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Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

WASHINGTON – The Iranian-backed government of Shi’ite Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is experiencing increasing opposition from what sources say are efforts by Sunni Saudi Arabia and Turkey to overthrow him and install a more favorable Sunni government, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Sources said that other Sunni regional countries of Jordan and Qatar also are involved.

Their efforts are aimed at diminishing the increasing influence that Shi’ite Iran is acquiring in the Arab countries as shown in Shi’ite majority Bahrain, its close alliance with Shi’ite Alawite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and now with the Shi’ite minority in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia where much of the country’s oil production takes place.

In effect, Iran, which has historical roots in the area, has sought to maintain its hold on a region that encompasses the Middle East to Central Asia.

Iraq has become the latest proxy war that has been simmering for some time between Shi’ite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia. Other areas where Shi’ite-Sunni proxy wars have been ongoing have been in Bahrain, Syria and Yemen.

It began when al-Maliki sought to have the former Iraqi Vice President, Tareq al-Hashemi, arrested last year for allegedly having run a death squad. He fled the country to Turkey and began a movement to seek al-Maliki’s overthrow.

Turkey also is involved, having sought to draw closer to the Kurds in northern Iraq who are at odds with the al-Maliki government over oil policy issues. The Kurds also happen to be Sunnis.

The Turks, however, have ulterior motives for drawing closer in the north. It is where large deposits of oil are located under Kurdish control.

As a result, Iraqi legislators who support al-Maliki have accused Turkey of working with various groups to “wreak havoc” inside Iraq.

A senior Iraqi legislator, Shakir al-Daraji, said that he had “secret information” suggesting that Turkish Prime Minster Recep Tayyup Erdogan was working with tribal leaders from Iraq’s al-Anbar province – a Sunni stronghold – to “direct Iraq’s current crisis in Turkey’s interest.”

Erdogan also has sought to establish a base in the north to allow his forces to chase Kurdish terrorists of the Kurdish Workers Party before they could launch continued raids in Turkey, which has a large Kurdish minority. Erdogan also opposes al-Maliki’s support of Syria, and has sought to get him to halt that support. Al-Maliki, however, is under continued pressure from Iran to continue that backing.

Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories about critical developments around the globe with Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.

U.S.-installed Iraq government in danger?
well the goals of GCC and America were identical in Syria, both want Assad to go for one reason or the another but Iraq will be a different play ground. The government is not only democratically elected but also enjoys full support of US and the coalitions. In 21 century some cavemen are still ardent on settling 7th century feuds.. pathetic and shameful as it can get on both sides. Iran enjoy influence because it has the culture and heritage but since religion has taken a center stage in Iranian politics, its is in a non-stop downward spiral socially and economically. Iran would be much better off by declaring itself as secular republic!
Al-Maliki is a tough not nut to crack; to through him out one Muqtada Al-Sadr keeps the trump card in his hand. It is of full reckoning that Al-Sadr cannot move even an inch without Iran’s instruction. One should wait till the fall of Al-Assad then only the haze over murky Iraq would get clear.
damn, trolling is being taken to new level.

Don't worry who ever is replacing Maliki; he's going to be a shia as well :). Do you really think that over 20 million shias in Iraq are going to stand back and watch going back to the old times again?, no thanks.

Um, lets see. over 80% of Iraqs Arab population are shia. 90% of Iraq's oil is in the shia areas. Baghdad is a shia majority and controlled by shia. 80% of the army is shia.... hmm, I guess the writer messed up with the article.

BTW, I wonder who installed the kings of the gulf. hmm...
damn, trolling is being taken to new level.

Don't worry who ever is replacing Maliki; he's going to be a shia as well :). Do you really think that over 20 million shias in Iraq are going to stand back and watch going back to the old times again?, no thanks.

Um, lets see. over 80% of Iraqs Arab population are shia. 90% of Iraq's oil is in the shia areas. Baghdad is a shia majority and controlled by shia. 80% of the army is shia.... hmm, I guess the writer messed up with the article.

BTW, I wonder who installed the kings of the gulf. hmm...

it will be a meddle eastern style. The change will take place by force. not far from the syrian pattern.
Well it's not going to be long until the change reaches the gulf states. But wait!! Didn't the same "middle eastern" change sweep through iraq back in 2006? Iraq had no army at the time and they couldn't take the government out, they ended up crying and coming in with gifts in order to be forgiven. Il tell you as a i heard from witness that your fighters left their wive's and ran away. Lol

Syria is 10% allawites and your "middle eastern changed" couldn't even take on them for two years. Although many Sunnis support Bashar it is still a great embarrassment to thought it would be a matter of days. Just yesterday I read that the FSA is crying for help after they lost many battles in Aleppo.

The gulf states should worry about their own protests. Bahrain has had continuous peaceful protests for two years and the government wasn't able to stop them. Even in Saudi Arabia there is almost weekly protests against the corrupt government.

The ambitions of your gay king has been a big failure, everyone expected days, but these days are turning into years. your like are truly the most retarded people on earth. if you expect this change in iraq then you must be a fool.

The Iraqis will take a few hours to stick a bullet in every mercenaries *** that comes into Iraq from the gulf.

Now I present to you with some of your people that have attempted "middle eastern change" in Iraq before.

shia and sunni plus sect more **** will be only reason we will be further divided and invaded by non believers, Islam will be hated all around world even in Muslim youth will too, as they already started show potential symptoms of such matter. Good lets be goons and played at hands of Islam haters because, all labels of shia and sunni is just to justify your materialistic love and lust for wealth, status ****
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