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U.S. Think Tank says U.S. Air Force can Wipe out Half Attacking Chinese Fighter Jets on Taiwan Strai

The old decommissioned ship didn't have any defence capabilities while carriers are escorted by destroyers that can shoot down ballistic missiles
The ultimate test is an open water test against a target that has remotely controlled countermeasures, not to simulate, but to fully field the attacking missile against real countermeasures.

But to be fair, all testings, whether it is a tire or a car or a missile, are rigged tests. You rig to control variables and you introduce those variables incrementally.

DF-21 tested with just kinetic warhead on a old decommission warship moving at 20+knots
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THis is taken after the old moving warship took a hit by the DF-21D without explosive but kinetic impact only. US intelligence fully observed the whole process but remain silent becos this is a game changer in knocking out USN CVN.
They do not want to US public to panic over their helplessness against DF-21D. CHina will launch multiple DF-21D attacking just one CVN. Even 24 DF-21D combine is still cheaper than a sunk CVN. USN has no way to counter China multi silo DF-21D.

Real time DF-21D has conducted but US intelligent just keeping numb and wish to keep the public silent so that people like BoQ77 still think DF-21D is just fantasy. :lol: China is GOD! Hater may cry.
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What about good old fashion lasers on Nuclear platforms (for eg their carriers)
What about good old fashion lasers on Nuclear platforms (for eg their carriers)
Has it demonstrated knocking out a ballistic missile? Why US wouldn't announce China DF-21D successful test on sea? Why are they not revealing to the public if they really has a silver bullet of laser to counter China DF-21D?

DF-21 tested with just kinetic warhead on a old decommission warship moving at 20+knots
View attachment 266581

THis is taken after the old moving warship took a hit by the DF-21D without explosive but kinetic impact only. US intelligence fully observed the whole process but remain silent becos this is a game changer in knocking out USN CVN.
They do not want to US public to panic over their helplessness against DF-21D. CHina will launch multiple DF-21D attacking just one CVN. Even 24 DF-21D combine is still cheaper than a sunk CVN. USN has no way to counter China multi silo DF-21D.

Real time DF-21D has conducted but US intelligent just keeping numb and wish to keep the public silent so that people like BoQ77 still think DF-21D is just fantasy. :lol: China is GOD! Hater may cry.
View attachment 266583

While still nowhere near an effective demonstration of being an 'anti-carrier' missile It would still be a big step up in demonstrated capability to hit a moving ship at sea vs a stationary ship on land.

That is interesting and rather big news that hasn't seem to have been posted anywhere by anybody in english unless my google-fu is weak...

provide a source and date as well? Don't mind if it's Chinese.:what:

Without one i'm just as likely to label this fantasy, I find it extremely unlikely the mass media either Chinese or American, would miss such an event, and the American media would pick it up from the Chinese one.

Ok I looked at a somewhat respectable China watcher forum that had those pictures floating around, speculation on whether there was a test so i'm skeptical beast can provide a source for it if they don't have one on that forum....

There were no warnings for international shipping or exclusion zones announced so at the very least it wasn't in international waters if it did in fact happen...

Ultimately the burden of proof is on Beast to prove this happened, the mass media would not have missed it, there are reporters that dedicate their careers to China watching, A missile launch into the Ocean would have been picked up by multiple military and non-military entities from multiple countries!

:further edit: also off the top of my head that doesn't look like enough damage for a supposed carrier killer.

That ship displaces around 2000 tons, A supercarrier displaces around 100,000 tons!
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Vietnam economy is tied to China. You have too much to lose. China is vietnam largest trading power while Vietnam is not even China top 10 largest trading power. :D More or less tells you what we can threaten vietnam.

That is why VCP stop all anti-China activities while Vietnam troll online can only post provoking thread to vent their frustration. :D

Yeah, so I said don't think US would attack China in only one direction. There're hundreds way they aim to China.
Including ECONOMIC.
So what do you think TPP is for ?

TPP as Important as Another Aircraft Carrier: US Defense Secretary
US Defense Secretary Ash Carter chimes in on the importance of concluding the TPP.

Yeah we are worried about "what you can threaten us" then we agreed for Trans Pacific Partnership. And it's the very first FTA we signed with American. It estimated that with TPP, Vietnam gain 10% of GDP increase per annum, for 10 years we could double our GDP without dealing anything with China. In the current trading, China earn from Vietnam 25 billion dollars each year. If you want to stop it, it's ok.

