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U.S. Effort to Help India Build Up Navy Hits Snag

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Setbacks for New Delhi’s first homemade aircraft carrier slow efforts to face China on high seas

NEW DELHI—When top American naval engineers recently inspected India’s first locally made aircraft carrier they expected to find a near battle-ready ship set to help counter China’s growing sway in the Indian Ocean.

Instead, they discovered the carrier wouldn’t be operational for up to a decade and other shortcomings: no small missile system to defend itself, a limited ability to launch sorties and no defined strategy for how to use the ship in combat. The findings alarmed U.S. officials hoping to enlist India as a bulwark against China, people close to the meeting said.

“China’s navy will be the biggest in the world soon, and they’re definitely eyeing the Indian Ocean with ports planned in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh,” said retired Admiral Arun Prakash, the former commander of India’s navy. “The Indian navy is concerned about this.”

The February carrier inspection, in the port of Kochi, formed part of U.S. plans to share aircraft carrier technology with India. Indian naval officials followed up with a tour of an American shipbuilding yard in Virginia and strategy briefings at the Pentagon in September, the people close to the meetings said.

The U.S. and India are drawing closer politically and militarily. The two have participated in joint naval exercises with Japan. The U.S. has agreed to sell New Delhi everything from attack helicopters to artillery. Washington has approved proposals by Lockheed Martin and Boeing Co. to make advanced jet fighters in India. And in August, the two countries signed a military logistics-sharing accord.

The emerging relationship has reshaped Asia’s geopolitical terrain, riling China, which has issued diplomatic complaints over the joint exercises, and sometimes sidelining Russia, long India’s largest supplier of military hardware.

Both Indian and American officials say they hope cooperation will grow under President-elect Donald Trump, who has signaled a tougher approach toward China. After the U.S. election, the American Ambassador to India said the ties forged with India under President Barack Obama were “irreversible.”

The centerpiece of the military cooperation are the aircraft carriers.

“Of all the U.S.’s efforts to cooperate with India’s military, the aircraft carrier project is the one with the biggest potential payout and could make the biggest difference to the regional balance of power,” said Ashley Tellis of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a former U.S. adviser in New Delhi.

But U.S. concerns are growing about India’s military strategy. Experts worry New Delhi’s insistence on building complex military gear largely from scratch, a legacy of its period of nonalignment, has led to severe delays in modernizing its carriers, jet fighters and nuclear submarines and limited its ability to fight.

A Indian Defense Ministry spokesman declined to comment beyond saying that its aircraft carriers were “still under progress.” A Navy spokesman declined to comment. Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar recently reiterated a commitment to indigenous manufacturing, citing concerns that foreign supply of arms and ammunition could be cut off in a time of war. “I think self-dependence is very important,” he said.

China, meanwhile, is rapidly expanding its military forces. It launched its first aircraft carrier in 2012 and is building two more. Chinese state-owned companies have invested in strategic ports circling the Indian Ocean in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Pakistan, that have resupplied its naval vessels. And China is now building its first overseas military outpost in Djibouti.

Chinese officials have rejected assertions that they are pursuing military objectives in the Indian Ocean, saying submarines resupplying in Sri Lanka were heading to the Gulf of Aden on antipiracy missions.

India, for its part, pledged funding last year for a new port in Iran where India’s own ships could potentially resupply for Indian Ocean missions. And it is seeking to match China’s naval force by adding two Indian-built carriers to the Russian one it now operates.

The first homemade Indian carrier, the INS Vikrant, has fallen short of expectations. An Indian state audit, released in July, found serious faults in its design and construction, from gear boxes to jet launching systems and air conditioning units.

The shipyard building the carrier, which has already cost $3 billion, “had no previous experience of warship construction” and is five years behind schedule, the audit said. India’s military sticks by its 2018 deadline.

Other experts said the ship’s hull was built before the navy had decided on some of the weapons systems, likely hampering its eventual performance. India’s homemade Tejas jet fighters, which are slated to fly from the Vikrant alongside squadrons of Russian jets, are also struggling to take off and land with an adequate payload on a simulated flight deck where they are being tested, people familiar with its testing said.

The upshot, these experts say: the carrier’s defensive flaws make it unlikely to able to operate in important theaters like the Persian Gulf or off the eastern coast of Africa, outside of the protective range of India’s land-based air force.

Still, the U.S. Navy plans to step up cooperation, pinning its hopes on India’s second homemade carrier, which promises to be far larger and contain more advanced technology. While carriers are losing their relevancy with the proliferation of cheap antiship missiles and advanced attack submarines, they are still likely to remain at the core of most major navies for some decades.

Write to Daniel Stacey at daniel.stacey@wsj.com
OK if that's the case US ready to sell retiring Nimitz Class to Indian Navy?

