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U.S. Congress Urged to Call For Ahmadi Muslim Prisoners’ Release in Saudi Arabia

That was my question as well. I had to Google it. It certainly is an interesting religion but it is something different than orthodox Islam.

It is basically something like Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons.;)

Why are you not replying to my posts @Jaanbaz ? I am interested in your thought process when it comes to this issue because I can simply not imagine a sane Muslim believing something like what the Ahmadis do with all due respect.

How did you family turn Ahmadis? They can't have been Ahmadis for more than 4-5 generations at most.
I say keep them in Jail. The west will put much power because they need em to use these Ahmedi focks against Islam.

People who don't believe in Muhammad(S.A.W) to be the last messenger of Allah have no right to call themselves as Muslims.

We Muslims might not be good Muslim but atleast we dont do such acts. Keep these turds in Jail
Good comparison. My Church would call them Christiolic, but not Christian, per se.

But I don't even know if my comparison is correct from a theoretically point of view. Because the Ahmadis basically believe that Prophet Muhammad (saws) who we Muslims deem as the last messenger of Allah (swt) (God) while they believe their Prophet "Mirza Ghulam Ahmad" who was born in 1835 was the last Prophet.

This is like if Christians did believe that Jesus or Isa (as) as we Muslims call him was not the son of God.

I don't really know about the exact believes of Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons or whether or not they hold as extreme views that differ from the traditional Christian predomination's such as Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism etc.

BTW, is Idaho not part of the Mormon belt partially?;)
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Bro, can you tell me about the basics beliefs of Ahmadis? Or are they shunned in secrecy? I know that Wikipedia pages cannot be trusted and I have not really studied their beliefs aside from the fundamentals which I find heretic from a Islamic point of view.

I will watch the video later. After all they are speaking Arabic. But it would not surprise me if they have altered the subtitles etc. Because there is no chance for any "Ahmadi" scholar to win a debate against a Muslim scholar.

They believe in Allah and that Muhammad is a prophet but they give a different definition to Khatam Nabuwat. They say while he is the seal of the prophets they differentiate between law bringing prophets and messengers. They also claim that Jesus was not lifted to heaven and rather moved east where he then lived out his life and died a normal death in Kashmir. This however is disputed by the local caretakers who are Sunnis and claim that the person buried there was a Muslim saint. Modern non Muslim scholars all state that Ghulam Ahmad's views of Jesus buried there was based on faulty legends.

Roza Bal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unknown years of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He also claimed he was an avatar of the Hindu Krishna, the Mahdi of Islam, and the readvent of Prophet Muhamad PBUH himself. When the Ahmadis say the Kalima they say it as we do but they say Muhammad in the shahada while referring to their leader Mirza Ghulam and not our Prophet Muhammad PBUH of Mecca. Here is the belief from their own website written by their leader and if the Ahmadis want to dispute this then surely they are liars.

Their website- alislam.org
Particular page I will quote- The Removal of a Misunderstanding

Quote- Muhammad is not the father of any of the men of this world but is the father of the men of the next world because he is the Seal of the prophets and there is no approach open to God's benefactions but through his mediation. In short, my prophethood is due to my being Muhammad and Ahmad and not by myself: I have been vouchsafed this rank because of my complete annihilation in the Holy Prophet, and thus the sense of the expression KHAATAMAN NABIYYEEN (Seal of the prophets) is not at all interfered with.

@al-Hasani @Desertfalcon @hunter_hunted @Armstrong @JUBA
Really ? The transcripts to the parliament debate was released by the Pakistani government after suppressing them for years. Your I believe third Caliph declared that if Pakistan ever released the transcripts all of Pakistan would become Ahmadi lol. Guess what, it didn't happen. :lol: Go online you can find the transcripts I even mentioned this before in an old thread and I have read the transcripts myself.
The Third Caliph never said such thing. Research ebfore repeating a lie because it makes you look like liar which I am sure you didn't lie purposefully to misinform other people.
But I don't even know if my comparison is correct from a theoretically point of view. Because the Ahmadis basically believe that Prophet Muhammad (saws) who we Muslims deem as the last messenger of Allah (swt) (God) while they believe their Prophet "Mirza Ghulam Ahmad" who was born in 1835 was the last Prophet.

This is like if Christians did not believe that Jesus or Isa (as) as we Muslims call him was not the son of God.

