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U.S Presidential Elections

senate will continue bugging obama as they did last time.
Senate is more powerful than president himself.

Senate has a majority of democrats, I think you meant the House.
Nikkei pulled off to the positive zone, financial seems to welcome Obama's reelection....
My I told you so moment :lol: Both are at 49% in popular votes and looks like Obama is crossing 300.

My prediction is that the popular vote will be very close, Romney may even win it but Obama will easily win in electorate votes. He will get way more than 270.
Romney hasn't given up yet. :P
There must be some rural Christian votes that haven't been counted yet!

Another very early prediction. :P Marco Rubio will be 2016 candidate for the republicans.
republinuts are forever done

The minorities are now a huge chunk of the US, women are smarting up, the under 30 crowd hate the reblicans, the under 40 are also pro democrat and worse of all, the republican people are becoming crazier by the year and they will continue to alienate people.
ok thats that..
Obama 290
Romney 203.

If ever ohio gets a recount.
Now obama still wins.

Come on Romney deliver your speech...you were hinging on ohio recount, doesnt matter now.
republinuts are forever done

The minorities are now a huge chunk of the US, women are smarting up, the under 30 crowd hate the reblicans, the under 40 are also pro democrat and worse of all, the republican people are becoming crazier by the year and they will continue to alienate people.
You should be happy. Romney was bad news for Iran.

Unfortunately, Obama is bad news for Pakistan.
Obama won every state he won in 2008 except Indiana and North Carolina.

Really good results for Obama. :D
You should be happy. Romney was bad news for Iran.

Unfortunately, Obama is bad news for Pakistan.

Both Obama and Romney would continue Drone Strikes.

The Era that Republicans would be good for Pakistan and Democrats be bad for Pakistan are over.

Pakistan needs to change its tune or it will become a pariah state.
Hey, am I reading it correctly, Obama would have won even if he lost Ohio and Florida (assuming the final tallies change the result)?
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