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U.S. Jet Shoots Down Turkish Drone Over Syria

Nobody accused you of cowardice, I don't know you, I don't care about you. Shut the **** up with your ad hominems
I will drop you a message when I buy the ticket to go to Sarajevo via Istanbul. You will have a chance to shut me up , won't you? If you don't answer, I will post a video of myself here and inform this forum that you are a little girl
I will drop you a message when I buy the ticket to go to Sarajevo via Istanbul. You will have a chance to shut me up , won't you? If you don't answer, I will post a video of myself here and inform this forum that you are a little girl
Mehmed Bey,yeter. You're pushing it too much. This is becoming cyber-bullying and threats. Sus,he didn't say anything illogical or weird.
Before people want to act full retard should undestand this is what Americans want, if we shoot down a American drone it will be a reason for them. A drone is shot down it can be replaced, next step should be TSK joining the operations not hittiing only with airstrike but with missiles like Khan or TRLG pinpoint hitting targets so we do not kill civilians. They will use it against us, we have now all the reason to strike so do not screwed up.
Will we tell the Americans, please kindly do not shoot our planes? pretty please with sugar on top?
Before people want to act full retard should undestand this is what Americans want, if we shoot down a American drone it will be a reason for them. A drone is shot down it can be replaced, next step should be TSK joining the operations not hittiing only with airstrike but with missiles like Khan or TRLG pinpoint hitting targets so we do not kill civilians. They will use it against us, we have now all the reason to strike so do not screwed up.

Why would US piss off a largest Nato member and keep them from befriending Russia.
The incident did not interfer with Turkiye's ongoing operation. The bombing continues.
Are we bombing the Americans?

Americans shot down the drone, how is bombing PKK a response to America?
Will we tell the Americans, please kindly do not shoot our planes? pretty please with sugar on top?

No, should contineu to strike and it is going on. It will not go to that what you are thinking, but if you think and act like that then we will lose it. If you want a full war with America let me now it.
As I have said, as of now there has been 19 air strikes in the area. Why listen to this crypto Armenian? This coward was talking a big talk at **********, then he was scared shirtless when I offered him ti " visit " him. I usually do not use profanities but this guy is a coward and a liar
You forget , Americans are famously known for shooting on their own ally’s. Or friendlies Many incidents have happened over the years with the Americans, shooting killing British troops , to Pakistanis troops. This will be just another incident by the US
When Americans killed Pakistani soldiers in Salala they got a befitting reply in Afghanistan. Cia bases were reduced to ashes. 313 Badri. Even Salala wasn’t just an accident or random event. It was planned beforehand cuz Americans wanted to invade Pakistani tribal areas. They didn’t cuz they got befitting reply and more threats. Officially maybe the response was soft but behind the scenes the retaliation was harsh.
No, that is not how things are done in the field.

Despite the ongoing US-Turkish disagreement and rivalries in Northern Syria, there's a continuous exchange of information between the two militaries which is not surprising at all. Even Russia and the US are informing each other on a regular basis before carrying out extensive air force operations. This is a well-known modus vivendi.

However, there's no mechanism implemented between the Turkish Intelligence Agency MIT and the American Military which is quite normal due to the secretive nature of state-owned secret services.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the situation either but I cannot blame exclusively the US for this incident unless I get access to the MIT data and radio communication between the drone and the US Air Force.

I believe that the government made the right decision by not retaliating haphazardly.
Reminds me a bit of this:

At around 11 a.m. on 27 February 2020, a pair of Russian Sukhoi Su-34s accompanied by two Syrian Su-22 fighter bombers initiated a series intensive of bombing raids on Hayat Tahrir al-Sham forces in the southern countryside of Syria's Idlib province. As per Russian sources, following 1 p.m., Turkish troops launched over 15 attacks using MANPADS against the Russian and Syrian jets. There were reports of certain Russian aircraft allegedly sustaining damage while evading the barrage of fire.[5]

At around 5 p.m., a convoy consisting of a 400-man Turkish mechanized infantry battalion came under attack by an airstrike while traveling on the road between al-Bara and Balyun, about five kilometers north of Kafr Nabl. The convoy was first halted by a light airstrike carried out by a Su-22 aircraft. Subsequently, a second bombing forced 80 Turkish soldiers from the 65th Mechanised Infantry Brigade to seek shelter in nearby buildings.[11] According to Al-Monitor, it is suspected that the Russian jets dropped KAB-1500L bombs, resulting in the collapse of two buildings and trapping several soldiers under the debris.

What is Turkey even doing in Nato? Their interests are totally misaligned.

Back in the day, the Evil Russian Commy Empire was expanding, including southward seeking a warm water port.

That's when the USA offered a WWII shattered world a surprising deal called the Bretton Woods Agreement. Rather than ruling over most of the world in an American Military Empire as many thought it would, instead the USA offered something else - Free Trade and Globalization. The USA would pay for its military to ensure anyone could freely buy, sell, and transport to anywhere in the world. In safety guaranteed by the US navy. (And paid for by the USA!) This was hitherto unheard of.

All the free world needed to do in return was to line up shoulder to shoulder with the USA and indeed IN FRONT of the USA in militarily confronting the Soviet Juggernaut. Thus, NATO was born. Turkey joined NATO in 1951/52. It still considers NATO worth being part of till today.
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No, should contineu to strike and it is going on. It will not go to that what you are thinking, but if you think and act like that then we will lose it. If you want a full war with America let me now it.
by staying silent we're normalizing it, like it's okay to shoot down our planes. It's just normal, happens everyday no biggie
There's no way in hell Americans didn't know this wasnt a Turkish plane, it's abundantly clear in the radar signature, speed, size everything, they've been observing ANKA-S drones for years. They easily knew what model drone they shot down.

the silence from the governement is very damning.
Man,they know almost everything that goes around that area. Satellites,AWACs,surveillance,radars,their own sources. They even have F-16s patrolling.
This statement makes it even more embarrassing imo. So Americans knew the drone wasn’t threatening it in any way but still shot it down just cuz it was in their restricted zone. This is America sending a message that in its areas it only rules and does what it wants. Even if pkk in their restricted zone only Americans can do something. That’s the message being given.

Before people want to act full retard should undestand this is what Americans want, if we shoot down an American drone it will be a reason for them. A drone is shot down it can be replaced, next step should be TSK joining the operations not hittiing only with airstrike but with missiles like Khan or TRLG pinpoint hitting targets so we do not kill civilians. They will use it against us, we have now all the reason to strike so do not screwed up.
Iranians shot down American drones before and shot missiles at America army and cia bases. Not much happened.
Turkiye should invoke NATO's article 5

Technically, Turkiye can claim that Syria has shot down the UCAV and get NATO involved against Syria.

YPG and PKK can be eliminated as part of NATO's operation against Syria.

It will be interesting to watch Greeks dying while fighting the YPG and PKK in Syria to protect Turkiye.
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