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UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

Oh brother not one thay owe us so many apologies dont have the time to count all of them but kuwait and uae dose owe use apologeis.
Oh brother not one thay owe us so many apologies dont have the time to count all of them but kuwait and uae dose owe use apologeis.

As i said, its going to get very interesting. UAE has allowed its soil to be used by Marxist terrorists to collect funds and carry out acts of terrorism in Pakistan. We are not blind to these facts.
Pakistan would fall in like it has in-numerous times across history !
Hi every one i am in kuwait a gcc country mejorty of xpats in kuwait is indians kuwait have put a ban on visas for pakistanis for the last 7 or 8 years even thay are not alowing pakistanis to get a family visa about the same time and on the other hand thay havent stop esuing visas for one singal day for Indians this is the attitude of kuwait toward us we dont have to blame UAE Fm for his arogens its our mistake oure uncapibal leaders have put pakistan in that position but good dicision by our parliment for the first and only time.

Kuwait is the worst of all the Arab countries when it comes to treatment of Pakistani's. We need to get out of this whole Islamic Ummah mindset for the time being. The dont consider us equal but their slaves. Kuwait can go suck a lollipop.

2 things possible
1. This is hoax about arabs going nuts on pak
2. Pakistan has send the troops but to maintain stability between shite and sunni groups of pakistan the all out fake threats to show that pakistan is not part of it. which is always true in this case sorry if u mind.

Hoax? Official verified Twitter account, retweet by Foreign ministry account. How exactly this is a hoax? These arabs really need to be taught a lesson in humility, the worst they can do is send our expats back home. It will be very hard, but when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. We must act as a nation, these empty threats by spineless Arab Kingdoms are nothing but empty winds from blow hards. Besides only Nawaz and Zardaris have billion dollar business interests in GCC not average Pakistanis.
One thing I fail to understand how come, Macca and Madina comes under threat from Houthis in Yemmen, which themselves are Muslims. Have they declared any thing against those holy places? Who did? ISIS.

Pakistan would fall in like it has in-numerous times across history !
If upto Nawaz and Zardari et.al sure it would have. But those people are not calling shots this time. Those who actually are knows better. Even if we decide to send our Army it would be reservists, with no actual combat beyond borders of KSA only for defensive purpose.
Pakistan is looking to get an OIL and GAS Pipeline from IRAN and TURKMINISTAN and will build refineries with local and foreign may be Chinese-Japanese-Korean and Western investment. @Penguin @TOPGUN Am I right?
UAE have death wish tho this tyne country have big mouth.
As i said, its going to get very interesting. UAE has allowed its soil to be used by Marxist terrorists to collect funds and carry out acts of terrorism in Pakistan. We are not blind to these facts.
We just need a leader with steel bols to ask them whay thay are suporting baloch terrorest groups and destabalising pakistan and if we put a few navil ships on gawader port and stop uae and kuwaities oil tanker and dont let them sel oil in few days thay will behave themself.
Wake up and smell coffee call for Arab worshipers, anyway sending all expats back will mean that GCC loosing one of big leverage on Pakistan which in long run is not in favor of them, however what they can do is send some laborer back. To p!ss of ummah more, Pakistan should recognize Israel and try to get investment of Jews. :cool:
Wake up and smell coffee call for Arab worshipers, anyway sending all expats back will mean that GCC loosing one of big leverage on Pakistan which in long run is not in favor of them, however what they can do is send some laborer back. To p!ss of ummah more, Pakistan should recognize Israel and try to get investment of Jews. :cool:
Those are two extremes. There are several stages between them. I dont think pakistan will survive this journey.
Wake up and smell coffee call for Arab worshipers, anyway sending all expats back will mean that GCC loosing one of big leverage on Pakistan which in long run is not in favor of them, however what they can do is send some laborer back. To p!ss of ummah more, Pakistan should recognize Israel and try to get investment of Jews. :cool:
ummah my efing *** thay dont even cosider us humans this new genaration of arabs are not even humans .
ummah my efing *** thay dont even cosider us humans this new genaration of arabs are not even humans .
Arabs never considered pakistan as equals. It is you guys who were sending your famed air forces to fight their wars :lol:
Jews are fare batter humans than them religon wis jews are bad but thay are fare better humansbens than them.
Pakistan would fall in like it has in-numerous times across history !

Pakistan refused the US to join Vietnam, Gulf War-1, Afghanistan and Gulf War-2 and we stayed neutral during Iran, Iraq war. Pakistan is no longer a country that can be bullied into war, we will pick our own fights.
Oil supply is not only the threat but also greater funding to so called charities run by saints in pakistan.
SA will try to pump in more money and get battle-hardened jihadis in pak and afghan to fight for them.

But I some what feel whole truth is not coming out. Sharif going against SA is unthinkable(and saying no to tons of money o_O). Pakistan might send military advisers, its home grown terrorists(world renowned,impeccable record :-)) to yemen. Parliament resolution might be smokescreen for public and iran's consumption.

Remember Pakistan played double game with US of A and Iran is not a big deal for them.

With such good Ummah friends why does pakistan need an enemy like india8-).
India is indeed our sole enemy we will have our wengensis .
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