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UAE government appoints former ISI Chief Pasha as advisor

I farted in 1987 on Peshawar morh in Islamabad. Bring me evidence that I'm guilty. Daffa ho manhoos, all of us elders have been barking for months of what was going down in the 80's, when you were nothing but a figment of imagination, and your parents had just started dating...

Must you be so hurtful ! :cray:

No I didn't meet terrorist otherwise my big mouth & my penchant for saying offensive things about people & their believes would have had me gutted like a goat ! :fie:

Investment Bankers....Brain Washing & the Sort - Yeh Kiyaa haiii ? What do these terms have to do with that one god damn thing that I've been asking for - Evidence ! :hitwall:
Wahhabism is pretty different from what you may refer to extremist militant mindset! Similarly deobandi school of thought is specific to the subcontinent. The extremist militant mindset adheres mostly to the Salfi school of thought who practise takfeer. Most Middles eastern arabs conform to salfi'sim. The terms Wahhabi and Salafi and ahl al-hadith (people of hadith) are often used interchangeably, but Wahhabism has also been called "a particular orientation within Salafism", and an orientation considered ultra-conservative and apolitical. Salafism, on the other hand, has been termed as the hybridation between the teachings of Ibn Abdul-Wahhab and others which have taken place since the 1960s. Wahhabism maybe termed as ultra-conservative as they emphasize relying on Quran and hadith without speculative philosophy so as to not transgress beyond the limits of the early Muslims(aslaaf). Thus they may be called extremists but only in rituals and practices and not militancy. Prominent Saudi salafi scholars denounce suicide bombings and killing of women and children and place strict conditions for takfeer. The militants usually take inspirations from salafi school of thought but extract favorable interpretations to justify their operations.
on topic: retired personnel are respected and placed in high regard in pakistan but usually the new boss likes to have things done his way. He was a general and pleased as he did. Any strategic benefits for Pakistan may only be bonus!
I farted in 1987 on Peshawar morh in Islamabad. Bring me evidence that I'm guilty. Daffa ho manhoos, all of us elders have been barking for months of what was going down in the 80's, when you were nothing but a figment of imagination, and your parents had just started dating...

Kameenaaa ! :rofl:
@Secur : Yeh touuu @Hyperion nei mujheee zaleeel kar diyaaa haiiii buriiii tarhaaan ! :D
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I am sure there he will meet Musharraf's party members. They are in UAE itself I guess. has it any relations with that?
Ok , I take your word for it ...

Then if nothing as Wahhabism exists as per you , why the hell would you want anyone to disprove it ? :azn:

The intolerance towards other sects and religions to the point of heinous violence which is a core-idea of that ideology - proves him wrong , there's no need to bring anything else on for that , the thing which is morally wrong is wrong in itself ... Simple as that ... Since only God can decide anyone's faith so there cant be any authority on determining who's a Muslim or not , hence there's certainly no need for takfiris - which are rampant in Pakistan ...

P.S I remember @salman_108 mentioning with great religious zeal how " Shias do not like what Muslims like " , what exactly is the difference between the two except that they are two different sects ? :azn:

On topic " What exact difficulty are some members facing in understanding the importance of that position and the implications of such a move by a high ranking member of ISI ( actually the highest ) ? "
Prove him wrong throught Quran and Sunnah not your personal bullshit as Muslim I will only listen to what Quran and Sunnah says if he has proved actions of other sects wrong according to Quran and Sunnah than he has done the right thing which every Muslims should stop promoting bullshit come up with something solid and GOD has told us what is right and what is wrong Sir the final judgement will be thier but we can judge here and also stop wrong things
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it is interesting to see that shias blame Saudis of funding terrorism without any proof; but when iran sends in militants in iraq to fight the sunni govt and massacre sunnis to aid US invasion is right; and might I also remind you that it was iran who (supposedly) oppose US and it was the same iran that accepted US puppet govt in iraq just because it was shia; it is iran who is aiding bashar ul asad in massacring sunnis in syria, and iran who is supporting shia terrorism in Pakistan, shias kill Ulemas and Muftis everyday and no one shouts or protests about that, I have saidit before and will say it again: we should treat shias in Pakistan like sunnis are treated in iran: they are not allowed to build mosques in big cities, they are not allowed to call for prayer, they are not allowed to have separate Eid prayers, they are not even allowed to take part in politics and are economically supprssed
it is interesting to see that shias blame Saudis of funding terrorism without any proof; but when iran sends in militants in iraq to fight the sunni govt and massacre sunnis to aid US invasion is right; and might I also remind you that it was iran who (supposedly) oppose US and it was the same iran that accepted US puppet govt in iraq just because it was shia; it is iran who is aiding bashar ul asad in massacring sunnis in syria, and iran who is supporting shia terrorism in Pakistan, shias kill Ulemas and Muftis everyday and no one shouts or protests about that, I have saidit before and will say it again: we should treat shias in Pakistan like sunnis are treated in iran: they are not allowed to build mosques in big cities, they are not allowed to call for prayer, they are not allowed to have separate Eid prayers, they are not even allowed to take part in politics and are economically supprssed

What you said might be true to some extent; Iran has sought to use the Shia population in other countries for its own purposes.

But I also feel that the majority Pakistani Shias do not associate with Iran or its activities. Tehran may have certain importance for them, but Tehran is no Karbala (Iraq) and can never equal its significance for Ahl-e-Tashee.

Plus the secular education that many children in Pakistan are now getting, means Iran is limited to being our geographical neighbour and not some religious centre.

