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U.S. to give Pakistan 12 Shadow Drones

^^ LOL Helium balloon and kites will suffice. Nothing less than UCAVs is what we require.
it seems to be SHADOW of drone rather then shadow-drone.
its another toy for paf.PAF alredy have two similar uav to this.what is this gona worth PAF.huh
We should thank the U.S.
Maybe they truly want a long term cooperation..
though their statements suggest something else..
US to give Pakistan unarmed drones' technology: Gates

In a major shift in policy, the US said Thursday it would provide drone technology to Pakistan but only for unarmed aircraft - to
partly meet a demand this country has been making for over a year.

"Pakistan's demand for provision of drone technology has been accepted by the US and we are working together with Pakistan Army in this connection," visiting US Defence Secretary Ribert Gates told a private TV channel here.

"We are considering the provision of planes for intelligence surveillance and unmanned planes to Pakistan. Discussions are under way with the Pakistan military leadership on technical matters in this regard," he added.

Ever since the drone attacks in the restive North and South Waziristan agencies along the border with Afghanistan began in August 2008, targeting the Taliban, Pakistan has been repeatedly demanding that these either stop or Islamabad be given the technology to build and operate the missile firing machines.

President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani have on more than one occasion made the demand but until now the US has been steadfast in its refusal.

On Thursday too, Pakistani Defence Minister Mukhtar Ahmed made the demand during a meeting with Gates, who arrived here Thursday.

This year alone has seen eight missile strikes by US spy planes. More than 700 people have died in close to 80 drone strikes in Pakistan since August 2008.

Mukhtar handed over Pakistan's military wish list to the US, demanding the latest weapons and helicopters to enable effective action against terrorists in the country's tribal areas.

Matters related to Pakistan-US defence relations, the war against terror, regional security, the situation arising out of US drone attacks, the strategic partnership and other matters of mutual interest were discussed during the meeting.

Speaking to Online news agency after the meeting, Mukhtar described it as "very constructive" and said he had told Gates to stop the discriminatory attitude towards Pakistan acquiring civil nuclear technology and that Pakistan should be treated as a strategic partner.

Mukhtar said he had apprised Gates of the negative impacts of the drone attacks in the North and South Waziristan agencies and demanded their immediate end.

According to sources, Gates said that Pakistan was taking serious steps in the war against terror and the US would fulfill Pakistan's defence needs for this effort.

He said Obama Administration is seriously considering Pakistan's demands and the matter of a strategic partnership would be reviewed.

Gates arrived here from New Delhi where he said Wednesday said that the terrorists operating in ****** region could provoke a war on the sub-continent.

US to give Pakistan unarmed drones' technology: Gates- ET Cetera-News By Industry-News-The Economic Times


Finally a confirmation...Congrats though i can see members here are not happy but don't know why can't they see some shift from US pressure tactics...May be strategist on Pak side put their foot down firmly to extract this from Uncle Sam and who knows this is just the start...
^^ Turkey is buying drones from USA and China has somewhat started a drone program but it is still in its infancy
If it's the Shadow drones, then i am not corking the Champagne yet as they look similar to our own Falcos.


Very well said. In fact, the Falco looks much better than this Shadow UAV. This design looks more similar to Uqaab. I'm interested in the specs. This isn't high tech by any means.
Data for RQ-7A/B:

* Length 3.40 m (11 ft 2 in)
* Wingspan 3.89 m (12 ft 9 in) 4.27 m (14 ft)
* Height 0.91 m (3 ft 0 in)
* Weight max: 149 kg (328 lb); empty: 75 kg (165 lb) max: 170 kg (375 lb)
* Speed max: 204 km/h (110 knots); loiter: 130 km/h (70 knots) max: 194 km/h (105 knots); loiter: 111 km/h (60 knots)
* Ceiling 4270 m (14000 ft) 4570 m (15000 ft)
* Range 125 km (67 nm)
* Endurance 5 h 7 h
* Propulsion UEL AR-741 rotary engine; 28.3 kW (38 hp)

Main Sources
[1] Kenneth Munson (ed.): “Jane’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Targets, Issue 15″, Jane’s, 2000
[2] Tom Kaminski: “The Future is Here”, article in Combat Aircraft Vol. 4, No. 6, 2003
[3] AAI Corp. Website
[4] PR Newswire Story, 4 August 2004
[5] “Unmanned Aircraft Systems Roadmap, 2005-2030″, Office of the Secretary of Defense, August 2005
US said Thursday it would provide drone technology to Pakistan but only for unarmed aircraft - to
partly meet a demand this country has been making for over a year.
This sentence alone is a lie from begining to end.
First of all Pakistan has been making demand of this most essential anti terror wepon from last eight years.
If Pakistan had access to UACV many lives of Pak army could have been saved and many terrorists would had been tackeled.
Alas, US had different priorities, eliminating indian TTP was not part of the game.
I still can bet that US is not going to share any technology..... it never had.-
US has destroyed Pak economy and use transit route to Afghanistan valued billions of US dollars.
What does Pak get? other than some bribes to interior and foreign ministry officials!
Now, let's compare it with our Falco:

General characteristics

* Payload: 70 kg (154 lb)
* Length: 5.25 m (17.2 ft)
* Wingspan: 7.2 m (23.6 ft)
* Height: 1.8 m (5.9 ft)
* Max takeoff weight: 420 kg (926 lb)
* Powerplant: 1× Petrol, 65 hp (9 kW)


* Maximum speed: 216 kph (134 mph)
* Service ceiling: 6,500 m (21,325 ft)


* Hardpoints: 2× under-wing with a capacity of 70 kg,


* Communications: Jamming-resistant data-link, real time data transmission, range >200 km

* Mission payloads:
o High resolution cameras: thermal imaging, hyperspectral imaging, colour TV, EO [15]
o Radars: Synthetic aperture radar, maritime surveillance radar
o Targeting: Laser designator
o Others: Electronic support measures equipment, NBC sensors, self-protection equipment (chaff / flare dispensers)

Source: Falco UAV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shadow cannot be compared to Falco. Falco is a much better UAV that has a better airframe and heaps of potential. Comparing the two is an absolute mockery. We should rather concentrate on Falco Evo, which is in development and capable of deploying weapons such as guided missiles and bombs. In the meanwhile, provide our own UAV industry with resources to come up with a UCAV design. China is another option. We need high altitude and long range UCAVs and not some low end cheap UAVs.
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Lolly Pops.
We have our own UAVs we need drones and Apaches. :flame:
whats the point of having these drones?!
they are not armed drones like MQ-1 predator or MQ-9 reaper...
and dont we already have falco to fulfill recon/photo taking role?!
then wats the point of acquiring these now...
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