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Featured UAE visa suspension for Pakistan, others due to security concerns: report

And you missed my point while trying to pedal the higher moral ground. I am all up for Pakistan making decisions in her interests. Your country does the same all the time why whine at others?

Clearly you haven't learnt from your past mistakes of fighting other people's battles.
I wish every country stopped giving visas to Pakistan so that workers would stop leaving to benefit other countries economies.
Accept Israel..... Pakistani labor is security threat ??? ... strange. Shutdown Pak airspace and cancel all airline contracts and routes, making billions from Pakistani ....
People here quoting history about Palestinians selling their land for dollars, so Pakistan should stop supporting two states theory and recognize Israel. Even if their forefathers made a mistake (intentionally or unintentionally), the next 3-4 generations have suffered from it, isn't that enough or do you want them to suffer more?
Secondly, if Pakistan stops diplomatically supporting Palestine on issue of illegal occupation, would she hold a moral authority to raise her voice on illegal occupation of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir?
And for economy, it can wait, morality can't; Rome was not built in a day.
As far as interests in GCC especially UAE are concerned, the only thing Pakistan needs is their markets and remittances. Though UAE authorities can't send all Pakistanis back home, they would try to force them to leave. What Pakistan has to do is to wait and watch. If CPEC goes by plan (though a couple of arab states are strongly opposing it) and exports start growing, Pakistan will not be needing them economically anymore.
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La'net on the UAE! And, some unscrupulous folks from Pak laundered illegal money there!!! Haram IN, Haram OUT...

Now is the time for Pak to concentrate 100% on her, and her immediate and natural neighborhoods....
all arabs will die soon after bringing hindus in arab land .our prophet saw clean the arab land and it is going to get filthy
People here quoting history about Palestinians selling their land for dollars, so Pakistan should stop supporting two states theory and recognize Israel. Even if their forefathers made a mistake (intentionally or unintentionally), the next 3-4 generations have suffered from it, isn't that enough or do you want them to suffer more?
Secondly, if Pakistan stops diplomatically supporting Palestine on issue of illegal occupation, would she hold a moral authority to raise her voice on illegal occupation of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir?
And for economy, it can wait, morality can't; Rome was not built in a day.
As far as interests in GCC especially UAE are concerned, the only thing Pakistan needs is their markets and remittances. Though UAE authorities can't send all Pakistanis back home, they would try to force them to leave. What Pakistan has to do is to wait and watch. If CPEC goes by plan (though a couple of arab states are strongly opposing it) and exports start growing, Pakistan will not be needing them economically anymore.

I don't recall anything anything about building Rome being a model of morality. What has morality gotten so far anyway?

Pakistanis insult gulf countries and their citizens and call for alliance with their enemies.
UAE imposes Visa restrictions on Pakistanis.
Pakistanis: Surprised pikachu face

What alliance with 'their enemies'? I can only hope for such a thing, In years to come this will be true. There is no one insulting guflies more than themselves buying vegetables grown on their own occupied land, buying gas from people who've taken over their land, being insulted around the world for being unable to protect themselves. :sarcastic:
What are Pakistan's interests in Palestine. Are they not the same as your interests in Xinjiang? Lol you have an economic relationship with China and an economic relationship with UAE. I guess you chose China over the Ummah.

Ask yourself this: Why do the Arab countries have better relations with the Hindutva regime of Modi than with the Islamic regime of IK?

Like I said, ALL nations should pursue their OWN interests. What benefits them. If you don't care about yourself, nobody else will.
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