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U.S. denies Turkey’s request for combat UAVs

Turkey should look towards developing there own UAV's.

Turkey will have to come to the logical conclusion that it does not matter how western Turkey might strive to become it will always be the odd one out.

Turkeys future lies to the east. If it wants real progress and be a regional superpower.
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Heron UAV can carry roughly 600lb payload, can't Turkiye integrate them with a2g capability

im actually surprised that US would deny another NATO country this capability; but then again, it seems that US is ''wary'' about the current Turkish govt. Either that, or the israeli lobby is (as usual) hard at work to deny progress to those who he/she views as a threat.

The Turkish military has enjoyed professional relationship with several armed forces, including that with israil. Seems that even the military relationship may be seeing tensions and some kind of mutually shared mistrust. I could be wrong.

in all honesty, Turkiye should be producing its own armed drones....i believe we did sign a MoU in the last couple years or so regarding joint R&D and production of armed unmanned aircrafts though of course these things take time to materialize
Lets check pure facts:

* In 1915 there were 1.2 million Amerinains in Anatolya. Now few thousands remained.
* In 1948 there were 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine. Now there are over 5 millions.

Yet you cry that Israel is established on blood and commits genocide, while Turkey is wonderful.

There is mutually beneficial cooperation between two countries. What size have to do with it? Denmark where u live is also very little country compare to Turkey. What you are doing there? :lol:

Anyways, have fun with your new friends (Iran, Syria, Sudan).

Armenians came to Turkey in order to migrate further to Europe, which they did... mainly France, Belgium, etc.
If today there are less than 1.2 Armenians in Turkey... it does not imply those were killed.
In previous post you called US-PKK connection an unsubstituted rumor and here you did not do justice by setting off one... without solid argument.
How in the world did this thread turn into the AG discussion...hahahaha. I can open a thread if you guys are interested because it sounds like there are many uninformed Pakistanis.

If I may make a suggestion.....do not allow your strong Islamic brotherhood blind you to the realities of this screwed up world we live in.

On Topic:
Turkey should have expanded its aerospace technology light years ago instead taking the easy way out by just buying military hardware while staying reliant key on outside tech. The new fighter program is a good start. Look what Iran has done under sanctions.
Indeed. I am sure Turkey will be happy to buy super great Iranian UAV "Karar" instead of Reaper.

Well the idea would be to design and manufacture you own aircraft. Turkey is talking about building it own "Indigenious" advance fighter however they will still depend on other nations advanced technology (so much for that indigenous claim).....they also still can't get their simple trainer aircraft off the ground for what the last five years now? I think they gave up on that.

Better stick to Karar if you ask me if thats the choice left.
Well the idea would be to design and manufacture you own aircraft. Turkey is talking about building it own "Indigenious" advance fighter however they will still depend on other nations advanced technology (so much for that indigenous claim).....they also still can't get their simple trainer aircraft off the ground for what the last five years now? I think they gave up on that.

Better stick to Karar if you ask me if thats the choice left.

Are you suggest Iran is ahead of Turkey with that suicidal cruise missile with a bomb on it ? When you produce something like the ANKA then we can talk. Or when you produce modern stealth ships like the Milgem. Having Indigenious capability means little to nothing when the stuff you produce isn't up to the modern technologies already in service. Turkey doesn't produce arms for the sake of doing it we make sure they are actually capable for our needs rather then procurement from other countries.
Well the idea would be to design and manufacture you own aircraft. Turkey is talking about building it own "Indigenious" advance fighter however they will still depend on other nations advanced technology (so much for that indigenous claim).....they also still can't get their simple trainer aircraft off the ground for what the last five years now? I think they gave up on that.

Better stick to Karar if you ask me if thats the choice left.

it takes time mi amigo..of course we are not a country like poor armenia that only cares about so called genocide..being self-reliant on defense industry takes time and we have done well so far.;)
Well the idea would be to design and manufacture you own aircraft. Turkey is talking about building it own "Indigenious" advance fighter however they will still depend on other nations advanced technology (so much for that indigenous claim).....they also still can't get their simple trainer aircraft off the ground for what the last five years now? I think they gave up on that.

