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U.S. Deploying Jets Around Asia to Keep China Surrounded

Really? Enough of your BS against India in every single thread in PDF; it's time to reveal your real flags Mr. False Flagger.

Good! Start with my city, it's a big one....here are the coordinates: 22.5697° N, 88.3697° E. :D

Dude he should just stop his b.s period but this guy has no brain to understand that non of them do they think they are British empire in the 19th century the waves belongs to them and them alone all the Nazi b.s the world bled and dead for.
And looks like you didn't actually read anything I read.

I said China is not threatening anyone, including America. It has not made any aggresive moves or indicates it wants military hegemony, its military activities are normal for a country of its size.

I said its Japan and South Korean governments which are claiming China is threatening them. Also its America telling other asian countries that China is threatening them and telling them they need help from America. China has done nothing, its all them and not China which is making the moves.

I didn't write any BS on how China is an anti american, anti imperialist champion. YOU are the one writing the BS on how China is threatening other countries. YOU are writing the BS snd hoping it sticks. I said China DOES NOT want confrontation with America or other asian countries and only wants positive relations as reflected by its media, which reports positively on other countries like south Korea. Its Japanese and Americans who WANT confrontation with China and report negatively on China in their media. The recent flareup over the islands was started by Japan nationalizing them, there was an agreement to keep the issue under the table but Japan brought it up again.

I said South Korea and Japan perceive China as a threat because of nationalism and racism in those countries. China's identity is built on inclusion of multiple ethnic groups. Being a Korean citizen is only about ethnic Koreans, Japan supressed the identity of the Ainu and Okinawans and portrayed itself as purely ethnic Japanese.

Non mainstream minority Japaese and South Koreans actually don't perceive China as a threat, like Okinawans and Jeju islanders since they aren't infected by ultranationalism and the Okinawans have suffered at the hands of both the Japanese government and Americans in the past while they had friendly relations with China.

The Okinawans view both America and the mainland Japanese government as hyping up BS on China threatening them in order to get American military bases on their island. In other words, the mainland Japanese and Americans are the bullies in their eyes. The mainland Japanese don't suffer from the base, the Okinawans do. There are no bases in mainland Japan. The Japanese oppressed and nearly wiped out Okinawan language and culture and treated them like crap during World War 2. The Americans proceded to do the same which is why they don't follow both the Japanese and American BS.


WikiLeaks: Okinawa’s Pro-China, Anti-U.S. Bent - Japan Real Time - WSJ


In Okinawa talk of break from Japan turns serious

Same with Jeju islanders and mainland south Koreans. Mainland South Koreans pushed the base on the Jeju islanders.

Island’s Naval Base Stirs Opposition in South Korea

South Korean Police Detain Island Activists Opposed to Base

Former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohammed, who has no grudge against China unlike ultranationalist Koreans or Japanese, has noted that China is not militarily threatening other countries and its America which is lying to other asians and telling them China is a threat.

All throughout this speech Mahathir emphasized that China isn't threatening other countries, but on the contrary that its a positive force and a potential economic partner for its neighbors. Read the entire speech and interviews.

Koleksi Arkib Ucapan Ketua Eksekutif

Mahathir Mohamad

Archives | The Star Online.

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Wrong. Many of those Koreans worked in South Korea and after the treatment they received at the hands of their "brothers", they returned to China with negative images of South Korea instead of staying there.

(News Focus) Ethnic Koreans from China grow resentful over discrimination in homeland | YONHAP NEWS

Chinese-Koreans feel discrimination in South Korea | Asian Correspondent

Journalist Defends Chinese-Koreans, Netizens React Negatively - koreaBANG

Ethnic Koreans face mass deportation - Asia - Al Jazeera English

And as for "Muslims", the only separatists are a minority of Uyghurs. There are no Hui, Salar, Dongxiang, or Bonan separatists. The government of Ningxia even encourages wearing the veil and the halal industry and lets local Imams have alot of influence.

Faith flourishes in an arid wasteland | South China Morning Post

You can go to Beijing, Ningxia, Gansu, Xunhua anytime and go to the mosques and ask the Muslims how they feel. The Uyghur and Tibetan separatism dates to the 1930s, before Communist rule because of separatist ideology brought by outsiders like Pan Turkic Jadidism from central asia and Soviet influence. The original Uyghur separatists who founded the First East Turkestan Republic were Pan Turkic Jadidists in 1933, and they were crushed and defeated by Hui Muslims at Kashgar in 1934 because of their Turkic supremacist ideology. The next Uyghur separatist uprising in 1944 in the Ili Rebellion was Soviet backed. The Soviet communist party member Ehmetjan Qasim set up the Second East Turkestan Republic with Soviet aid. Hui Muslims fought against them again. The Tibetans tried invading Qinghai in 1932 in the Sino-Tibetan War but they were beaten back by Hui Muslims.

China also dropped war reparations from Japan after relations were restored in 1972, and didn't ask for apologies after the first time they were made. However, Japanese politicians like Ishihara and Hashimoto decided not only to flamebait China, but South Korea as well by claiming comfort women were prostitutes, that Japan didn't commit atrocities in World War 2, referring to foreigners with racial slurs and Ishihara set off the recent flare up over the islands. They made these remarks on their own WITHOUT any provocation from China THEY keep claiming China is a threat and making insulting comments and talking about aggression.

