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UFO Crashes Off Okinawa, Japanese Navy Secures Area

Nuclear energy is mentioned in the Gita that is true, during the manhattan project Oppenheimer quoted a famous text from the Gita.

The exact quote from the Bhagavad-Gita is:

If the radiance of a thousand suns
Were to burst at once into the sky
That would be like the splendor of the Mighty one...
I am become Death,
The shatterer of Worlds.

thats not exactly the description of nuclear war
@BJP the greek were ally of Rama empire.... i hope u know nuclear war between atlantis empire who defeated greek and than attacked the most powerful empire the rama empire of india who ruled asia.... Than after huge war Rama empire defeated atlantis empire. However nuclear war did too much damaged that forced All earth gods to leave planet earth. Only few remained back were Naga Gods and just 2 ENLIL gods. One of them was lord shiva.... They inside himalaya and naga river. They with most advanced technology and machines....
Nuclear Events in Ancient India?
Ancient City Found in India, Irradiated from Atomic Blast -
The First Global Nuclear War and a Coverup of historical proportions...
Ancient City Found In India Irradiated By Nuclear Blast 8,000 Years Ago...
@Yeti do ask goverment why hide Ancient Nuclear war.... Btw american scientist who know as God father of nuclear bomb told world he the modern day God father of nuclear bomb while india the one God father of nuclear bomb in Ancient days....
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i want to share with u all a link of full details of nuclear war between atlantis empire and Rama empire. However this dont give details of ENLIL and few major points like who created Atlantis empire.... But it gives details what really happened.... This is very important link. People should know what happened and why Lord krishna nuked our own city to save whole india and Asia as disease spread due to nuclear war.... in the end Humanoid Race brought natural disasters to sink atlantis empire (they didnt mentioned humanoids as they only giving details of war and correct dates).... Must visit.... Read everything....
10) The Mahabharata~Atlantean planetary war. - Atlantishistory.info
ISRO so what your saying is there is both good and bad alien lifeforms here on earth? which side is India on btw I hope we on the side of the good guys

The vimanas do sound like some types of flying objects to me The Ramayana describes a Vimana as a double-deck, circular (cylindrical) aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with the speed of the wind and gave forth a melodious sound

The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will.... that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky.

".. and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere."

