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U.S. denies Turkey’s request for combat UAVs

Here i will make it easy for you since you truly do seemed misinformed. Look through the sticky threads in this section. That should give you information our our defense industry.

No need for that, we know Turkish military Strong 111.......you are missing the point. You want to truly be strong then you cannot rely on any other foreign country in any shape or form to keep your advantage in the region.

Turkey take the easy way out.....must have full control of his weapons ins and outs and not just how to use it no matter when in time, 1071 AD or 2011 AD.
No need for that, we know Turkish military Strong 111.......you are missing the point. You want to truly be strong then you cannot rely on any other foreign country in any shape or form to keep your advantage in the region.

Turkey take the easy way out.....must have full control of his weapons ins and outs and not just how to use it no matter when in time, 1071 AD or 2011 AD.

That is what we are doing. We now produce all our surface ships for our navy. Started our own fighter program. Produce all our artillery (both shell/rocket based) along with all our ammunition. Produce all our APCs. Started a tank program and also produce air radars etc etc, the list goes on. This request for reapers was placed more then 3 years ago. We already have a program in the works for armed UAVs(further development of the ANKA) but if we can get them sooner from another country then that is all the better. Turkey is already quite self efficient. Half of our needs currently for all our branches a filled by our industry and that number will only grow higher in the coming years.
1. Amenia has 15 UVAs
According to the newspaper "Aravot", Armenia has in its power 15 middle-level UAVs with 5 mobile control stations.

According to the publication, each station has 3 UVAs. This system is connected to the automatic-fire control system. As well, it has the ability to implement various reconnaissance tasks. Work is currently underway to improve the UVAs and its firearms equipments, says "Aravot"

this is odd and disappointing, i hoped to see an indigenous armenian uav when i woke up this morning ... Im doubtful if exists one..anyway i have an advice for you...next time if you gonna try to humiliate someone be sure that you are better than him..
It makes me enjoy when i read the ultra stupid sentencesof some comparing a country like Armenia with Turkey in terms of defence technologies. If you ask me, Armenia is good at begging Russia to make 2nd and third hand Russian weapon systems to transfer Armenian army against Azerbaijan. If you really want to find a partner to compare yourself with in forums, I advice you to change your route towards 3th World african countries to compare. You can find lots of them who have similar technology and welth standarts with you...

Here i will make it easy for you since you truly do seemed misinformed. Look through the sticky threads in this section. That should give you information of our defense industry.

1. Amenia has 15 UVAs


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It makes me enjoy when i read the ultra stupid sentencesof some comparing a country like Armenia with Turkey in terms of defence technologies. If you ask me, Armenia is good at begging Russia to make 2nd and third hand Russian weapon systems to transfer Armenian army against Azerbaijan. If you really want to find a partner to compare yourself with in forums, I advice you to change your route towards 3th World african countries to compare. You can find lots of them who have similar technology and welth standarts with you...

Nice troll.....maybe if the mighty Turkish Army could have handled the PKK then we could be a little impressed, until then keep shinning your American toys and don't drop it since you can't fix it yourself.
I am talking about impossibility of comparison of a country called Armenia against Turkey in terms of defence technologies cause of many many reasons I can simply count but You are talking about an assymetric war placed in this geoghrahy as a failure to point TSK like weak to rebut what I have told above. I do not know wheather you are aware of this but This is copletely different story to talk about. If you really interested in army-terorist conflicts and success rates of World armies against trorists, I advice you to tell the reasons of why Superpower USA can not manage to clean El-Quaide in Apghanistan or Israel-Hizbullah in a different thread.

This prove who is trolling. Your superpower laser gun and strange UAV's do not make any sense When it comes to compare yor capabilities against Turkey because We are talking about an industry who has lots of defence projects from naval assets to missiles, helicopters and aircrafts...etc. As I said, You are in a wrong direction. You have to change your route owards 3th world African countries to find an equivalent of Armenia for a fine comparison... :)
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Nice troll.....maybe if the mighty Turkish Army could have handled the PKK then we could be a little impressed, until then keep shinning your American toys and don't drop it since you can't fix it yourself.

Can't fix it ? All our aircraft are serviced in Turkey (engines and part replacements included)

I tried to explain it to you but you seem incapable of comprehension. Do you not understand that Turkey could end your country over the course of a weekend ? Your army is what 40 to 50 thousand regulars ? We have your whole armies worth stationed on Northern Cyprus just for insurance against the South. Infact we would not even have to invade. Deposit our 200 SRBMs into your country and then have Azerbaijan take care of the rest.

Now stop trolling and speaking on matters you can't understand.
Ok, lets look at some comparable measures.

Population and Economy

Armenia: Population 3,3 mio
GDP Per capita $5.178 - Total GDP (PPP) $18 billion

Turkey: Population 78 mio
GDP Per capita $12.392 - Total GDP $1.119 Trillion

Turkey's Military Budget: $19 billion

Armenia's Militaqry Budget: $405 milion

I wont go further, since it is crystal clear.

I want to correct cabatli. Armenia can't even compare itself with most 3. world countries in Africa or other countries. Azatavrear you have to admit that your country is millenniums behind Turkey's current power. See the reality mate.
I am talking about impossibility of comparison of a country called Armenia against Turkey in terms of defence technologies cause of many many reasons I can simply count but You are talking about an assymetric war placed in this geoghrahy as a failure to point TSK like weak to rebut what I have told above. I do not know wheather you are aware of this but This is copletely different story to talk about. If you really interested in army-terorist conflicts and success rates of World armies against trorists, I advice you to tell the reasons of why Superpower USA can not manage to clean El-Quaide in Apghanistan or Israel-Hizbullah in a different thread.