This is why over time, Iran has started to lose what little influence it had earlier.
Can't help it if you don't like it. But that is simply a fact of the matter!

Fact is that recently US nominated Defence Secratry Said....India is behind all terrorist funding, training in Afghanistan to create trouble in Paksitan.......................

And rest to call Gen. Pasha that he is afraid.....its joke of Century.....You Indians will never come out from your jealous and hate......This is Gen. Pasha who said to US eyes to Eyes when he was in his office....."My Boss is My Allah Not America".:pakistan:
What on earth he has to do with health affairs but for intelligence yes he can help them a lot and if they want to form their own or retrain them he give lot of help and advice to them on this

Totally agreed.

UAE GOV: You want to become Intelligence Advisor

Pasha: YES

UAE GOV: The post of health advisor is also vacant. Want that too ?

Pasha: What the heck :meeting: Why not
UAE GOV: You want to become Intelligence Advisor

Pasha: YES

UAE GOV: The post of health advisor is also vacant. Want that too ?

Pasha: What the heck :meeting: Why not

Pasha: But you gotta pay me double!

UAE Govt: No problem, last we checked, we still had money in the Bank; the jobs are yours.

Pasha: That is different from my last job; Thank You Sirs, kindly. I'll start right away.

Prove him wrong throught Quran and Sunnah not your personal bullshit as Muslim I will only listen to what Quran and Sunnah says if he has proved actions of other sects wrong according to Quran and Sunnah

Unless and until you have started to believe that Islam is non-tolerant , violent religion which asks its followers to pursue the path of extremism and violence against those who dont believe their interpretation ( In this case Mr.Wahab ) or the religion itself or even allows declaring other believing Muslims " Infidel " or the issuance of Takfiri fatwas , then Wahhabism itself is wrong , since it endorses all the things mentioned here and before - now ask me proof for that and I shall so comply ...

P.S Cut this crap of him proving other sects wrong , each and every sect can prove other sect wrong on an hour's notice by distorting certain sayings of the Prophet or interpreting it in a different manner - that is the reason that sects exists in the first place ! ( @Armstrong I will have your opinion on this line ) this is nothing new or worthy to be considered ... I asked you a question that since you aren't even ready to admit that " Wahhabism " exists then why are you asking the ideology or the founder to be disproved through any means possible ? :azn: ... May I know that first before continuing further ?
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Unless and until you have started to believe that Islam is non-tolerant , violent religion which asks its followers to pursue the path of extremism and violence against those who dont believe their interpretation ( In this case Mr.Wahab ) or the religion itself or even allows declaring other believing Muslims " Infidel " or the issuance of Takfiri fatwas , then Wahhabism itself is wrong , since it endorses all the things mentioned here and before - now ask me proof for that and I shall so comply ...

P.S Cut this crap of him proving other sects wrong , each and every sect can prove other sect wrong on an hour's notice by distorting certain sayings of the Prophet or interpreting it in a different manner - that is the reason that sects exists in the first place ! ( @Armstrong I will have your opinion on this line ) this is nothing new or worthy to be considered ... I asked you a question that since you aren't even ready to admit that " Wahhabism " exists then why are you asking the ideology or the founder to be disproved through any means possible ? :azn: ... May I know that first before continuing further ?

Not all opinions are equally valid & so I actually have no problem with one approving or disapproving one another as long as its an academic difference instead of one being sorted out on the streets ! Thats where the State comes in for me to do two things :

(a) Inculcate through school curriculum 'Pluralism' that is people have different opinions about the same thing & even if you disagree theres no need to go ape sh*t on them about it - Debate it out through facts & figures instead of emotionally charged rhetoric & never violence.

(b) If you so much as think of being violent - We're going to help you meet your maker sooner than you'd like !
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Unless and until you have started to believe that Islam is non-tolerant , violent religion which asks its followers to pursue the path of extremism and violence against those who dont believe their interpretation ( In this case Mr.Wahab ) or the religion itself or even allows declaring other believing Muslims " Infidel " or the issuance of Takfiri fatwas , then Wahhabism itself is wrong , since it endorses all the things mentioned here and before - now ask me proof for that and I shall so comply ...

P.S Cut this crap of him proving other sects wrong , each and every sect can prove other sect wrong on an hour's notice by distorting certain sayings of the Prophet or interpreting it in a different manner - that is the reason that sects exists in the first place ! ( @Armstrong I will have your opinion on this line ) this is nothing new or worthy to be considered ... I asked you a question that since you aren't even ready to admit that " Wahhabism " exists then why are you asking the ideology or the founder to be disproved through any means possible ? :azn: ... May I know that first before continuing further ?
Sir first read him what he has said than prve him worng according to Quran and sunnah stop talking **** sir you haven't given me one single proof because you don't have any when you have proof than come and talk mr stop talking crap Sir give proof which you are not giving Islam not tolerant towards unislamic and things or bidat Sir we have to stop evils we don't tolerate evils Sir
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... (a) Inculcate through school curriculum 'Pluralism' that is people have different opinions about the same thing & even if you disagree theres no need to go ape sh*t on them about it - Debate it out through facts & figures instead of emotionally charged rhetoric & never violence.

(b) If you so much as think of being violent - We're going to help you meet your maker sooner than you'd like !

Changing the decades old mindset won't be easy, you know.
We don't even have a proper, unified school curriculum. Govt. schools, private ones and the madaaris each follow a dozen different education systems.

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