Better stick to Karar if you ask me if thats the choice left.
It's global world. Even US Abrams has German gun, Canadian FCS and British armour.
it takes time mi amigo..of course we are not a country like poor armenia that only cares about so called genocide..being self-reliant on defense industry takes time and we have done well so far.;)

Meanwhile poor little Armenia has designed and manufacturered its own truly indigenous UAV and Gimbal assembly with its own electronics and black boxes. Of course it is at much lesser capability compared to US and Israeli versions but it flies and collects data.

In regards to Genocide recognition......you can stick it where sun don't shine, we don't need your recognition, however we will persue it in other countries (which I am against) just for you. This is a curse you guys have to live with.
Meanwhile poor little Armenia has designed and manufacturered its own truly indigenous UAV and Gimbal assembly with its own electronics and black boxes. Of course it is at much lesser capability compared to US and Israeli versions but it flies and collects data.

all of of these armenian and israeli posts smell huge hatred which is starting to make me sick...
can u post some details and pictures of your uav, by pointing a reliable source please ? I googled it as armenian uav but all i could find was kardashian sister videos which all armenians proud of. im asking coz, to build a flying and collecting data uav is what i can do my own in my garage.
and put this in your brain, you and that jewish guy, there was no genocide on armenians formed by turks, we call it kicking aßes of people who tried to stab us in the back..

And to israeli guys, please ask to mods to create a SuperDuperBest Israel section and regroup there.. And an armenian section for puppets to show their uav's..Did you ever ask yourself "Why People Hate Jews?".. Did you analyze ever? There must be reason/s right? No no not religional.. answer cant be that simple..My country and yours were allies..Do you israelis know who is Selehattin Ülkümen and Necdet Kent.. people that saved your white aßes.. Turks were not your enemies until you did something bad.. Did you ? ohh no can tiny innocent israel do something bad ? just self defence right?.. And Israel didnt train PKK in northern Iraq?.And as cover story BBC reported that israel trained kurdish military forces in n.iraq in 2006..they all must be conspiracy theories, israel cant do such bad things..they dont train terrorists..Turkey was the second muslim country that recognized israel state..Iran was the first, now they are israel's major threat and second one is on that way..so what changed? My Personall reason for why i dont like your species ( not race ) maybe cos of i work at an international airport and i see you guys more than i can bear. We double, even triple the security if there is an israel flight. Personally i caught some dozens jews in action.. I suggest you read this Why We Hate Jews: Stealing..Talmud tricking you.. Stop thinking that every property every thing belong to you.. If you take something that belongs to someone else we call it stealing.. and surprise ; you are not the chosen race ..no such race..im sorry.. Also have a look at Murder, Lies

And yes i asked that same question to myself. Why Greece, Armenia, Southern Cyprus, (some)European countries hate us? Answer is clear, they have indescribable pain. Look at this ; Turk barbarians were responsible for killing Armenians and Greeks says Greek president..Their anger acceptable.. 400 years under Ottoman domination..Their pain is huge and hatred will never be ended..but who cares...
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Meanwhile poor little Armenia has designed and manufacturered its own truly indigenous UAV and Gimbal assembly with its own electronics and black boxes. Of course it is at much lesser capability compared to US and Israeli versions but it flies and collects data.

In regards to Genocide recognition......you can stick it where sun don't shine, we don't need your recognition, however we will persue it in other countries (which I am against) just for you. This is a curse you guys have to live with.

Where is this UAV ? the Anka isn't truly indigenous ? The only thing foreign is the engine (with a domestic one in the works by TEI) So where is this all indigenous one Armenia has ? To my knowledge they do not yet have a defense industry period and depend on Russia for all their needs.

You don't need our recognition huh ? Is that why you are spending millions lobbying for it after 90 years instead of trying to improve relations ? You people are stuck in the past and can't get over it. The genocide has moved from finding out what really happened into a smear campaign against the Turkish state.

