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UAE government appoints former ISI Chief Pasha as advisor

More to do with the acts of the people following him and the severity of their actions - that is whats making them evil incarnate even though every other sect has its fair share of al extremists ... I do not expect Mr Wahab to ask his followers to carry out violence against others explicitly but from what I have heard and understood - the implied message is the same ... What have you read ? Correct me here , if I am wrongly targeting him :D

No , since the emergence of this terrorism menace , all blame , right or wrong has pointed to Wahhabism ideology imported in the 80's ... Not an evil incarnate literally , but nothing better than it even :)

Thats what I'm saying I've heard them being labelled as the ones who started all of this but I couldn't find anything wrong with their preachings & I've never come across a member of that sect who came across as being violent anymore or anyless than what I've seen the rest of us to be including Shias & even Ahmedis.

And so whenever I've asked for evidence to substantiate any of these assertions that they are (a) out to get the rest of us, (b) they are funding terrorism across the country & the world at large or that they are (c) the bulk of the extremist operating within Pakistan, I don't get anything more than being directed to news excerpts or the opinions of our so called intellectuals, both of which are a poor substitute for evidence.

They might be crazy Old Mullahs but they're not the only ones & I've yet to see a shred of evidence to substantiate their 'organized' or 'ideological' role in terrorism !
Thats what I'm saying I've heard them being labelled as the ones who started all of this but I couldn't find anything wrong with their preachings & I've never come across a member of that sect who came across as being violent anymore or anyless than what I've seen the rest of us to be including Shias & even Ahmedis.

And so whenever I've asked for evidence to substantiate any of these assertions that they are (a) out to get the rest of us, (b) they are funding terrorism across the country & the world at large or that they are (c) the bulk of the extremist operating within Pakistan, I don't get anything more than being directed to news excerpts or the opinions of our so called intellectuals, both of which are a poor substitute for evidence.

They might be crazy Old Mullahs but they're not the only ones & I've yet to see a shred of evidence to substantiate their 'organized' or 'ideological' role in terrorism !

I see , nothing objectionable and questionable in their teachings then ? Actually , its due to the blessings and actions of his followers in the past 10 years resulting in killing in thousands of un-pure Muslims which have made him being labelled as such ... Otherwise , every sect's extremist can do what these guys do , if given the chance , it is just that they haven't had enough opportunities ...

The ideology is the national Islamic interpretation of KSA ... Saudi Arabia spends a lot to spread that ideology around the world - by building mosques and Madarsas since the Afghan war which has resulted in a rise in extremism in Muslims around the world while the House of Saud and other assorted Gulf monarchs remain in bed with the US and call for " Death to US and Israel " ... Yes , opinion is not credible when discussing anything such as ideology since it can be interpreted in thousands of different ways ...

Hmmm that is interesting ... Lets see if I can dig some old articles up then :tup:
I see , nothing objectionable and questionable in their teachings then ? Actually , its due to the blessings and actions of his followers in the past 10 years resulting in killing in thousands of un-pure Muslims which have made him being labelled as such ... Otherwise , every sect's extremist can do what these guys do , if given the chance , it is just that they haven't had enough opportunities ...

The ideology is the national Islamic interpretation of KSA ... Saudi Arabia spends a lot to spread that ideology around the world - by building mosques and Madarsas since the Afghan war which has resulted in a rise in extremism in Muslims around the world while the House of Saud and other assorted Gulf monarchs remain in bed with the US and call for " Death to US and Israel " ... Yes , opinion is not credible when discussing anything such as ideology since it can be interpreted in thousands of different ways ...

Hmmm that is interesting ... Lets see if I can dig some old articles up then :tup:

Dude thats what I'm saying - Wheres the proof for that ?

The Taliban ? They are predominantly Deobandi !

The Al-Qaeeda ? They followed Syed Qutubs version of Islam !

Then whom ?
Then whom ?

The Govt funding that ideology around the world , Armstrong ! It has extremely deep pockets hence more effectiveness and damage than others thanks to the official backing by the KSA - who use it to spread their influence and ensure continued support for their monarchy while they sleep with the Americans ... None of us were even aware of Wahhabism before Afghan war , were we ?

After Allah , we believe in United States of America - King Fahd
The Govt funding that ideology around the world , Armstrong ! It has extremely deep pockets thanks to the official backing by the KSA - who use it to spread their influence and ensure continued support for their monarchy ... None of us were even aware of Wahhabism before Afghan war , were we ?

Secur, I've heard that argument a thousand & one times but I'm still waiting for evidence instead of aspersions !
Secur, I've heard that argument a thousand & one times but I'm still waiting for evidence instead of aspersions !

Alright , what is being propagated by the billions that the House of Saud spends in Muslim countries for Mosques and other Islamic institutions for their influence while they enjoy their lavish and unIslamic lifestyle ? Are you seriously denying the funds received by so called liberators from KSA during the 80's and its effects , Armstrong ?
Alright , what is being propagated by the billions that the House of Saud spends in Muslim countries for Mosques and other Islamic institutions for their influence while they enjoy their lavish and unIslamic lifestyle ? Are you seriously denying the funds received by so called liberators from KSA during the 80's and its effects , Armstrong ?