And more over our defence budget is midget compared to China and US Chinese spending closer to 150-200 billion on defence while we spend only 40 billion. In which 60-80% used for maintaining defence forces

Sure India won't tell strategy on using these carriers. If missiles not installed to defend we have plans for these charted out for years now. . . It's so lame to say that they are disappointed it's likely mark of WSJ with their so called official they have. US is well aware of advantages and disadvantages of Indian Armed forces.

This article looks like a good idea to pull in India into a arms race above our ambition. Our ambition is not to control the world but to defend our territory waters and defend our interest in SCS. It will take another 2 decades for China to have advantages over India in Indian Ocean (if at all) as fleet they can throw at us won't survive our first wave of defence before entering Malaca Strait / Andaman Nicobar Islands chain defence.And we'll they will have large numbers of CG and Southern Western Fleets of Indian Navy to break in case of war. . .

So stop this Bullshit and help India with nuclear subs and carriers and radar, communications technologies.

Finally India have great experience in dealing with carriers for decades now. China is just starting. With surrounded by enemies in SCS their carrier won't survive in their region itself. F35 s of Japan will easily breach Chinese naval defence
constructive critical anyalsis is a good thing.

IT IDENTIFYS WEAKNESSESS & SHORTCOMING so you can rectify In peace time.

Better to learn mistakes now RATHER than in next WAR

as for VIKRANT being not ready lets wait and see until its ready 2018
Once Indian is out of DRDO's bureaucratic BS, they will able to make something real.
Ah. Now I get it the main concern is with delay due to India's unwillingness to allow other countries to take part in the construction of AC which US wants part of hence the critique. They want to cut down on delay and also implement own system such as Phalanx which was in running I believe for CIWS.
NEW DELHI—When top American naval engineers recently inspected India’s first locally made aircraft carrier they expected to find a near battle-ready ship set to help counter China’s growing sway in the Indian Ocean.

Instead, they discovered the carrier wouldn’t be operational for up to a decade and other shortcomings: no small missile system to defend itself, a limited ability to launch sorties and no defined strategy for how to use the ship in combat. The findings alarmed U.S. officials hoping to enlist India as a bulwark against China, people close to the meeting said.

“China’s navy will be the biggest in the world soon, and they’re definitely eyeing the Indian Ocean with ports planned in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh,” said retired Admiral Arun Prakash, the former commander of India’s navy. “The Indian navy is concerned about this.”

The February carrier inspection, in the port of Kochi, formed part of U.S. plans to share aircraft carrier technology with India. Indian naval officials followed up with a tour of an American shipbuilding yard in Virginia and strategy briefings at the Pentagon in September, the people close to the meetings said.

The U.S. and India are drawing closer politically and militarily. The two have participated in joint naval exercises with Japan. The U.S. has agreed to sell New Delhi everything from attack helicopters to artillery. Washington has approved proposals by Lockheed Martinand Boeing Co. to make advanced jet fighters in India. And in August, the two countries signed a military logistics-sharing accord.

the carrier wouldn’t be operational for up to a decade

What carrier is he talking about, Vikrant 2 should be operational next year.
the carrier wouldn’t be operational for up to a decade

What carrier is he talking about, Vikrant 2 should be operational next year.

We are not seeking consultation from US on Vikrant, this article seems to be talking about the upcoming Vishal, which will take a decade from planning to commission.
the carrier wouldn’t be operational for up to a decade

What carrier is he talking about, Vikrant 2 should be operational next year.

Figure it out ...

India’s first locally made aircraft carrier they expected to find a near battle-ready ship
Complete BS.
INS Vicky will hit the sea in 2018 and commission in the last quart of that year.

Here are the rebuttals:
1)It has no SR-SAMs: They are not needed as the 64+ highly advanced Barak-8 can engage threat between 0.5km to 90km.It also has AK-630Ms.
A committee headed by Rear Admiral SR Karve has already rejected the need to put Barak-1 on-board as they would be unnecessary as the Barak-8 is sufficient.

2)Limited sortie rate: A STOBAR carrier naturally has lower sortie launch rate than a CATOBAR carrier but as we do not carry as many as Aircrafts as an USN we can make do easily with lower rates.

3)Vikrant will achieve FOC within 12-18 months of commissioning in 2018.Can do it much faster In emergency.
Russia has delivered 42/45 ordered MiG-29K

4)Navy has already chucked the junk CAG report in the dustbin as it was based on 2011-12 situ and not on present situ.
as per US standers yeah but as per desi style can be operate or lets say its operational
America has protected India several times. This is a continuation of said policy and as such similar to the Presler Amendment for Pakistan. The only difference is because of Pakistani muteness and lack of adamant and agressive foreign policy this is being said in public. India is now being publicly accepted rather than before when indian and american links were kept clandestine.
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