaki (with evidence) i want u to visit the most accurate website.... Must visit.... (most details here are from Humanoids)....
A-Z of Alien Species active in Earths Evolution
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@Hu Songshan no aggressive greys dont rule the world.... i think u got it wrong. Zetans has two catagories.... Good and Bad.... A good Zetans helping humans while bad zeta reticular want to take over humans as their own race dying.... My english not upto level as i can speak few languages.... But i will try to explain it in simple english.... There is one more zetan race but its a Robo aka Slave race created by Reptilians.... In reptilians there are many types.... Hydra, raptoid, sumerian NAGA and most powerful Alpha Draconians..... The aggressive Zeta reticular want to take over humans. They doing all kinds of test on humans.... Do u know that what makes a human in control? Its Potassium, ceratomine etc etc. Aggressive zetans created a micro chip that can control potassium and ceratomine. u know when this two are controled than humans will do what the microchip programmed to do (i will give u later real micro chip removal operation by top doctors).... In this Neural transmission comes into play. Aggressive zetan greys want to create a new hybrid and want to take over earth as they dont have their own planet which got destroyed in nuclear war.... i will explain u everything but i want u to know every each humanoid race, Reptilian race and grey race.... And than i will tell you to whom i met and to whom i want to meet.... Which am sure soon will happen. Before i give u details of nibirian aka annunaki (with evidence) i want u to visit the most accurate website.... Must visit.... (most details here are from Humanoids)....
A-Z of Alien Species active in Earths Evolution

Ok Isro, I have finished reading it waiting for your vast knowledge. ;)
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Btw the indian manipur guy gave full details how he got abducted.... He made a video of UFO over his head when he went in farm.... Than he felt mild electricity current all over his body and he than dont remember what happened.... He was found few hours later. This was aggressive Greys who adbducted him to do tests and than they deleted his memory of abduction.... Must watch video with full details....
UFO SIGHTED AROUND LOKTAK LAKE IN MANIPUR, India 19 June 2011 > UFO video, filmy
@Hu Songshan i think u got confused between tall greys and aggressive greys.... America under tall greys and not aggressive greys. Both tall greys and aggressive greys are different....
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Btw the indian manipur guy gave full details how he got abducted.... He made a video of UFO over his head when he went in farm.... Than he felt mild electricity current all over his body and he than dont remember what happened.... He was found few hours later. This was aggressive Greys who adbducted him to do tests and than they deleted his memory of abduction.... Must watch video with full details....
UFO SIGHTED AROUND LOKTAK LAKE IN MANIPUR, India 19 June 2011 > UFO video, filmy
@Hu Songshan i think u got confused between tall greys and aggressive greys.... America under tall greys and not aggressive greys. Both tall greys and aggressive greys are different....

do you have a clear photo of any kind of UFO or aliens?
I can never find even one.
I will believe Aliens exist only after I saw a very clear photo of them.
without clear photo and hard evidence, everything about UFO and aliens are just based on imagenation
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@itaskol @Hu Songshan there are few Greys who been filmed.... Like Zetans, orions and Tall greys. i already gave their real videos in my previous post here.... Now for the pics i will give u Nibirian aka Annunaki skull.... Nibirians the one who created Gods.... Humans (africans).... ENLIL is king of Nibirian people (he a full humanoid) and ENKI is his half brother (reptilian humanoid).... Nibirian uses 60percent of brain while human use only 10percent of our brain power.... Nibirians had long head and they very advanced.... The only race more advanced than Nibirian aka annunaki is ARCTURIANS from Arcturus.... This all races has one thing in common.... The Head size. Its long and they uses far more percentage of brain than humans.... They evolved totaly while humans still half ape.... Below is the real skull of Nibirian aka Annunaki found. There are giants human race too but giant humans not a alien.... They got dissapeard by todays humans. Human defeated giant human because giant humans brain wasnt evolved more than todays human. They got dissapeared 3500 years ago.... Here is nibirian, Arcturian, tall grey and Sumerian Enki pics.... The annunaki aka nibirian skull been found while work going on to find more skull of many other races. There are dead body pics of Greys which i will show it later....
Here is sumerian Reptilian humanoid women breast feeding her child.... Its ENKI race (half reptilian and half nibirian)
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ISRO the picture u posted is not of alien beings but of tribes in Peru with a elongated skull

The practice of skull elongation - to signify group affiliation or social status - dates back 9,000 years.

Common in various tribal cultures around the world (such as Mayans, North American natives and Australian Aborigines), the head moulding styles fell into three groups: flat, round or conical.

To achieve the desired shape, the head was wrapped in tight cloth.

In the case of cranial flattening, the head was placed between two pieces of wood.

The technique would usually be carried out on an infant, when the skull is at its most pliable.