This prove who is trolling. Your superpower laser gun and strange UAV's do not make any sense When it comes to compare yor capabilities against Turkey because We are talking about an industry who has lots of defence projects from naval assets to missiles, helicopters and aircrafts...etc. As I said, You are in a wrong direction. You have to change your route owards 3th world African countries to find an equivalent of Armenia for a fine comparison... :)

You might want read my posts again before going off half-cocked. I never tries to compare Armenia’s military to the Turkish military complex and even stated that earlier..........however your views of Armenian military inventory and capabilities are way off and your under-estimation works in our favor in case you get stupid and decide to invade.

Plus even if you succeed you would be facing an insurgency war ran by an battle experienced professional officers which will become your worst nightmare. I cannot get into details of Armenian Armed Forces capabilities due to security reasons including photos of our new inventions in military applications. Let me ask you this though, does your list include Artsakh’s Defence Forces? No because it is not recognized.
Also the first soldier you kill at our border will be a Russian.

You want to sacrifice your Azeri proxies against us? You better update your list again and remember how many Azeri tanks were captured and put in Armenian service during the NKR war like this one.

BTW, I like the way you guys compare a domestic Kurdish problem with the number one international terrorist organization on a global jihad as an excuse for your shortcomings and incompetence for decades.
Maybe if some of your generals didn’t support PKK operation under the table no more Turkish soldiers will be sacrificed to grease the wheels of your military machine and maintain the threat needed to feed the beast.

Okalan control PKK.......Deep State control Okalan.
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You might want read my posts again before going off half-cocked. I never tries to compare Armenia’s military to the Turkish military complex and even stated that earlier..........however your views of Armenian military inventory and capabilities are way off and your under-estimation works in our favor in case you get stupid and decide to invade.

Plus even if you succeed you would be facing an insurgency war ran by an battle experienced professional officers which will become your worst nightmare. I cannot get into details of Armenian Armed Forces capabilities due to security reasons including photos of our new inventions in military applications. Let me ask you this though, does your list include Artsakh’s Defence Forces? No because it is not recognized.
Also the first soldier you kill at our border will be a Russian.

You want to sacrifice your Azeri proxies against us? You better update your list again and remember how many Azeri tanks were captured and put in Armenian service during the NKR war like this one.
YouTube - Monte Melkonian Captures Enemy's Tank

BTW, I like the way you guys compare a domestic Kurdish problem with the number one international terrorist organization on a global jihad as an excuse for your shortcomings and incompetence for decades.
Maybe if some of your generals didn’t support PKK operation under the table no more Turkish soldiers will be sacrificed to grease the wheels of your military machine and maintain the threat needed to feed the beast.

Okalan control PKK.......Deep State control Okalan.

Turkey don't need to get into direct Action against Armenia in a possible armenia/azerbaijan War. Our intelligence Capabillitys growing, that mean we can watch armenian Millitary Activities with Satellites, AEW&C and MALE UAV and provide the Information to Azerbaijan. Do not forget that turkish Miliatry has introduced a great Range of EW Equipment, that mean armenian Comunications and Radars will be jammed.

Turkey also showed it interest on JF-17, probably to equipp the Aircrafts with turkish made Avionics and Weapons. If AzAF JF-17 will be equippt with turkish Avionic they can comunicate with TurAF MESA AEW&C Aircraft and do not need to turn their Radar on during Combat Missions !:cheers:
You might want read my posts again before going off half-cocked. I never tries to compare Armenia’s military to the Turkish military complex and even stated that earlier..........however your views of Armenian military inventory and capabilities are way off and your under-estimation works in our favor in case you get stupid and decide to invade.

We have no intention of invading your little piece of land. Our interests are with the land you took from Azerbaijan. It is only a matter of time before it is forcefully taken back. This is going to happen and there is no getting around it.

Plus even if you succeed you would be facing an insurgency war ran by an battle experienced professional officers which will become your worst nightmare. I cannot get into details of Armenian Armed Forces capabilities due to security reasons including photos of our new inventions in military applications. Let me ask you this though, does your list include Artsakh’s Defence Forces? No because it is not recognized.
Also the first soldier you kill at our border will be a Russian.

We will avoid the Russian base and Russia knows better then to take up arms against Turkey for the sake of Armenia. They also sell arms to Azerbaijan so they are playing both sides here. The capabilities of their Black Sea fleet is a far cry from the Soviet days and they are trying to modernize it back to something capable. Russia has no need to become involved with one of its largest energy customers. Your capabilities are limited at best here. You have some S-300 PS SAMs and those can easily be negated with AGM-154 JSOW(which are in our inventory) which out range that systems 5V55R missiles. Then you lose your skies to us. Alternatively we can also shell you into submission as well. Lots of options here and little you can do to put up a credible defense. There would be other ways without invading to cripple your military.

You want to sacrifice your Azeri proxies against us? You better update your list again and remember how many Azeri tanks were captured and put in Armenian service during the NKR war like this one.
YouTube - Monte Melkonian Captures Enemy's Tank

So you captured some tanks. Azerbaijan has the advantage here in arms and they have a regional power ready to supply them with anything they need.

BTW, I like the way you guys compare a domestic Kurdish problem with the number one international terrorist organization on a global jihad as an excuse for your shortcomings and incompetence for decades.
Maybe if some of your generals didn’t support PKK operation under the table no more Turkish soldiers will be sacrificed to grease the wheels of your military machine and maintain the threat needed to feed the beast.

Okalan control PKK.......Deep State control Okalan.

Then comes the conspiracy theories

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