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U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

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Says the Armchair General, Threatening forum users on account of his Neutral wrath and might.



Ha Ha is that why JUD is banned by UN ? Is that why Pakistan raided JUD and LET camps ?

God I must be better than I thought.

Lets get back to the topic on how Pakistan

Is Going to finance the war ?
Close down LET ?
Have enough Fuel for a 30 day war ?

As I said before,

May I remind you again, we are NOT the offensive force here. We will be defending our territory from an evil enemy. We have ample amounts of resources to defend our country and even with limited resources.
Ha Ha is that why JUD is banned by UN ? Is that why Pakistan raided JUD and LET camps ?

God I must be more pathetic than I thought.


Right on!

As for The UN. How many times do we have to go over this? UN also approved the Invasion of Iraq on account of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Did you forget about that? Or how about linking Al-qaeda and Osama Bin Laden to the 9/11 Attacks? Lol.

Seriously, Give it up.
Right on!

As for The UN. How many times do we have to go over this? UN also approved the Invasion of Iraq on account of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Did you forget about that? Or how about linking Al-qaeda and Osama Bin Laden to the 9/11 Attacks? Lol.

Seriously, Give it up.

Give up what ?

That LET is a terrorist organisation ?
That LET and JUD harm Pakistan as much as they harm the world ?
That the only Pakistani people who support them live safely outside Pakistan and are more bothered about their education than Pakistan ?

Yes, and Canada also shares the largest border with the United States. But surprisingly, In the past, they've had great foreign relations with Communist Cuba while United States was worrying about the Cuban Missile Crisis..

What about iraq,iran,sudan,afghanistan ect.......does canada pursue a independent policy with these countries?

Point? Who gives a **** about the Canadian foreign policy? They're famous for their educational standards. Not their foreign policy and diplomacy.

You where known for your welfare state-democracy-multiculturalism but now its your foreign policy.
What about iraq,iran,sudan,afghanistan ect.......does canada pursue a independent policy with these countries?

You where known for your welfare state-democracy-multiculturalism but now its your foreign policy.

Ah Correction dumbas$. I said NOT The foreign policy. They aren't known for that. Still known for Education-multiculturalism-healthcare etc.

and WHAT about Iraq, and Iran? Canadian Forces are only fighting in Afghanistan. And they're pulling their troops out in 2009/10. Lol!
That JUD harm Pakistan as much as they harm the world ?

I found the LeT being banned during mushy's rule hard to swallow but you cant start doing military ops yourself without GoP approval.
The LeT had to answer to a small amount of people, while the govt has to answer to all the people and there concerns.

The JUD ,unless it is proven that they where involved in the mumbai attacks directly should not be banned.
I have seen all the good work they did after the earthquake and still carried on doing until now.
I found the LeT being banned during mushy's rule hard to swallow but you cant start doing military ops yourself without GoP approval.
The LeT had to answer to a small amount of people, while the govt has to answer to all the people and there concerns.

The JUD ,unless it is proven that they where involved in the mumbai attacks directly should not be banned.
I have seen all the good work they did after the earthquake and still carried on doing until now.

Good work in certain place cannot be confused with terror.

The World cannot afford it any longer.

I am happy if they do a good job but a leopard does not change its spots.

Ah Correction dumbas$. I said NOT The foreign policy. They aren't known for that. Still known for Education-multiculturalism-healthcare etc.

and WHAT about Iraq, and Iran? Canadian Forces are only fighting in Afghanistan. And they're pulling their troops out in 2009/10. Lol!

in 2010 !

So Ur quite happy to live and feed of them till then.

Why not have a decent education in Pakistan ?

in 2010 !

So Ur quite happy to live and feed of them till then.

Why not have a decent education in Pakistan ?


Do you resort to personal attacks every time someone gives you a reality check on the hollow and baseless statements you come up with?

I bet you do! For now, before making any other claims about certain nations and their policies, try researching a little bit about them and their basis for certain actions. Would definitely help to groom your ridiculous knowledge.
Do you resort to personal attacks every time someone gives you a reality check on the hollow and baseless statements you come up with?

I bet you do! For now, before making any other claims about certain nations and their policies, try researching a little bit about them and their basis for certain actions. Would definitely help to groom your ridiculous knowledge.

