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UAE government appoints former ISI Chief Pasha as advisor

No your opinion is your local Mullah... who is telling you bad thing about Mr. Muhammad ibn abd Al-Wahab.... you are controlled by the mafia.

I said, it is my experience... generally the people with diarrhea of abdul Wahab, have been cursing prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and his family.

One member of this forum has even written abusive words even on my wall and later deleted.

I personally, have learned about this nonsense... only on this forum and later started to scratch the people and learned about the underlying hate.

Ummmm, it was the Wahhabi-inspired mullahs that insulted the Ahl al-Bayt byt desecrating and destroying their resting places, tombs and graves.

And my local mullah is also a pro-Wahhabi since I live in the UAE btw :lol:
UAE is almost all Pakistani so makes sense to have ISI head working there as well

If Pasha take up a job in UK.. he'll be criticised also.

What does his being Wahabi or non Wahabi got to do with it?

IMO.. it is just propaganda that Pasha belong to some sect. who call others kafir or infidel.

This guy with Trishol as his avatar is clearly off topic.
Read the thread again.... clearly you are not willing ot hear a counter argument....
Why is that you guys are so intolerant and full of hate... can't you see its over flowing?
stop propagating falsehood... Pakistan army zindabad... ISI zindaabad.. .Pasha Zindabad. :pakistan:

I have read the thread from the beginning with such messages against Shi'ite , despite not being one , I am still curious what is the difference between them and Muslims ?

Full of hate ? The Gulf countries have been fuelling the Baluchistan insurgency for a long time ! This has nothing to do with delusional Ummah theories !

Except for Pasha , I agree with both , I still maintain though that such a person who had worked in the highest seat of Intelligence shouldn't have been appointed by other countries because its really sensitive ...
Ummmm, it was the Wahhabi-inspired mullahs that insulted the Ahl al-Bayt byt desecrating and destroying their resting places, tombs and graves.

And my local mullah is also a pro-Wahhabi since I live in the UAE btw :lol:

I failed to understand what are you refering? and which time period are you talking? and what is your source of information? and why you want to believe it? and how does it relate to some imaginary Abdul Wahab ?
This guy with Trishol as his avatar is clearly off topic.

Search what that Trishol means :lol: FYI , its the sign of " Psychology " ... Nothing " unislamic " as you are thinking :rofl: That guy went offtopic after seeing a few members bad mouthing other Muslims and making this a KSA-Iran thing whilst its restricted only to the security and interests of Pakistan ...

does it relate to some imaginary Abdul Wahab ?

Playing dumb , dear ? ... Do all the Islamic holy sites of the Prophet era exist today by any chance ? :azn:

Or something like this happened too ?


The destruction of sites associated with early Islam is an on-going phenomenon that has occurred mainly in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia, particularly around the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The demolition has focused on mosques, burial sites, homes and historical locations associated with the Islamic prophet, Muhammad and many of the founding personalities of early Islamic history.It has been argued that this phenomenon is part of the implementation of state-endorsed Wahhabi religious policy that emphasizes the Oneness of God (Tawhid). This interpretation claims that the demolitions reject the worship of divine proxies to God or practices and habits which they claim may lead to idolatry and polytheistic association (Shirk).
I have read the thread from the beginning with such messages against Shi'ite , despite not being one , I am still curious what is the difference between them and Muslims ?

Full of hate ? The Gulf countries have been fuelling the Baluchistan insurgency for a long time ! This has nothing to do with delusional Ummah theories !

Except for Pasha , I agree with both , I still maintain though that such a person who had worked in the highest seat of Intelligence shouldn't have been appointed by other countries because its really sensitive ...

Iran , India and pro Indians in Pakistan, are running baloch insurgency.. and evidence exist.

Where to find Brahamdagh Bugti.. is known to President of Pakistan..... he can ask his repatriation, if he thinks UAE has any hand.

Whatever, you have no right to label me of any sect. or religion until i accept it.
You are spreading fitna.. and why would you do it free?
Iran , India and pro Indians in Pakistan, are running baloch insurgency.. and evidence exist.

Where to find Brahamdagh Bugti.. is known to President of Pakistan..... he can ask his repatriation, if he thinks UAE has any hand.

Whatever, you have no right to label me of any sect. or religion until i accept it.
You are spreading fitna.. and why would you do it free?

Well on the contrary , they also have the same problem so the chances of them being involved in this are remote , on the other hand the UAE and Oman have a lot to gain by insurgency in the restive province because of Gwadar's strategic importance and may I remind you that once upon a time the Iranians helped us with full monetary and military help to crush the insurgency :)

Yes he can , why isn't he , then ? The funding comes from the Gulf countries , how to stop that ?

I didn't , I was just refuting your claims about the innocence of the person ...
Yeah , everybody is , ai'nt it ? :rofl:
Search what that Trishol means :lol: FYI , its the sign of " Psychology " ... Nothing " unislamic " as you are thinking :rofl: That guy went offtopic after seeing a few members bad mouthing other Muslims and making this a KSA-Iran thing whilst its restricted only to the security and interests of Pakistan ...