I can neither affirm nor deny any of that because as far as I'm concerned either side has the tendency of issuing completely unsubstantiated & provocative statements to demonize the other !

What I'm saying is that the fact of the matter is that there are no facts !
What I'm saying is that the fact of the matter is that there are no facts !

Who funded the " Afghan war " in the first place , Armstrong ? According to you , who breeded a whole new lot of intolerants who were ready to make this world uni-polar under the guise of Jihad and playing directly in American hands ?

There are facts , I was going through some links about Wahhabism and its the same as we call it here - everybody's wrong except us thing ...
Who funded the " Afghan war " in the first place , Armstrong ? According to you , who breeded a whole new lot of intolerants who were ready to make this world uni-polar under the guise of Jihad and playing directly in American hands ?

There are facts , I was going through some links about Wahhabism and its the same as we call it here - everybody's wrong except us thing ...

Who funded that & who trained them - Those who sat on this side of the Iron Curtain & yes petrodollars were used because most of the Arab States like most Muslim States have always been American puppets !

As for who did it operationally - We & the Americans !
Who funded that & who trained them - Those who sat on this side of the Iron Curtain & yes petrodollars were used because most of the Arab States like most Muslim States have always been American puppets !

As for who did it operationally - We & the Americans !

I am not denying our own mistakes here ... I was just asking the source of the funding , I know who trained and who executed it ... Well , Wahhabism is the national ideology of KSA and petrodollars have been used to spread it all along around the world - most prominently in the Afghan war ...

No denial !
An agreement b/w Pakistan and UAE to appoint Pasha as advisor to narrow down the mistrust on Balochistan issue that exist between both countries becasue most of the Marri Ferraris who escaped balochistan are living in UAE including the brother of harbeyar Marri and not to forget the in camera session of Parliament in which PASHA himself said UAE is one of the ME country from where funding to rebels are coming.
I am not denying our own mistakes here ... I was just asking the source of the funding , I know who trained and who executed it ... Well , Wahhabism is the national ideology of KSA and petrodollars have been used to spread it all along around the world - most prominently in the Afghan war ...

No denial !

We're back to square One !

(a) I can't understand what is ever so wrong with Wahabism when I look at in an academic sense & I meet real life Wahabis !

(b) They were more than our mistakes - If KSA served any purpose it was that of a glorified bank whereas we were the executors of whatever funding came ! Either we created all of these elements that are biting us in the arse here & now or there is something else to this story that we're missing out on !

I can't understand why these extremism wasn't nearly as rampant in the '90s or even the early '00s if the ideology was to be blamed....puritanical Islam..fine but nothing nearly as extreme as blowing yourself up in a marketplace ! We are missing something & I think that something is the Al-Qaeeda ideology that came in the late '90s & had permeated those areas till the early '00s & duped people into believing that they were on the Right Path.

If this is true than what does KSA or Wahabism has to do with AQ ?
* You met terrorists?
** Nope. They served as investment bankers who didn't know what was the ceiling on bets.
*** Todays terrorists were just growing up then. Think of it as the first crop being harvested now.
**** Wrong again. Brainwashing takes time to take roots. Congrats. Bigotry and extremism is now part of our culture.
***** Everything....

We're back to square One !

(a) I can't understand what is ever so wrong with Wahabism when I look at in an academic sense & I meet * real life Wahabis !

(b) They were more than our mistakes - * If KSA served any purpose it was that of a glorified bank whereas we were the executors of whatever funding came ! Either we created all of these elements that are biting us in the arse here & now or there is something else to this story that we're missing out on !

*** I can't understand why these extremism wasn't nearly as rampant in the '90s or even the early '00s if the ideology was to be blamed....puritanical Islam..fine but nothing nearly as extreme as blowing yourself up in a marketplace ! We are missing something &**** I think that something is the Al-Qaeeda ideology that came in the late '90s & had permeated those areas till the early '00s & duped people into believing that they were on the Right Path.

***** If this is true than what does KSA or Wahabism has to do with AQ ?
* You met terrorists?
** Nope. They served as investment bankers who didn't know what was the ceiling on bets.
*** Todays terrorists were just growing up then. Think of it as the first crop being harvested now.
**** Wrong again. Brainwashing takes time to take roots. Congrats. Bigotry and extremism is now part of our culture.
***** Everything....

Must you be so hurtful ! :cray:

No I didn't meet terrorist otherwise my big mouth & my penchant for saying offensive things about people & their believes would have had me gutted like a goat ! :fie:

Investment Bankers....Brain Washing & the Sort - Yeh Kiyaa haiii ? What do these terms have to do with that one god damn thing that I've been asking for - Evidence ! :hitwall:
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