Strong and durable must the body of the Vihmana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.
@Yeti there are good and bad aliens.... But let me tell one thing that good aliens are in huge number.... Good humanoids, good greys, good Nagas (nagas are reptilians but good one) out numbered Reptilians like hydra, draco, raptoids, evil greys (bad zetans, few bad orions) etc etc.... However to America our lord Nibirians are enemy.... Even to my Ashtar Galactic command Nibirians are enemy.... Even to Nagas (enki) nibirians are enemy.... Even when enki half nibirian.... But to me nibirians are most pure Gods. They hate bad things. Enki spoiled africa (am not against Enki as he father of majority humans by ape and enki DNA). While Enlil made india pure (in ancient days. india hybrid of ape and pleiadians created by pleiadian's DNA).... Now enki took over india when nibirians left earth.... Nibirians will make humans far spiritual but humanoids, greys not letting nibirians enter inside earth.... Btw only the nibirians dont scare Alpha draconians (they do scared but are neutral and not enemies).... Enki's father was nibirian super humanoid. He married Alpha draconian queen and than Enki Born.... However Enki lied by saying NAMMA his mother (Namma is goddess of heaven and earth).... Most politicians, singers ruled by Sumerians. One of them is Queen elizabeth. She the most deadly Reptilian DNA. sweet gentle actor while a murderer inside.... When indian nurse leaked info that kate is pregnant i knew it that indian nurse in trouble.... She been murderd but will label it as suicide.... Princess diana was murdered too because she flirted her bf openly which was hurting the image of Queen.... Must visit below link to see why Queen elizabeth the reptilian Blood....
@RISING SUN am trying to collect more info on greys spaceship.... I want to know what happened to crew and pilot of that spaceship. As soon as i get info i will let u all know....
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Every civilization in our universe want to have a superior technology.... Be it by stolen or inventing.... America the only nation who steals or copy technology that greys has (just 1percent stolen but that made america superpower).... Most scientist in NASA are not inventors. They copycats.... Now america want to copy aggressive greys (zetans) microchip implant that takes over our body potassium.... And control heart and brain.... The zetans stolen this technology from Humanoids and tall greys.... The humanoids used this technology to control human and force him to invent a new technology (humanoids and greys helping humans).... Zetans very clever. Aggressive greys done many types of test. Like in russia a truck driver was driving.... Suddenly he saw a UFO over his truck.... He panic but kept driving.... Suddenly he felt a mild electricity over his truck. And than UFO went away. The truck driver kept driving in fear. He kept driving all day and suddenly he notice that even its night time the sun still blazing.... He got confused. After few hours he came home. His wife saw him and said where were u from last 1 month? He said are u joking? i was driving whole day and yesterday i kissed u by saying see ya later.... Wife said that was a month ago.... Than suddenly the truck driver fall ill. His skin started falling and his hair fallen and after few days in hospital he died.... Doctor and scientists said he had been exposed to heavy radiation.... That was aggressive greys zetans test. They created a technology that shows us what they want to show.... There was many news in which a human killed his family members and claimed he saw a UFO over head and than he didnt remember anything.... The funny thing zetans did was trying to create a God. Zetans sended fake evil who was trying to rape a women.... Than zetans sended a white rays which saved women. The women said it was God but other people laughed at her (this trick would had worked in ancient days).... The zetans want to take over humans. They even created a fake humanoids which they created by human DNA hybrid.... But our commander Ashtar burst their plan by telling humans not to fall in trap.... There are many good aliens too who got secret of humans success.... They help humans.... Below are the real microchip operation videos. This are zetans microchip implant who want to take over humans....
Alien Microchips Found in Humans - Facts
ALIEN IMPLANTS - abductees have implants removed PART 4 of 4 - YouTube
Alien UFO Abduction horrifying case of Jessie alien implant - YouTube
The question arrived how did planet nibiru was hidden so well? The answer is very simple.... Do earth humans can dark side of the moon? Same way nibiru was hidden behind many planets and kept changing its path as earth rotates.... Hiding behind planet sun was easy. Now suddenly nibiru appeard from behind planet sun.... Its heading towards planet earth.... And guess what? The planet is empty. Nibirians went away in two huge earth size angelic mothership that can carry multi billion nibirians....
Nibiru System In Full Color As Seen By A Passenger On-Board A Commercial Aircraft over Melbourne, Australia May 28.2012 Exclusive | Space
It Is Official : WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru A Rogue Planet Outside Of Neptune And Uranus!! | Space
here suddenly it appeard from behind of sun and people were confused how can there be two planet sun....
here how it hidden behind planet sun....
Here is Nibirian escaping in Angelic mothership. Its size same like earth size....