Atleast I am happy with the education I got in a public school in UK and it allows me enough sense to understand that war is stupid and that LET is a terror organisation fostered in Pakistan. I did not have to go to canada to get it.

Ah Correction dumbas$.!

Bro....did i insult you in any of my question/replies?

I said NOT The foreign policy. They aren't known for that. Still known for Education-multiculturalism-healthcare etc.!

Thats where you wrong.......you where known for the above but now that has all changed.

WHAT about Iraq, and Iran? Canadian Forces are only fighting in Afghanistan. And they're pulling their troops out in 2009/10. Lol!

I asked if the canadian govt was pursuing an independent policy with countries i listed or following the US.

Lets get a few quotes from your PM to see how neutral canada is.

"Harper defended Israel's "right to defend itself" and described its military campaign in Lebanon as a "measured" response, arguing that Hezbollah's release of kidnapped IDF soldiers would be the key to ending the conflict."

Totally forgot to mention the thousands kidnapped by the zionist regimes and languishing in prison/torture camps.
Seems that your country is following the US.

"Harper laid the blame for the civilian deaths on both sides at the feet of Hezbollah. "Hezbollah's objective is violence," Harper asserted, "Hezbollah believes that through violence it can create, it can bring about the destruction of Israel. Violence will not bring about the destruction of Israel."

In December 2008, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations presented Stephen Harper, and his government as a whole, with its inaugural International Leadership Award for his support for Israel. Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-chairman of the conference, stated that the award was given to express the group's appreciation for Canada's "courageous stands" to boycott the Durban II anti-racism conference. He also praised Canada's "support for Israel and its efforts at the U.N. against incitement and ... the delegitimization of Israel, where they have taken a role in the forefront."

Objectives of the United Nations "Durban II" conference.
The Review Conference has the following objective:

1. To review progress and implementation by all stakeholders of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. Through an inclusive, transparent and collaborative process the Review Conference will assess contemporary manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, while identifying concrete counter measures to eliminate these manifestations of intolerance.

2. To assess the existing Durban follow-up mechanisms and their effectiveness, as well as other relevant United Nations mechanisms dealing with the issue of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

3. To promote the universal ratification and implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and proper consideration of the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;

4. To identify and share good practices in the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

On January 23, 2008 the Canadian government announced they would not participate in Durban Review Conference.
On November 19, 2008 the Israeli government announced it had taken a final decision to boycott the United Nations "Durban II" conference.
Other countries have also threatened to boycott the conference, these include the United States, Britain, the Netherlands and France. The UN's commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, urged all countries considering a boycott to reconsider.
Yes you live in UK safe and sound. Whats your take on the Drone strikes ?


UK isn't exactly crime free, the same ugly realities evident in Pakistan are evident in the UK, that I can tell you from my own eyes so get off your high chair.

My take on the drone strikes is that it is a very complex situation which requires a very complex answer but I guess I'll try to simplify it. The drone strikes are not targeting Pakistani army positions, they are targeting suspected militant strongholds, with help from Pakistani intelligence because don't forget we are fighting RAW/CIA sponsored infiltrated agents from Afghanistan. The US wants to blow some steam and we are directing it towards people that are also engaging Pakistani troops. The Taliban resistance in Afghanistan mainly is not approving of actions against Pakistan military and in effect they are not being targeted as they are in Afghanistan. This is why there are repeated drone strikes, otherwise by now you would be hearing Pakistani shells in Kabul if the drone strikes were targetting Pakistan military. The fact that civilians are dying point to the fact that these strikes are flawed in nature and counterproductive, and it is also a sign of weakness from ISAF. I can say that sooner or later you will see drones beginning to drop from the sky, as slowly our insurgency dies off.
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agreed, but they have to oobey the orders no matter what..

it were british commanders who wanted them to kill civilians.

If you where a soldier under the command of an american would you follow orders through and shoot at a group of pakistani civilians?
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If you where a soldier under the command of an american,would you follow orders through a shoot at a group of pakistani civilians?

Dabong, Later when i replied to your post, i confused it with the idiot, Neutral. Blew it out of proportion. My bad!
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