After Japanese politicians makes these flamebait remarks and then visit Yasukuni shrine, then people start accusing China of looking to the past and dragging up WW2 when its the Japanese politicians who are doing it.

Its Japan which is provoking China, not China provoking Japan. Japan and America want to make their citizens see China as a threat and force military bases on the Okinawans (not on the mainland Japanese) when China wants normal relations.

All of this American military buildup doesn't affect ordinary Japanese. It only negatively affects the Okinawans who were victims of both the mainland Japanese and Americans.
Yaya just solve the problem through peaceful means like i don't know the UN maybe instead of this undisputed claims b.s
That solution is acceptable where there are no people but it is not a good solution where people are living because they dont want to join the Chinese union and will feel betrayed if they are given away.

I do believe there are some people there want to join China side too.

Referendum is a good solution. People who want to follow India, go to the India side and vice versa.
I do believe there are some people there want to join China side too.
Referendum is a good solution. People who want to follow India, go to the India side and vice versa.

Ya i agree on that but due to China's policies in Tibet most people in ArunachalPradesh are not willing to join China. There has to be a shift in China's Tibet policy for people of the region to consider the options of joining China.

People of Arunachal Pradesh have their own government they have their own rights and make their own laws with so much freedom that they currently enjoy a vote on joining India or China will be hugely in India's favor.

Chinese leaders also know these facts. However people of these states also feel that the central government should do much better in terms of providing infrastructure.

It is a complicated issue and how people react in that part of the region depends heavily on China's policies in Tibet and how China approaches the Dalai Lama.

So much said India and China should quickly solve the dispute with some out of the box solutions.
And looks like you didn't actually read anything I read.

I said China is not threatening anyone, including America. It has not made any aggresive moves or indicates it wants military hegemony, its military activities are normal for a country of its size.

I said its Japan and South Korean governments which are claiming China is threatening them. Also its America telling other asian countries that China is threatening them and telling them they need help from America. China has done nothing, its all them and not China which is making the moves.

I didn't write any BS on how China is an anti american, anti imperialist champion. YOU are the one writing the BS on how China is threatening other countries. YOU are writing the BS snd hoping it sticks. I said China DOES NOT want confrontation with America or other asian countries and only wants positive relations as reflected by its media, which reports positively on other countries like south Korea. Its Japanese and Americans who WANT confrontation with China and report negatively on China in their media. The recent flareup over the islands was started by Japan nationalizing them, there was an agreement to keep the issue under the table but Japan brought it up again.

I said South Korea and Japan perceive China as a threat because of nationalism and racism in those countries. China's identity is built on inclusion of multiple ethnic groups. Being a Korean citizen is only about ethnic Koreans, Japan supressed the identity of the Ainu and Okinawans and portrayed itself as purely ethnic Japanese.

In fact, China often pees its pants every time it confronted US+Japan or US+S.Korea, but China often bullies ASEAN countries around South china sea. See map of China's claim in SCS...
In fact, China often pees its pants every time it confronted US+Japan or US+S.Korea, but China often bullies ASEAN countries around South china sea. See map of China's claim in SCS...

China doesn't have any disputes with South Korea except for half of Baitou mountain which is located on the North Korean border. The rock in the middle of the Yellow Sea is not claimed by China as its territory, China just said Korea should not build an outpost on it because its not in their EEZ.

Japan has not even attempted to enforce its claim over Liancourt Rocks or the Kuriles or send any ships there at all, they must be massive cowards according to your logic.

China does not claim the entire sea as its territorial waters. That is a lie circulated by Vietnam, Philippines and America. China never said that the dashed lines indicate its maritime boundaries. It claims the islands as its territories, not the water.
Hahaha look at the map that 10 dash claim encircles and who's lying please you chekwa imperials are so full of it

@Hu Songshan

Just a few days after his ban gets lifted, he starts the racial slurs again.
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China map 1904.


The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has invited bids for 9 lots within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.


It's action of Chinese sea pirates.
Uncle Sam is scared. Obviously he knows time is on China's side.
Ya i agree on that but due to China's policies in Tibet most people in ArunachalPradesh are not willing to join China. There has to be a shift in China's Tibet policy for people of the region to consider the options of joining China.

People of Arunachal Pradesh have their own government they have their own rights and make their own laws with so much freedom that they currently enjoy a vote on joining India or China will be hugely in India's favor.

Chinese leaders also know these facts. However people of these states also feel that the central government should do much better in terms of providing infrastructure.

It is a complicated issue and how people react in that part of the region depends heavily on China's policies in Tibet and how China approaches the Dalai Lama.

So much said India and China should quickly solve the dispute with some out of the box solutions.

Well, actually it just as simple as dividing the land into two, and make referendum who want to go to China side and India side. That's it.

But I do believe this people will hugely shock when they started to join China side, then asked to worshiping Mao Zedong statue and singing communist song. :omghaha:

What a joke!

China is ideologically so confusing! :china:
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