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U.S Presidential Elections

Meanwhile in CT U.S senate elections, Linda Mcmahon will concede defeat shortly. 100 mil of her own money down the drains in 2 years.
Have to say that the CNN coverage is the best.
Mit.R is certainly combating the headwind as his home state votes against him, well Obama still gets strong backing from Illinois.

Luck goes to the blue.
Looks like most of the redneck states have finished voting

Obama is going to win by the looks of it.
My prediction is that the popular vote will be very close, Romney may even win it but Obama will easily win in electorate votes. He will get way more than 270.
what a projection mess, did I just see Romney wins in Illinois?
seems like Obama already won

Swing states -

NH - Obama, FL, ohio - Obama leading, IOWA Obama, NV - Latino voters increase from 15 to 18% between 2008 and 2012 - so Obama will most probably win. CO - Obama

NC, VA, WI - Romney leading

Romney need to win atleast 6 swing states but looks like it is not at this time.
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