Truly we have some pathetic people that keep posting in our section.
Where is this UAV ? the Anka isn't truly indigenous ? The only thing foreign is the engine (with a domestic one in the works by TEI) So where is this all indigenous one Armenia has ? To my knowledge they do not yet have a defense industry period and depend on Russia for all their needs.

You don't need our recognition huh ? Is that why you are spending millions lobbying for it after 90 years instead of trying to improve relations ? You people are stuck in the past and can't get over it. The genocide has moved from finding out what really happened into a smear campaign against the Turkish state.

Truly we have some pathetic people that keep posting in our section.

here is a link but it is in Russian, there are photoes of the UAV and its Gimball hooked up to a laptop in a lab but I can't find it right now in a mountain of photoes in the Armenian military forum. I will posted it when I find it but don't expect to see a state of the art stealth UAV.

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У Армении есть 15 беспилотников
Armenia Today [ 25.05.2010 | 14:56 ] Политика , Общество , В прессе , Армения
На вооружении Армении 15 беспилотных летальных аппаратов среднего разряда с 5 передвижными станциями управления, сообщает газета «Аравот».

Согласно изданию, к каждой станции прикреплено по 3 беспилотника. Данная система в целом присоединена к системе автоматического управления артиллерийским огнем. Кроме того, она имеет возможность осуществления разного рода разведывательных заданий. На данный момент ведутся работы по усовершенствованию беспилотников и их оснащению огнестрельным оружием, утверждает издание.

Новости-ARMENIA Today-? ??????? ???? 15 ?????????????


1. Amenia has 15 UVAs
According to the newspaper "Aravot", Armenia has in its power 15 middle-level UAVs with 5 mobile control stations.

According to the publication, each station has 3 UVAs. This system is connected to the automatic-fire control system. As well, it has the ability to implement various reconnaissance tasks. Work is currently underway to improve the UVAs and its firearms equipments, says "Aravot".

Here is a Robotic mine sweeper designed and built by Armenians:


How do you like our laser gun?


In Armenia, upgraded sight TOV-M for SAM Osa
Yesterday, 16:07

Scientific-Production Enterprise Jamhar-DD (Ashtarak city, Armenia) developed and began production of the modernized electro-optic sight TOV-M for mobile anti-aircraft missile complexes 9K33 "Osa".
Complex testing of equipment were carried out earlier.
TOV-M can operate in two modes - with a wide and narrow field of view. When working in color sensitivity of 0.01 lux and increased to 0,001 lux in monochrome mode. The device can be fitted with lenses of two samples:
150 mm ensure 4,11-fold increase,
500 mm - 13.8-fold increase.
Originally installed a television camera is replaced by a new day / night digital video camera with a charge-coupled devices at a resolution of 600x500 pixels. It provides better resolution and contrast in standard conditions and in low light.
Previously installed television indicators CPG-44 (55) were replaced by modern vosmidyuymovym LCD display, which enables high-quality playback received a new camera image of the target at long range.

Source: i-Mash. Resource Machinery.

Turkey needs to put more effort in sharpenning their own swords.....or continue to let US and Israel to do it for them (weapons sells and upgrades).
here is a link but it is in Russian, there are photoes of the UAV and its Gimball hooked up to a laptop in a lab but I can't find it right now in a mountain of photoes in the Armenian military forum. I will posted it when I find it but don't expect to see a state of the art stealth UAV.


1. Amenia has 15 UVAs
According to the newspaper "Aravot", Armenia has in its power 15 middle-level UAVs with 5 mobile control stations.

According to the publication, each station has 3 UVAs. This system is connected to the automatic-fire control system. As well, it has the ability to implement various reconnaissance tasks. Work is currently underway to improve the UVAs and its firearms equipments, says "Aravot".

Here is a Robotic mine sweeper designed and built by Armenians:


How do you like our laser gun?


Turkey needs to put more effort in sharpenning their own swords.....or continue to let US and Israel to do it for them (weapons sells and upgrades).

Here i will make it easy for you since you truly do seemed misinformed. Look through the sticky threads in this section. That should give you information of our defense industry.
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