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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

Read Quaid-e-Azam with attention and understand that we never followed anyone in regard to our fundamental stand by not recognizing Israel due to Palestine issue. Also, remember the Quaid that our policies are not influenced by any nation out there but free and independent. Don't distort the facts as such. Pakistan didn't recognize Israel since our independence... please.
73 years is too much time to change policy qaid e azam words were for that day not forever . things change every year here .
sir one should know reality before asking anything . uncountable palestinans suffered killed jailed tortured and displaced but UAE dont give a flying FFFF . so why they care us .did UAE bothered arab league ? no they did not bahrain /oman / qatar are next .we south asians are emotional fools lets admit it .
What relevance does that have to SMQ criticizing the Saudis for not supporting Pakistan over Kashmir?

Should Pakistan not call out its so called allies for not supporting us?

Then you'd be criticizing the PTI government for 'staying silent'.

You're mixing things up and criticizing for no reason.

SMQ's statement was necessary and clear and should be praised.
Why? like if we are serving UAE in this regard or what? Why do people ignore the very basic part of our foreign policy especially in regard to Israel.... ref: 1947.

What has UAE to do with Pakistan-Israel relationship ?

Its not 1947 anymore. Share stupidity of ours to still living in denial and past.

Once Pakistanis realize that the ONLY thing that matters to ALL nations is prosperity and economy, the sooner we'll be out of our current predicament. NO ONE cares about right or wrong, they only care about their own well-being.

Well Done to UAE, Saudi Arabia and the GCC for looking out for their own interests and well-being. I wonder when Pakistan will start doing the same.
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At this point it's less about what the Arabs or anyone outside Pakistan thinks, and more about finding a way to minimize the domestic fallout inside Pakistan from the right wing and others.

Also need to analyze the potential impact of such a decision to catalyze the operations of, and recruitment in, terrorist organizations targeting Pakistan.

The fact is the Arabs are subservient to US interests, hence why Israel and them making a peace deal makes sense. They are dictatorships where the people are brutally controlled or kept like ducks being fattened for Fois gras. Turkey was under the US sphere of influence too when it normalised it's relations with Israel.

We're trying to break free of that sphere of influence, whatever happens, Israel will work with our enemies as we're not an entity they can control, but wish to control.

What is better for Pakistan is to drop this stupid notion of anything other than diplomatic support for the Palestinian people. We fought two wars for the Arabs and got nothing in return. We need to maintain our moral position though.
I’ve been googling and trying to get info about UAE society. Are they an advanced society?

Serious question BTW
Quaid take was more than 70 years back. Outdated. That time he was right. Time to move on.

This was the take by Father of the Nation unlike keyboard geniuses...

Just a few days after partition, Jinnah announced to send a delegation to Cairo under Abdur Rehman Siddiqui to participate in Inter-Parliamentary World Congress on Palestine to be held in last week of August 1947. Furthermore, Zafrullah Khan was sent to represent Pakistan in the United Nations. He attended deliberations of UN Ad Hoc Committee over Palestine and vividly declared Balfour Declaration as illegitimate and clearly rejected partition of Palestine that Pakistan would not accept that unjust plan.[28] David Ben-Gurion—the first prime minister of Israel—made an attempt in May 1948 to establish official diplomatic relations with Pakistan when he sent a telegram to Muhammad Ali Jinnah—the founding father and first governor-general of the Dominion of Pakistan—but received no particular response.[32][33]

And then Father of the Nation said...

On October 12, 1945 Jinnah said

"Every man and woman of the Muslim world will die before Jewry seizes Jerusalem. I hope the Jews will not succeed in their nefarious designs and I wish Britain and America should keep their hand off and then I will see how the Jews conquer Jerusalem. The Jews, over half a million, have already been accommodated in Jerusalem against the wishes of the people. May I know which other country has accommodated them? If domination and exploitation are carried now, there will be no peace and end of wars” [30][31]

— Muhammad Ali Jinnah

So, now people will call Quaid so much short sighted.... despite the fact that take is still valid and to the point.... tomorrow it will be that our two nation policy was wrong and so on and on.
even plestinains are helping and friendly with india did qaid know this ?

Jinnah was a smart man. Had he knew what these Middle Eastern countries have their say on Kashmir issue now, he would had made a pact with Israel long time back.
Gradually most Arab countries are recognizing a state that were consider as cancer in the hearts of arab peninsula. Palestinian are comings a non issue in Arab matters
they have a independent forigen policy and they did not ask here and there to take decesion ... its an irony of pakistan that to take any decesion with regards to forigen policy we first take approval from other countries
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