I hope after that, VCP continue stop anti-China activities to avoid any riots, because by time there're many more investments from China in Vietnam to prepare for TPP.
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Yeah, so I said don't think US would attack China in only one direction. There're hundreds way they aim to China.
Including ECONOMIC.
So what do you think TPP is for ?

Yeah we are worried about "what you can threaten us" then we agreed for Trans Pacific Partnership. And it's the very first FTA we signed with American. It estimated that with TPP, Vietnam gain 10% of GDP increase per annum, for 10 years we could double our GDP without dealing anything with China. In the current trading, China earn from Vietnam 25 billion dollars each year. If you want to stop it, it's ok.

I hope after that, VCP continue stop anti-China activities to avoid any riots, because by time there're many more investments from China in Vietnam to prepare for TPP.
That is a fat hope! What you are saying is only a fantasy. I can gurantee after a year. Vietnam will import even more product from China and export more to China. The trade volume between China and Vietnam will get even bigger.

Most of the Foreign investment in vietnam are gear towards Vietnam excellent position beside the pearl delta river which is the world manufacturing hub for electronic parts and light industries. Which means China has a excellent supplies chain to support Vietnam assembling of the finishing goods. This is something US or even Europe not able to offer.

China is just like the ammunition for a Vietnam gun. Without ammunition, Vietnam gun is as good as zero :D
Close proximity to China means save transport cost which India, Indonesia or Japan can't compete in these level.
What will be Pakistan's response in a limited skirmish between US and China over say Taiwan /SCS /Senkaku Islands ?
That is a fat hope! What you are saying is only a fantasy. I can gurantee after a year. Vietnam will import even more product from China and export more to China. The trade volume between China and Vietnam will get even bigger.

Most of the Foreign investment in vietnam are gear towards Vietnam excellent position beside the pearl delta river which is the world manufacturing hub for electronic parts and light industries. Which means China has a excellent supplies chain to support Vietnam assembling of the finishing goods. This is something US or even Europe not able to offer.

China is just like the ammunition for a Vietnam gun. Without ammunition, Vietnam gun is as good as zero :D
Close proximity to China means save transport cost which India, Indonesia or Japan can't compete in these level.

It's great if someone like you don't consider that as weapon to threaten us.
But it's quite late.
For example TPP regulated that even China yarn can't be considered as TPP content in fabrication products.
The yarn must be made in TPP participants.

US could launch the attacks from Indian Ocean, Andaman sea... as well.
China govt tried to restrain much in Myanmar bombing incident or promoted the good relation with Thailand because they have good relationship with US, and even let US put military bases in their country. If they worried about attacks by ballistic missiles from China to Australia, they would request Vietnam to let them put some radars in Vietnam.


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US think tank says a lot of things, no need to take it seriously.
WASHINGTON — A U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer sailed near disputed islands China has built up in the South China Sea early Tuesday in the region, a Defense official confirmed on Monday.
The USS Lassen sailed within 12 nautical miles of Subi reef where China has claimed territory, said the official who was not authorized to speak publicly about the movement of a ship. The Lassen moved through the area without incident. The Navy did so to uphold U.S. interest in the freedom to fly, sail and operate anywhere in the world that international law allows, the official said.

Navy destroyer sails near disputed Chinese islands

U.S. Navy destroyer patrols near islands built by China in South China Sea| Reuters

U.S. Navy destroyer patrols near islands built by China in South China Sea

TOKYO/WASHINGTON | By Tim Kelly, Andrea Shalal and David Brunnstrom

USS Lassen (DDG 82), (R) transits in formation with ROKS Sokcho (PCC 778) during exercise Foal Eagle 2015, in waters east of the Korean Peninsula, in this March 12, 2015, handout photo provided by the U.S. Navy.

Reuters/U.S. Navy/Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Martin Wright/Handout via Reuters

The U.S. Navy sent a guided-missile destroyer within 12 nautical miles of artificial islands built by China in the South China Sea on Tuesday, a U.S. defense official said, in a challenge to China's territorial claims in the area.

The official said the USS Lassen was sailing near Subi and Mischief reefs in the Spratly archipelago, features that were submerged at high tide before China began a massive dredging project to turn them into islands in 2014.

"The operation has begun ... It will be complete within a few hours," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The mission would be the start of a series of challenges to China's territorial claims in one of the world's busiest sea lanes, another U.S. defense official said.

