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UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

Remittances up by 15% to $13.3b in 9 months; Arab countries lead with $8.589b
I am so proud and happy today that all of us Pakistanis have one voice and we are standing behind each other on one call no matter which political party or whatever beliefs we have. Its quite apparent on this forum too. God bless Pakistan and all of us Pakistanis. I want to hug every Pakistani member on this forum. Today we stood with heads high and even politicians especially first time in a long time made us proud. Trust me let the insecurity take over these sheikhs and they will run to Pakistan for favors but this time we will not bowing our head but look them in their eyes. love to all of Pakistani brothers and sisters and all the members of parliament no matter what party they are from.
Arabs know very well why Pakistan did what she did. Pakistan is a nuclear power and a growing economy. With all the investments and infrastructure related stuff going on, it doesn't really need GCC as much. Plus, nuclear powers have a status in the globe and they really are the leaders in many things, if you see them. With that, comes responsibility. This decision, proved to the world that Pakistan is a responsible power. Bit powers do make painful decisions so this would be an example of that.

The real reason they need us is that they're attempting to overcome an insurgency. Hardly any army in the world has ever fought insurgencies and even fewer overcome them. The Arab are completely undertrained and inexperienced in this, they are horribly undermanned to fight insurgencies, and I am 100% certain long deployments and loss of lives is something that they will not be able to bear if it is their troops that are on the front lines.

Pakistan's help is needed anyway, but they would love to have our troops in or at the very least, the co-operation of Pakistan in aiding them in their war.

The neutral peace stance gives them two options with regards to Pakistan's position, make peace and go home, or go in and get grilled worse, both which they seem to despise.

I am so proud and happy today that all of us Pakistanis have one voice and we are standing behind each other on one call no matter which political party or whatever beliefs we have. Its quite apparent on this forum too. God bless Pakistan and all of us Pakistanis. I want to hug every Pakistani member on this forum. Today we stood with heads high and even politicians especially first time in a long time made us proud. Trust me let the insecurity take over these sheikhs and they will run to Pakistan for favors but this time we will not bowing our head but look them in their eyes. love to all of Pakistani brothers and sisters and all the members of parliament no matter what party they are from.

Unity. An important message the prophet PBUH and the father of the nation preached.

And here are our 'brothers' willing to kill each other, and then biting and barking at those who wish not to partake.
Lets be clear here despite the stance by the parliament Pakistan will eventually be sending troops to Saudi Arabia
The question is what role will those troops play in the conflict !
Pakistan's political nor military leadership has the guts to stand-up to the sustained pressure from the GULF leaders
Once they start reminding Nawaz Sharif about his investments in Saudi Arabia and Zardari about his investments in Dubai all will eventually fall in line
Pakistan has taken the right decision in the light of our own security situation and interests.
We do not even know what the decision is let alone whether it is in the right direction or otherwise. Are you not baffled with what is there in the resolution? I am. Could it not be clearer? but what to expect from semi-literate thieves of PML(N), PPP, JUI and PTI lawmakers that almost always appear to be in struggle with their hormonal fluctuations.

There is simply no doubt that KSA has helped us, Iran did too but that was before the fanatic Mullah took over Iran. We have hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis in Gulf, sending Pakistan with foreign exchange, and an unrest in Gulf will directly and severely affect Pakistan. Forget about Nawaz's investments in KSA and Zardari's in UAE, just think about the Pakistanis in the Gulf and the support we get from the money they send home. We cant simply wash off our hands with the situation for our own interests are on stake in Gulf.

Is this really a big deal to raise some 2-3 division force solely for the protection/assistance of KSA? I am sure KSA will be more than willing to financially support this force both in terms of hardware, and salaries etc. While KSA does have a formidable Air Force, her Army is small and substantially composed of Yemeni nationals, and with Iran being hellbent on stirring trouble on KSA's borders, KSA's needs for having a substantial presence of a dependable and 'loyal' Army are genuine.
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Lets be clear here despite the stance by the parliament Pakistan will eventually be sending troops to Saudi Arabia
The question is what role will those troops play in the conflict !
Pakistan's political nor military leadership has the guts to stand-up to the sustained pressure from the GULF leaders
Once they start reminding Nawaz Sharif about his investments in Saudi Arabia and Zardari about his investments in Dubai all will eventually fall in line
Thats why the blunt statement from UAE. They know something you don't so lets leave it there.
Hi every one i am in kuwait a gcc country mejorty of xpats in kuwait is indians kuwait have put a ban on visas for pakistanis for the last 7 or 8 years even thay are not alowing pakistanis to get a family visa about the same time and on the other hand thay havent stop esuing visas for one singal day for Indians this is the attitude of kuwait toward us we dont have to blame UAE Fm for his arogens its our mistake oure uncapibal leaders have put pakistan in that position but good dicision by our parliment for the first and only time.
Hi every one i am in kuwait a gcc country mejorty of xpats in kuwait is indians kuwait have put a ban on visas for pakistanis for the last 7 or 8 years even thay are not alowing pakistanis to get a family visa about the same time and on the other hand thay havent stop esuing visas for one singal day for Indians this is the attitude of kuwait toward us we dont have to blame UAE Fm for his arogens its our mistake oure uncapibal leaders have put pakistan in that position but good dicision by our parliment for the first and only time.

Don't worry bro, its about to get interesting. We are not unaware of the discrimination faced by our people in countries who want us to fight their wars. We deployed to Kuwait to help them out, that won't be happening again.
2 things possible
1. This is hoax about arabs going nuts on pak
2. Pakistan has send the troops but to maintain stability between shite and sunni groups of pakistan the all out fake threats to show that pakistan is not part of it. which is always true in this case sorry if u mind.
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