Playing dumb , dear ? ... Do all the Islamic holy sites of the Prophet era exist today by any chance ? :azn:

Or something like this happened too ?

Destruction of early Islamic heritage sites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The destruction of sites associated with early Islam is an on-going phenomenon that has occurred mainly in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia, particularly around the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The demolition has focused on mosques, burial sites, homes and historical locations associated with the Islamic prophet, Muhammad and many of the founding personalities of early Islamic history.It has been argued that this phenomenon is part of the implementation of state-endorsed Wahhabi religious policy that emphasizes the Oneness of God (Tawhid). This interpretation claims that the demolitions reject the worship of divine proxies to God or practices and habits which they claim may lead to idolatry and polytheistic association (Shirk).

Wikipedia is not word of God.... what holy sites were destroyed and when? As a fact, grave of prophet is still there and many others... but when did they call you kafir?

Oneness of Allah is fundamental to Islam... this mark a clear line between being believer and non non-believer... and if you read Quran, it is emphasised many times.

There cannot be two gods... or any thing in world can have Godly powers... what is not in Quran is subjective and technically cannot turn any one Kafir or infidle.
Wikipedia is not word of God.... what holy sites were destroyed and when? As a fact, grave of prophet is still there and many others... but when did they call you kafir?

It isn't but since you hell bent on acting dumb and remain in denial mode , check the article and see the comprehensive lists of the holy sites that were destroyed under the guise that people will start Shirk ... By that logic , we should demolish all shrines , mosques and other sites , this is again starting to become the knife's argument that it can be used to kill people too so why not stop its production all together LOL ... Should we demolish the grave of the Prophet next by using that logic that people will start to workship it ? Why not instead use the religious police and try to prevent that ? As far I know , they dont allow anyone to prostrate before Prophet's grace ...

I firmly believe in the Oneness of Allah and know the hereafter punishment of Shirk but what has it got to do with my reverence of other people in Islam ? :azn:

The origins of nearly all of the 20th century's Islamic extremist movements lie in a new Islamic theology and ideology developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in tribal areas of the eastern Arabian Peninsula. The source of this new stream of thought was a Muslim scholar named Muhammad ibn Abd-al Wahhab, hence the name "Wahhabism." Anyone who did not profess to this new ideology was considered outside of the realm of Islam - an apostate, disbeliever or idolater, thus making the shedding of their blood and confiscation of their wealth permitted. In this way, he was able to secure a significant following whose legacy continues in one form or another until today. Gradually from 1920 until today, they were very successful in establishing an "accepted" new ideology in Islam whose essential characteristic is extreme views and interpretations, as contrasted with traditional Sunni Islam. Under this modern ideological extremism, Islam's essential principle of tolerance has been abolished. The Holy Qur'an mentions repeatedly that there is no compulsion in religion and that all people are free to practice any religion they like. Those of the Wahhabi ideology selectively apply verses of the Holy Qur'an to support their ideology, whose basis is to impose its beliefs upon everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.The term "Islamic" is grossly abused by extremists who attribute to the religion all kinds of rulings, which in fact contradict the essence of the religion in spirit and in particulars. Among them is the fatwa that justifies the use of terror tactics such as suicide bombings of civilians and attacks against non-combatants in marketplaces, schools, offices, and places of worship. Similarly they have issued a fatwa legitimizing the use of drug money to finance their campaign, despite the fact that narcotics are strictly forbidden in Islam.

Islamic Radicalism: Its Wahhabi Roots and Current Representation

Makes for an interesting read , now doesn't it ? I have quoted key points from the article by Islamic Council of America , you are free to read the rest ...

One thing more ...

As with the early Salafi's, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab was criticised for disregarding Islamic history, monuments, traditions and the sanctity of Muslim life.[25] His own brother, Sulayman, was particularly critical, claiming he was ill-educated and intolerant, classing Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab's views as fringe and fanatical.[25] Sulayman ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab also suggested his brother was selective with the juristic predecessors, to the point of being ignorantly dismissive towards some and treating others as divinely infallible.His brother Salman Ibn Abd al-Wahhab,and a Chief justice of Mecca,wrote a book in refutation of his brothers' new teachings, called: "The Final Word from the Qur'an, the Hadith, and the Sayings of the Scholars Concerning the School of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab", also known as: "Al-Sawa`iq al-Ilahiyya fi Madhhab al-Wahhabiyya" ("The Divine Thunderbolts Concerning the Wahhabi School"). In "The Refutation of Wahhabism in Arabic Sources, 1745–1932".

Yes , stop evils but do not kill innocents under the guise of it or start destroying temples , shrines and even Prophet's era holy sites ( like your Al Saud friends did in Saudi Arabia ) to neutralize those who do not believe in your extremist and fanatical ideology or are non Muslims as is evidenced by your actions and practices in the Modern world !

