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U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

Please read the earlier posts in this thread where the issue of generalization and stereotyping has been discussed.

This should be your signature. A disclaimer in every thread you post.
I refuse to face your [rather silly] opinion. It is by no means the truth.

This is your refrain throughout. Since your interest here is not to look at facts objectively, but merely to reinforce your preconceptions, then there is no point in debating anything.

The historical record is there; it will remain inviolate whether you chose to accept it or dismiss it as 'opinion'.
This is your refrain throughout. Since your interest here is not to look at facts objectively, but merely to reinforce your preconceptions, then there is no point in debating anything.

Yeah, facts.....they're a bitch.

Like I wrote, the only difference is that the other fanatics get their agenda implemented through established militaries and their followers wear military uniforms while carrying out their crusade. These fanatics wear expensive suits and promote their hatred carefully couched in analyses and policy papers. The rank-and-file fanatics do their killing in uniform and are, sometimes, dismissed as 'rogue elements'. Other times, they escape all punishment entirely.
It is the Muslims' fault that they don't act concertedly against the devil USA which has already through numerous acts displayed its evil nature. Even on this forum, many Middle Easterners think that the Muslim world is not yet ready to 'stand on its feet' if they declare USA a devil, severe all relations and then prepare for total warfare taking war to mainland USA, with massive mobilization and industrialization, calling up hundreds of millions of active troops, deploying in excess of 600 AIP/nuclear submarines (as examples), in excess of 240 long range bombers, acquiring in excess of 48 bases in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and Central America, Mexico and neighbouring regions.

Muslim world should have already prepared for and declared total war on a scale that the former Soviet Union at its peak multiplied by 4 could never do. This analysis would obviously be strongly rejected by the more well informed as well as the ill informed people alike for a variety of reasons, including misinformation campaigns propagated by Jewish media (including on the Internet) to project an "invincible" image of the USA, personal political ideologies, lack of information about the reality, lack of foresight, knowledge of strategic affairs, and most importantly due to a lack of ability to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Again, the fault lies with the Muslims for not mobilizing by the hundreds of millions against the devil and their associates.
It is the Muslims' fault that they don't act concertedly against the devil USA which has already through numerous acts displayed its evil nature. Even on this forum, many Middle Easterners think that the Muslim world is not yet ready to 'stand on its feet' if they declare USA a devil, severe all relations and then prepare for total warfare taking war to mainland USA, with massive mobilization and industrialization, calling up hundreds of millions of active troops, deploying in excess of 600 AIP/nuclear submarines (as examples), in excess of 240 long range bombers, acquiring in excess of 48 bases in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and Central America, Mexico and neighbouring regions.

What troops? Your so called troops haven't accomplished one thing of significance in modern history.......... (unless you count the Islamic terrorism attacks):devil:

Muslim world should have already prepared for and declared total war on a scale that the former Soviet Union at its peak multiplied by 4 could never do. This analysis would obviously be strongly rejected by the more well informed as well as the ill informed people alike for a variety of reasons, including misinformation campaigns propagated by Jewish media (including on the Internet) to project an "invincible" image of the USA, personal political ideologies, lack of information about the reality, lack of foresight, knowledge of strategic affairs, and most importantly due to a lack of ability to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Again, the fault lies with the Muslims for not mobilizing by the hundreds of millions against the devil and their associates.

Its not for lack of trying......... troops of 6 nations mobilized against the little devil and got their @$$ handed to them........

Stop smoking pot and get real........... :smokin:
We are not doing a wild goose chase here where you keep shifting goalposts and erecting straw-man arguments in a desperate bid to sustain your premise. The issue here is Dooley's course and the promotion of a certain ideology to US soldiers in an official setting.

Where in Dooley's course does he list 'regime change' as a prerequisite for his scenario?
In slide 7, Dooley's model supposed that Islam is 'now' an ideology demanding export and by violent means if necessary. So the phrasing 'regime change' is unnecessary.

Again, the issue here is not AQ's goal, but the role of mainstream Muslims. Drug traffickers have a 'goal' to have the whole world as their client. So what?
Drug traffickers are not agents of states. They are subordinates to states, meaning they are subjects to laws they did not create and must obey. Their disobedience in no way negate their nominal status. They do not claim to speak 'for' the citizens of their countries, as in 'liberating' those citizenry like Al-Qaeda and assorted militant muslim groups are claiming.