I don't really know about the exact believes of Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons or whether or not they hold as extreme views that differ from the traditional Christian predomination's such as Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism etc.

BTW, is Idaho not part of the Mormon belt partially?;)
As to the last question, yes it is, especially in southern Idaho where I live, (50% Mormon, 30% Catholic). My brother and best friend are Mormon (He married my best friend’s sister and became Mormon.) and I think it is actually a good comparison with them as they, contrary to orthodox Christian belief, think that Joseph Smith their founder, was a later day prophet as well as all subsequent presidents of their church. We conventional Christians believe that public revelation ended with Jesus and the last of His apostles.
It is basically something like Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons.;)

Why are you not replying to my posts @Jaanbaz ? I am interested in your thought process when it comes to this issue because I can simply not imagine a sane Muslim believing something like what the Ahmadis do with all due respect.

How did you family turn Ahmadis? They can't have been Ahmadis for more than 4-5 generations at most.

Which questions? I do not wish to start a religious debate as i said before. I thought Quran says ''There is no Compulsion in Religion''?

I come from a very mixed background(ethnically) so each family converted to ahmadiyya at differnet times. My Grandfather was the only one from his village to convert to Islam Ahmadiyyat.
The Third Caliph never said such thing. Research ebfore repeating a lie because it makes you look like liar which I am sure you didn't lie purposefully to misinform other people.

Actually Pakistani exile said the same thing to me and then I showed him the quote from your sources and he got quiet. Give me a couple of days and when I have time I will find it for you as well.

Thanks for that explanation. Sounds surreal.

As to the last question, yes it is, especially in southern Idaho where I live, (50% Mormon, 30% Catholic). My brother and best friend are Mormon (He married my best friend’s sister and became Mormon.) and I think it is actually a good comparison with them as they, contrary to orthodox Christian belief, think that Joseph Smith their founder, was a later day prophet as well as all subsequent presidents of their church. We conventional Christians believe that public revelation ended with Jesus and the last of His apostles.

I actually had a classmate while I studied in the US who was a Mormon. He was from Glendale. Quite religious but funny as hell.

Yes. That makes much more sense. I don't know how people can believe all those new sects. But that's just me.

Which questions? I do not wish to start a religious debate as i said before. I thought Quran says ''There is no Compulsion in Religion''?

I come from a very mixed background(ethnically) so each family converted to ahmadiyya at differnet times. My Grandfather was the only one from his village to convert to Islam Ahmadiyyat.

But we are already talking about religion. I am interested in what makes your beliefs the right one and all the rest false. What made you a Ahmadiyya?
I say keep them in Jail. The west will put much power because they need em to use these Ahmedi focks against Islam.

People who don't believe in Muhammad(S.A.W) to be the last messenger of Allah have no right to call themselves as Muslims.

We Muslims might not be good Muslim but atleast we dont do such acts. Keep these turds in Jail

Yes Ahmadis a small sect can destroy Islam right? this is your views? If we wanted to be used by the West the first thing Ahmadis would have done is to take revenge for all the Ahmadis that have been murdered by fanatic pigs in Pakistan. But you will never hear of Ahmadi suicide bomber or Ahmadi target killer. Only masoom takfiris are capable of committing such acts.

Actually Pakistani exile said the same thing to me and then I showed him the quote from your sources and he got quiet. Give me a couple of days and when I have time I will find it for you as well.

Take your time kid.
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I have no problem if you consider Ahmadis as Non-Muslims. Its your choice, it called freedom of speech and thought. Now Ahmadis also have a right to call themselves Muslims even if you don't.

I don't agree with the Ahmedi Theology as I've understood it to be but who am I to call a person who calls himself a Muslim as a Non Muslim !

We don't agree on religion - Fine !

We can agree on country then ! :)

Thanks for that explanation. Sounds surreal.

I actually had a classmate while I studied in the US who was a Mormon. He was from Glendale. Quite religious but funny as hell.

Yes. That makes much more sense. I don't know how people can believe all those new sects. But that's just me.

But we are already talking about religion. I am interested in what makes your beliefs the right one and all the rest false. What made you a Ahmadiyya?

Nice troll baiting mate. Since this forum doesn't allow religious debates you want me to get banned? You obviously have mods who are on your side but if i discuss religion i am sure those same mods will come running and ban me . Thanks but no thanks. IslamAhmadiyya - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - Al Islam Online - Official Website is my final answer find whatever you want to find about us don't troll me.
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