The cloth would be applied from a month after birth and be held in place for about six months.
Let me tell u about world Gods.... The nibirians (annunakis) came on earth in search of Gold.... Gold is the material they call it Life as Gold expands life by many centuries and also it propels nibiru planet and its ozone layer keeps toxins away.... On planet nibiru there are 3 catagory race.... The one who commands (goverment and military).... And they angry on humans as humans killing each other and threatning whole galaxy by polution as polution can make planet earth damage which could explode and put galaxy in trouble.... The 2nd race is scientist race who are excited to learn about humans again after nearly 3600 years.... 3rd race is spiritual race and they care about humans and have soft corner for humans.... When they came on earth than the chief engineer ENKI created a slave race in africa to dig gold.... However ENLIL who was half brother of Enki was not in favor.... When time passed by the Enki and Enlil became enemy.... Enki loved humans while Enlil wanted humans to be non-aggressive. The real story is too long so i telling u all in short.... Enki gave technology to humans and sub humans atlantis.... Than Enlil got upset. Enlil ruled india, whole asia, middle east, (leaving egypt) while enki ruled whole africa, europe and america.... In a nuclear war Enlil brought moon and generated greatest flood. Atlantis dissapeard.... Enki sended Noah who was half human and half deer to rescue every pair of living being.... Enlil than decided to go to planet nibiru. Enlil warned its own humans like indians, asians and middle east people to behave. He said he will be back. The planet nibiru is real heaven.... Over there even lion eats Grass.... Nibirians are the most advance humanoids just like Arcturians who are known as Teachers.... It was the nibirian Gods who planted devices in every planet to make sure humans gets fruit according to Karma.... Every 3600 years nibiru pass by planet earth.... Nibirians the one who created gods, angels, dwarf, fairies etc etc.... They created it to control humans as humans are hybrids between humanoids DNA and Ape DNA (Reptilian DNA in african people as enki was half reptilian and half nibirian).... Nibirians are real Gods of heaven.... Humanoids hates nibirian because humanoids says nibirians are controling people by creating Gods and they blame nibirians helping alpha draconian race.... Right now every mothership of Greys, humanoids, Reptilians and nibirians gearing up and refueling on planet sun.... Something big is on in 2015 to 2030.... The size of each mothership is equal to planet Earth.... Nibirians using Angelic shape mothership while greys using cigar shame same with Reptilians while humanoids had Starship Athena whos size is equal to planet mercury.... i been to starship Athena in my sleep and met Arcturians who were bright rays.... Must visit below links....
Angelic UFO Travels Toward Sun In NASA Photo, Oct 15, 2012. « Mission Galactic Freedom
Spectacular New Photos Of Planet X Near The Sun Taken Today (March 6) | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.
Many UFOs Near Earth's Sun In NASA Photos | Beyond Science
Mysterious planet-sized 'Death Star' captured on video as it 'refuels' at the surface of the sun | Mail Online

interesting stuff.................

I wonder where do Indian gods fit in the scenario. Indian Gods were no less powerful than Greek Gods. And in some cases more powerful than Greek gods
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Some people believe anything it seems :disagree: yes there could be other life forms out there as there is millions of solar systems out there but to say aliens are here already is bordering on the ridiculous.
interesting stuff.................

I wonder where do Indian gods fit in the scenario. Indian Gods were no less powerful than Greek Gods. And in some cases more powerful than Greek gods
I have read somewhere that the indian GOD fought nuclear war in ancient time.
and it is also mentioned in History Channel: Ancient Aliens
very weird. it doesn‘t sound like BS
@Yeti thats why am here.... Am here to tell truth and not what goverment tells world.... The nibirian skull found were 3 times bigger not only by upper head but also by jaw, chin, cheek sides.... They are 8 feet tall superior humanoids.... Now its upto u to believe it or not. my job is to correct the history that goverment lied to humans....
BREAKING NEWS : Annunaki Remnant`s Found! – Cemetery of Giant Creatures Found in Central Africa |
The Annunaki, Ancient Gods

how will govts arround the world will be benefited if they hide this from their own people.
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@Yeti thats why am here.... Am here to tell truth and not what goverment tells world.... The nibirian skull found were 3 times bigger not only by upper head but also by jaw, chin, cheek sides.... They are 8 feet tall superior humanoids.... Now its upto u to believe it or not. my job is to correct the history that goverment lied to humans....
BREAKING NEWS : Annunaki Remnant`s Found! – Cemetery of Giant Creatures Found in Central Africa |
The Annunaki, Ancient Gods


This was painted in 1848–53 that was a time where we did not even have a type of modern day system of goverment
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I have read somewhere that the indian GOD fought nuclear war in ancient time.

There is no mention of nuclear war in our texts. Though Gods have special powers. I wonder where they will fit in story of Isro2222. There is no mention of Greek gods in our texts and no mention of our Gods in Greek texts.
I have read somewhere that the indian GOD fought nuclear war in ancient time.

Nuclear energy is mentioned in the Gita that is true, during the manhattan project Oppenheimer quoted a famous text from the Gita.

The exact quote from the Bhagavad-Gita is:

If the radiance of a thousand suns
Were to burst at once into the sky
That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one...
I am become Death,
The shatterer of Worlds.
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