There is no doubt about nibirians aka annunakis will return as they promised.... i gave all details. NASA lied about planet Nibiru aka brown darf.... But now its NASA confirmed it that Nibiru heading towards earth.... Nibiru is 12th Planet hiden very smartly cloaked.... Its very bright planet and right now its near planet Sun.... World goverment worried Nibiru may smash onto planet Earth.... (astroids hits planet earth every few 1000s of years but nibiru is abandon planet by annunakis).... Its called cleaning process.... Ashtar galactic command hates nibirians aka annunakis and they will do everything to protect planet earth.... However they too worried about earth humans population.... Nibirians are very advanced and next to Alpha draconian in technology.... However Alpha draconians far ahead in strength and power.... Nibirians the one who planted devices on every planet which created Astrology that gives result to humans according to Karma.... Nibirians gave mantras to rishis of india in ancient days.... They the one spread gods around world (a trick but a good intension trick).... Do u know noah was created by Enki? Noah was half human and half animal. Same way Lord ganesha Half elephant and half human. Its a creation of chief engineer who created so many beings. Enlil was against it. In most religion u will see its mentioned every God said they will return to earth and will end evil humans while few good will live.... Almost every religion its mentioned.... My big worry is that nibiru will hit planet earth.... Even our Ashtar galactic command wont be able to do anything because if they create black hole than it might backfire as creating small blackhole not easy and can go wrong.... A blackhole eats a planet and than humanoids use anti blackhole machin to make it dissapear.... Its deadly process.... i hope u have heard russian president speech. He said earth will not end.... Atleast not this year.... you see he knows it will end but not this year.... Its very likely nibiru will hit planet earth. Nibiru was propeld by nibirians. They have technology to change nibiru path.... They drive it. However they parked nibiru such a way that it will hit planet earth.... They want humans to end as humans turned evil. It was mentioned in every religion and the truth is front of our eyes.... Nibiru heading towards planet earth.... And no one can stop it....
BREAKING EVIDENCE! NIBIRU ~ SCIENTIFIC PROOF and, The Death of Honest Astronomers! - YouTube
NASA WARNS BE PREPARED!! Nibiru is coming 2012.. DOOMSDAY! - YouTube
Nibiru Found & Confirmed By CNN Nov 2012 - 30% Probability Of Hitting Earth Nov21 - Dec 21 2012 - YouTube
NASA Mistakenly Confirms Nibiru at NEOWISE Conference [Sept 29] - YouTube
It Is Official : WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru A Rogue Planet Outside Of Neptune And Uranus!! | Pakalert Press
@isro2222; Dude post information you and your team gathered on Japanese UFO crash only in this thread. Meanwhile i will try to search new about other UFO crashes to seek your expert opinion.
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@loveicon i kept trying but no more info on it.... The only info i got is that zetans reticula greys escaped when spaceship smashed on sea near okinawa.... The spaceship was red hot due to failure (looked pink inside sea).... The spaceship been taken to unknown sea base by American navy.... The base they took the spaceship is similar to dulce.... Dulce is the most advanced base human even seen.... Its been shared by tall greys, CIA and american military.... There are many section in it but the deep sections humans not allowed.... That section is frequency testing, hybrid testing, and america been helped by tall greys for making lasor beams that can give america capablity to rule any nation.... Be it nuclear power.... The story repeating. Atlantis empire (americas creator) when got power they attacked world but rama empire made them dissapear.... America and india are natural enemy and not ally.... America is enemy of asia just like atlantis was.... Let me explain. Atlantis empire attacked middle east (ally of rama empire).... Atlantis empire attacked asia (rama empire, gobi army).... america attacked middle east (iraq, afghanistan and want iraq and syria now).... America attacked asia (japan, vietnaam and wanted to war india in 1970s and now want to war china).... Story repeats itself. America will dissapear just like atlantis empire....
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Every goverment (mostly countries who have good relationship with america, russia, france, uk, china, Aus etc etc) knows about nibiru heading towards earth.... Where was nibiru? Well mayans knew it.... Didnt they? When mayans killed humans and offered it god they always look towards planet sun and offer him the blood.... Yes thats where nibiru was.... Nibiru was hidden behind planet Sun just like dark side of moon.... Now suddenly it poped out from behind planet sun.... None can deny. 2015 is the date when planet nibiru will make hell on earth.... NASA and worlds space agencies knows it. They didnt told anything to humans on goverments warning.... They will tell 3 days before nibiru bring hell on earth (if they are good enough)....
BBC BREAKING! NIBIRU EVIDENCE keeps stacking up! - YouTube
What will nibiru bring? It will bring change.... Humans are in 3rd dimension.... Time to upgrade to 4th dimension.... Or parish.... Interview by captain bill (andromedans from andromeda galaxy)....
Nibiru and Events- Answers Of An Alien From Andromeda-96 | Watercooler Topics
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