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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

73 years is too much time to change policy qaid e azam words were for that day not forever . things change every year here .

Try to read what Quaid said instead of being merely reacting so that UAE has done something else... are you trying to sell yourself by denying the very basic foreign policy of Pakistan and then disrespecting the same like this... I am sorry but that is worst of disappointment I can read on the Forum against Pakistan.
This is the start. Watch what happens in the following months in the middle east especially in regards to Arab Nations and Israel. It'll be funny to watch people on here justify the unjustifiable.
even plestinains are helping and friendly with india did qaid know this ?

You will answer your own deeds in the grave and not the Palestinians. Should I say that I have sinned because the so & so person was wrong too? Where is our moral, support and stand for Muslims. or is it because Palestine are Muslims and Quaid was a man of religion fearing ALLAH and decided to stand on the right side of history? Enough. Your words are disrespectful and insulting in view of what I shared above in regard to Jinnah's stand. Now we will start to deny father of the Nation like this and that is exactly the down slide of moral.
The fact is the Arabs are subservient to US interests, hence why Israel and them making a peace deal makes sense. They are dictatorships where the people are brutally controlled or kept like ducks being fattened for Fois gras. Turkey was under the US sphere of influence too when it normalised it's relations with Israel.

We're trying to break free of that sphere of influence, whatever happens, Israel will work with our enemies as we're not an entity they can control, but wish to control.

What is better for Pakistan is to drop this stupid notion of anything other than diplomatic support for the Palestinian people. We fought two wars for the Arabs and got nothing in return. We need to maintain our moral position though.
Look at what the GCC (Saudis and UAE specifically) have been supporting in the Arab world - they have opposed the 'Arab Spring' movements in various countries and supported dictators like Sisi in Egypt and now Haftar in Libya over a return to democratic government.

The Arab autocrats continue to fear the spread of democratic sentiment in the Arab world, because of the potential of it arising in their own States resulting in a challenge to their fiefdoms.
What has UAE to do with Pakistan-Israel relationship ?

Its not 1947 anymore. Share stupidity of ours to still living in denial and past.

What Pakistan Israel stand has to do anything with UAE has done. Sheer stupidity of those only who doubts and now contradicts the basic of Pakistan stand against Israel. Take some time off.
Israel is capturing Palestinian Land unlawfully and Arabs are giving it the opportunity to usurp more and more what sham peace-loving countries are these? the crooked and cracks becoming friends.
* In 2020 only 1 person was killed by Israel in Gaza and it was a PIJ terrorist who planted a bomb.
* Singapore and Monaco are more dense - yet they are one of the most prosper nations in the world. Chad and Niger have very low density yet they are poorest nations in the world.

What a silly way to justify displacing a native population by foreign settlers.
when will pakistan wake up and follow own interests ? did UAE asked pakistan before recognizing Israel ? keep blindly folowing arabs you pakistanis will loss no one else.
Our interest is ours...and that doesn't mean we sell our soul to the devil or Israel.
I hope paksitan sticks to NO ISRAEL line even to the last Pakistani. F the khaliji traitors...may they return to camel poop and dates
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What has UAE to do with Pakistan-Israel relationship ?

Its not 1947 anymore. Share stupidity of ours to still living in denial and past.
The Eagle was literally pointing out the same thing - that Pakistani policy towards Israel has nothing to do with the UAE.

That said, while Jinnah had a principled (and in my view correct) position on not accepting Israel at that point in history, things have changed so dramatically since then that we should no longer consider that position as set in stone.
On a side note, the coalition against Iran is complete. The US and its allies will launch a proper war against Iran soon I believe.
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