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U.S Presidential Elections

Obama will win in Ohio.
Early vote in ohio
Romney 154
Obama 153

so close
Now Obama is ahead by 20K in FL.

Romney 154
Obama 153

so close

Dude totals numbers at this point don't mean much. Obama will sweep the west coast, voting is still going on there. Only a few states(6-7) will decide this.
An expensive game, to be sure:

The final ad spending in the presidential contest:

Overall ad spending: $984 million


Sky News: Election day caps $US6 billion spree

This US alection is a joke. May the guy who have the highest amount of money and influence win! Actually its buying the thron, democracy of epicness.

The American system is good at the local level, but the national elections are very much rigged in favor of the two dominant parties. Third party candidates have zero chance of getting the exposure and legitimacy needed to compete at the national level even if they are popular (Ralph Nader, Ross Perot) at the grass roots level.

The electoral votes are the number of Representatives in the House and the Number of Senators in the Senate. Each state has two senators while the number of Reps. are depended on the states population. There are something like 538 electoral votes all together, and it is these votes that count. The popular votes are just a gauge to see as to which side the electoral votes would lean on.

You are mixing up Congress (House + Senate) with the electoral college. They both have similar rationale behind them, but they are not the same.

Can someone pls explain me how the US electoral system works, i mean if Bush din't got popular vote than how he won in an electoral college??

The idea behind the electoral college is to make sure ALL states have some input into the election and their concerns are addressed. If it was just about the popular vote, then candidates would spend all their time in the populous states and nobody would even bother showing up in the other ones, meaning their issues would be ignored.

In an electoral college, the winner-take-all effect is stopped at state boundaries, so candidates need to win a certain number of states (not just votes) to get elected. Essentially, it goes back to the way the US was formed as a federation of states and the concern of smaller states to protect their rights from being swamped by the bigger states. The balance of power between the states v/s the federal government is an ongoing issue.
Now Obama is ahead by 20K in FL.

Dude totals numbers at this point don't mean much. Obama will sweep the west coast, voting is still going on there. Only a few states(6-7) will decide this.

I know.... but no harm in following the election results - I guess you are doing the samething
Obama is winning FL, the remaining southern counties including Miami are traditionally blue.
Tallahassee already counted.

But Miami-date county and 1 more county which CNN mentions as heavily democrat dominated is still pending. In fact, only 40% is counted for Miami. So I feel Obama will win safely by atleast 50,000.
I know.... but no harm in following the election results - I guess you are doing the samething

No I meant although the total numbers show it's very close, it may not be so. Only the swing states matter. Didn't mean to offend you.
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