It seems that way to you only because you constantly duck the issue, given that it is indefensible.

Weaker opponents always resort to alternative means, especially when they operate outside the law. Once again, drug lords and pirates fit that label and, once again, there is no contingency for the US military to follow suit and start nuking their cities in retaliation.
I did not 'duck' your arguments. I debunked them completely. If anything, your equation of criminals with no overriding political and ideological sense with religious fanatics grant us all the latitude to equate 'militant' Islam with 'moderate' Islam because both shares the same religion.
As this back-and-forth argument rages on ad nauseum, the important point to note is that the training of US military personnel will continue to be as complete and comprehensive as possible. It is simply too important to be let influenced by international whims and political correctness.
As this back-and-forth argument rages on ad nauseum, the important point to note is that the training of US military personnel will continue to be as complete and comprehensive as possible. It is simply too important to be let influenced by international whims and political correctness.

A typical Zen-master post which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.
A typical Zen-master post which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.

You may not be able to see my point, but it is valid: US military personnel training must continue to include preparation for all possible scenarios, including the ones that were originally the topic here.
In slide 7, Dooley's model supposed that Islam is 'now' an ideology demanding export and by violent means if necessary. So the phrasing 'regime change' is unnecessary.

That is your self-serving reading of the text. Lots of things can be exported, drugs included, without official support.

Drug traffickers are not agents of states. They are subordinates to states, meaning they are subjects to laws they did not create and must obey. Their disobedience in no way negate their nominal status. They do not claim to speak 'for' the citizens of their countries, as in 'liberating' those citizenry like Al-Qaeda and assorted militant muslim groups are claiming.

Again, an invalid extrapolation from the flawed, self-serving interpretation above. Your entire 'argument' is circular where you make assumptions a priori to support your conclusions.

I did not 'duck' your arguments. I debunked them completely. If anything, your equation of criminals with no overriding political and ideological sense with religious fanatics grant us all the latitude to equate 'militant' Islam with 'moderate' Islam because both shares the same religion.

Strawman arguments don't debunk anything. They merely highlight the desperation of the debater.

You may not be able to see my point, but it is valid: US military personnel training must continue to include preparation for all possible scenarios, including the ones that were originally the topic here.

Is Dooley's course suspended or continuing?

Is Dooley's course suspended or continuing?

It is suspended pending conclusion of the investigations. This is called "due process" I think, but what do I know? I am only a Zen master. :D
It is suspended pending conclusion of the investigations. This is called "due process" I think


Which makes your post (quoted below) irrelevant in the context of this topic.

As this back-and-forth argument rages on ad nauseum, the important point to note is that the training of US military personnel will continue to be as complete and comprehensive as possible. It is simply too important to be let influenced by international whims and political correctness.

The issue here is not the broader training of US forces (did anyone ever claim all US military colleges had closed down?), but the specific course by Dooley.
The issue here is not the broader training of US forces (did anyone ever claim all US military colleges had closed down?), but the specific course by Dooley.

I can assure you that the concepts contained in Dooley's course will remain in one form or another to be taught, no matter who teaches them. Even his course is only one part of an entire process that prepares for all scenarios, and concentrating on just one course is like counting leaves on one tree while forgetting about the forest. (Oh wait, is that something only a Zen master would say? Oh Gosh Darn! :D )
I can assure you that the concepts contained in Dooley's course will remain in one form or another to be taught, no matter who teaches them. Even his course is only one part of an entire process that prepares for all scenarios, and concentrating on just one course is like counting leaves on one tree while forgetting about the forest.

The 'concepts' being objected to have been ordered removed from all course material. Are you saying the US military is deliberately ignoring and violating a direct order by the CJCS?

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff recently ordered the entire U.S. military to scour its training material to make sure it doesn’t contain similarly hateful material, a process that is still ongoing.

(Oh wait, is that something only a Zen master would say? Oh Gosh Darn! :D )

Only a Zen master who has had a few too many magic mushrooms. Better check the ingredients on that steak sauce, man! ;)
The 'concepts' being objected to have been ordered removed from all course material. Are you saying the US military is deliberately ignoring and violating a direct order by the CJCS?.............

The removal was pending completion of the investigation. Has it been completed? I must have missed the final report if it indeed has been.

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