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U.S. Marines probe video of men urinating on Taliban corpses

By that logic, I shall now refer to all Frenchmen as Hitler.

The word you're looking for is "Frogs".

Gambit have you started going to the Church more often than before? Is that Church situated in the 'South' ? :lol:

From last three four months, you have started to act like a typical insecure evangelical Christian..

Or a fan of Ann Coulter.
This is what happens when a nation does not have nukes to defend itself. At least Pakistan is safe. Iran is next: (And to those who are talking about 9/11, I must say it was a self inflicted wound and Al-Qaida and Taliban were created by CIA)

hey Idiot Gambit or whteva u r,

If this is the heroec act of your soldier (according to you) than why instead of apreciating your govt is investigating it?

Plus if gambit represent the normal american than i must say that americans deserve 9/11 & even worst than tht in future....
I do consider myself a 'normal American' and you are welcome to try to give US another '9/11' or worse. Unlike you, I actually served in a military while you are just another Internet tough guy. So work up the courage to give US another '9/11' and see what happens.
Great. You get a candy for that.
I get more than that.

This is a red-herring argument and diversion from the thread topic but since you asked for honesty I'll respond anyway.

At the most basic level, the video exhibits a bad behavior. A few human beings pissing on some dead human beings. Shocking? very. Does it translates into all human beings exhibiting such bad behavior? Its safe to say no. That includes all subgroups. Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews and the entire US military except these few Marines. All armed forces around the world do good, be it Indian or Pakistani or American so I don't discount your contribution. As for your idea of holding Iranian sailors hostage, to begin with its against international law and more importantly it would be a PR nightmare as one associates such behavior with rouge states. However unfortunate, Iran is within its legal authority to convict someone on its soil.

Now whats odd is that you are perfectly capable of differentiating between US military norms and the bad behavior of these marines, yet you don't apply the same argument with Muslims and Talibans. You can do better.
And where did I say that all muslims are the same as the Taliban? Do you deny that the Taliban came from the muslims? Did I deny that the men in this video came from US? If anything, I could have gone on the usual conspiracy mindedness and say this is the work of some muslims who dressed up like US soldiers. Instead, I gave the video the benefit of the doubt. And can you dispute the argument that the purpose of threads like is to try to portray this behavior as normative of Americans? No, you cannot. The few Americans here have seen these often enough.
This is what happens when a nation does not have nukes to defend itself. At least Pakistan is safe. Iran is next: (And to those who are talking about 9/11, I must say it was a self inflicted wound and Al-Qaida and Taliban were created by CIA)
9/11 conspiracy theory?
what is leading you to this conclusion?

Al Qaida > let's speak about Ben Laden: he was not linked with CIA when he was in Afghanistan/Pakistan during the war against soviets. How it could be that he was linked to USA? I don't understand. You have some link about it? ;)
9/11 conspiracy theory?
what is leading you to this conclusion?

Al Qaida > let's speak about Ben Laden: he was not linked with CIA when he was in Afghanistan/Pakistan during the war against soviets. How it could be that he was linked to USA? I don't understand. You have some link about it? ;)

Yes, unlike you, I am not a pathological liar, so what ever I say has got links and tonnes of data behind it.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Who is Osama Bin Laden?


CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July | World news | The Guardian

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Yes, unlike you, I am not a pathological liar, so what ever I say has got links and tonnes of data behind it.
As usual from you , you take tons of data that is not matching your stupid theories.
I wonder what you call patriotic: giving a so bad picture of hatred of your country is not helping your country.
The Afghan jihad was backed with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
everyone knows that. Nothing to do with Al Qaida.
He received security training from the CIA itself, according to Middle Eastern analyst Hazhir Teimourian.
what are sources of Hazhir Teimourian i don't know... anyway at that time Al Qaida didn't exist and ISI and USA were helping the resistance against soviets.
After the Soviet withdrawal, the "Arab Afghans", as Bin Laden's faction came to be called, turned their fire against the US and its allies in the Middle East.
It seems you didn' read the article . big lol.
CBC News Indepth: Osama bin Laden
you should read the sources and articles before posting it.
Strangely , no such exact word on French newspaper LeFigaro. I wonder this newspaper invented a French article.
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Long live the Taliban?

Would you say the same about the TTP or is just because they're fighting US?

Go on the streets of britian and say that buddy.

TTP are foriegn backed terrorists and the Afghan resistance has many times distanced itself from them.

Yes long live the Taliban, I support right of anyone to defend their land from invading terrorist scum.

As for saying it on the streets of Britain, I have many times argued with people in public that the Afghans including the Taliban have a right to defend themselves against occupation and will continue to do so.

What I find sad is people like you and other westerners find it hard to condemn these sick actions of the American soldiers. Many westerners are not like you. Most are against this occupation.
Not cool, but a small matter of indiscipline, its not like the pee killed those terrorists, nothing that the US authorities can not handle. I've seen videos of soldiers lining up taliban and then shooting them dead, while chatting casually in Punjabi, obviosly a standard operating procedure.

Whats important is that the talibunnies are dead, who cares what talib lovers think?
TTP are foriegn backed terrorists and the Afghan resistance has many times distanced itself from them.

Yes long live the Taliban, I support right of anyone to defend their land from invading terrorist scum.

Good Taliban , Bad Taliban , eh ?
as far as the Soviet invasion goes all the CIA did was fund and supply weapons,send agents to check progress.Training was done by the ISI,brainwashing by Saudi's.Nobody ever thought that what the Saudi Wahabbi nutcases would do would lead to problems for Pak Intel and Army.
The behavior depicted in the video does not represent or define the U.S. Armed Forces, and is not acceptable to us. ISAF and the US military strongly condemn the actions depicted in the video, which appear to have been conducted by a small group of U.S. individuals, who apparently are no longer serving in Afghanistan. This disrespectful act is inexplicable and not in keeping with the high moral standards we expect of coalition forces. Nevertheless, this behavior dishonors the sacrifices and core values of every service member representing the fifty nations of the coalition. Therefore, a United States Criminal Investigatory agency has launched an investigation. It will be thorough and any individuals with confirmed involvement will be held fully accountable.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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