You again didn't came up with any proof they don't call others kafirs first and first know what he said than come and talk crap which you have talked in last many posts of yours I want proof Sir I have read his works and all he has done is explained orders of Quran and Sunnah if you can prove him wrong prove him wrong through Quran and Sunah why are you running away Mr come with proof or remain quite
More bloodshed in Bangladesh that left 15 killed today. Terrorist attacks in Karachi, Pakistan left about 40 killed and hundreds wounded. Carnage and destruction is everywhere you look. The neighborhood is predominately Shi’ah. No religion on earth permits such inhuman attacks. Islam is one of the leading religions in condemning such attacks which are most likely executed by hypocrites or Khawarij. The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said: “The believer will continue to be encompassed by the mercy of Allah so long as he does not shed blood that it is forbidden to shed”. With all our differences with the Shi’ah, this doesn’t permit anyone to kill like that discriminately. Muslims must assume responsibility and stop such attacks by reporting these criminals to the law and exposing them. The world needs to know that Islam has nothing to do with such attacks. Muslims are dying, Islam’s reputation is being tarnished and only the enemies of Islam are benefiting. May Allah destroy these hypocrites and khawarij and expose them. The bold part is face book status of Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem who is hardcore Wahabi Mullah
You again didn't came up with any proof

What exactly is it then what I have posted ? Some cheap rhetorical post repeating the same things again and again like you always do , kid ? :azn: Just because you cant refute it , do not ignore and then cry for proof ... We all know who runs from the forum when he's asked to provide links for the alleged Pakistan army's brutality against the tribals which he claims on and on and yet cant provide a single link for that or starts justifying the death of 45000 of his countrymen :lol: ... I can post dozens other articles too mentioning the unIslamic nature of this ideology and what it has been used to do since the Afghan war ( Remember the destruction of Islamic holy sites by KSA earlier ) but I know I will get the same reply ? He explained Quran and Hadith ? Some new thing or it was done 1400 years ago by the four school of thoughts ? Why do you need another person every 200-300 years to rise and provide you with a new interpretation ? :azn:

I thought Facebook and Youtube was haram and forbidden for you guys ? :lol: Do not commit that sin ! :D
What exactly is it then what I have posted ? Some cheap rhetorical post repeating the same things again and again like you always do , kid ? :azn: Just because you cant refute it , do not ignore and then cry for proof ... We all know who runs from the forum when he's asked to provide links for the alleged Pakistan army's brutality against the tribals which he claims on and on and yet cant provide a single link for that or starts justifying the death of 45000 of his countrymen :lol: ... I can post dozens other articles too mentioning the unIslamic nature of this ideology and what it has been used to do since the Afghan war ( Remember the destruction of Islamic holy sites by KSA earlier ) but I know I will get the same reply ? He explained Quran and Hadith ? Some new thing or it was done 1400 years ago by the four school of thoughts ? Why do you need another person every 200-300 years to rise and provide you with a new interpretation ? :azn:

I thought Facebook and Youtube was haram and forbidden for you guys ? :lol: Do not commit that sin ! :D
Sir their is no proof their Sir come up with proof first do you even know what he said or taught have you read his book Kitab ut Tawheed which is the main things which he said Sir those are crap and bias talk and no proof I want proof not ****

What exactly is it then what I have posted ? Some cheap rhetorical post repeating the same things again and again like you always do , kid ? :azn: Just because you cant refute it , do not ignore and then cry for proof ... We all know who runs from the forum when he's asked to provide links for the alleged Pakistan army's brutality against the tribals which he claims on and on and yet cant provide a single link for that or starts justifying the death of 45000 of his countrymen :lol: ... I can post dozens other articles too mentioning the unIslamic nature of this ideology and what it has been used to do since the Afghan war ( Remember the destruction of Islamic holy sites by KSA earlier ) but I know I will get the same reply ? He explained Quran and Hadith ? Some new thing or it was done 1400 years ago by the four school of thoughts ? Why do you need another person every 200-300 years to rise and provide you with a new interpretation ? :azn:

I thought Facebook and Youtube was haram and forbidden for you guys ? :lol: Do not commit that sin ! :D

And this line shows your level of ignorance and lack of knowledge of Islam
is it me or no one here bothered to ask for the source of this news, because last i checked, it was only shared on TerminalX blog, which is run by our very own Zaki Khalid from Lahore. So i would love to see an athentic source before jumping the band wagon.

If this news is true then I think Pakistan ka tou Khuda hi hafiz. Even though he is retired but we should not forget he served at the one of the highest offices of the country (ISI). He should not have been allowed to leave the country for atleast 10 years.

Even in big corporations a clause is added to the contract that the employee on leaving the company will not join their rival for period of time.

Should have begged Malik Riaz to give him some position at Bahria Town for the time being
is it me or no one here bothered to ask for the source of this news, because last i checked, it was only shared on TerminalX blog, which is run by our very own Zaki Khalid from Lahore. So i would love to see an athentic source before jumping the band wagon.

If this news is true then I think Pakistan ka tou Khuda hi hafiz. Even though he is retired but we should not forget he served at the one of the highest offices of the country (ISI). He should not have been allowed to leave the country for atleast 10 years.

Even in big corporations a clause is added to the contract that the employee on leaving the company will not join their rival for period of time.

Should have begged Malik Riaz to give him some position at Bahria Town for the time being

No there was this news few days back on some known newsite as well
@Spring Onion : wierd I can't seem to find any ? may be poor google skills.....
If it is true than he should be held accountable
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