The second official earlier said the ship would likely be accompanied by a U.S. Navy P-8A surveillance plane and possibly P-3 surveillance plane, which have been conducting regular surveillance missions in the region.

The patrols represent the most serious U.S. challenge yet to 12-nautical-mile territorial limits China claims around the islands and are certain to anger Beijing, which said last month it would "never allow any country" to violate its territorial waters and airspace in the Spratlys.

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Beijing was trying to verify if the U.S. ship had entered the 12-mile zone.

"If true, we advise the U.S. to think again and before acting, not act blindly or make trouble out of nothing," the Foreign Ministry quoted Wang as saying.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington said the concept of freedom of navigation should not be used as an excuse for muscle flexing and the United States should "refrain from saying or doing anything provocative and act responsibly in maintaining regional peace and stability."

Additional patrols would follow in the coming weeks and could also be conducted around features that Vietnam and the Philippines have built up in the Spratlys, the second U.S. official said.

"This is something that will be a regular occurrence, not a one-off event," said the official. "It's not something that's unique to China."

White House spokesman Josh Earnest referred questions on any specific operations to the Pentagon but said the United States had made clear to China the importance of free flow of commerce in the South China Sea.

"There are billions of dollars of commerce that float through that region of the world," Earnest told a news briefing. "Ensuring that free flow of commerce ... is critical to the global economy," he said.

The patrols were the first within 12 miles of the features since China began building the reefs up at the end of 2013. The United States last went within 12 miles of Chinese-claimed territory in the Spratlys in 2012.

The decision to go ahead follows months of deliberation and risks significantly upsetting already strained ties with China, the world's second-biggest economy, with which U.S. business and economic interests are deeply intertwined.

U.S. Congressman Randy Forbes, chairman of the House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, earlier praised the plan.

"The passage of U.S. vessels within 12 nautical miles of China's man-made features in the South China Sea is a necessary and overdue response to China’s destabilizing behavior in the region," Forbes said.

China claims most of the South China Sea, one of the world's busiest sea lanes, through which more than $5 trillion of world trade passes every year. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims.


Under the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, 12-nautical mile limits cannot be set around man-made islands built on previously submerged reefs.

Washington worries that China has built up the islands with the aim of extending its military reach in the South China Sea. China says they will have mainly civilian uses as well as undefined defense purposes.

The patrols come just weeks ahead of a series of Asia-Pacific summits President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping are expected to attend in the second half of November.

Xi surprised U.S. officials after a meeting with Obama in Washington last month by saying that China had "no intention to militarize" the islands.

Even before that, however, satellite photographs had shown the construction of three military-length airstrips by China in the Spratlys, including one each on Mischief and Subi reefs.

Some U.S. officials have said that the plan for patrols was aimed in part at testing Xi's statement on militarization.

In May, the Chinese navy issued eight warnings to the crew of a U.S. P8-A Poseidon surveillance aircraft that flew near the artificial islands but not within the 12-mile limit, reported CNN, which was aboard the U.S. aircraft.

In 2013, Obama ordered two B-52 bombers to fly through an Air Defense Identification Zone that China established in the East China Sea over territory contested with Japan.

Pentagon officials say the United States regularly conducts freedom-of-navigation operations around the world to challenge excessive maritime claims.

In early September, China sent naval vessels within 12 miles of the Aleutian Islands off Alaska. China said they were there as part of a routine drill following exercises with Russia.

(Reporting by Tim Kelly in Tokyo and Andrea Shalal and David Brunnstrom in Washington; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Editing by Cyntha Osterman, Grant McCool and Dean Yates)
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One U.S. defence official said the USS Lassen sailed within 12 nautical miles of Subi Reef. A second defence official said the mission, which lasted a few hours, also included Mischief Reef and would be the first in a series of freedom-of-navigation exercises aimed at testing China's territorial claims.

China's Foreign Ministry said the "relevant authorities" monitored, followed and warned the USS Lassen as it "illegally" entered waters near islands and reefs in the Spratlys without the Chinese government's permission.

"China will resolutely respond to any country's deliberate provocations. We will continue to closely monitor the relevant seas and airspace, and take all necessary steps in accordance with the need," the ministry said in a statement that gave no details on precisely where the U.S. ship sailed.

"China strongly urges the U.S. side to conscientiously handle China's serious representations, immediately correct its mistake and not take any dangerous or provocative acts that threaten China's sovereignty and security interests," it said.
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