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U.S. Congress Urged to Call For Ahmadi Muslim Prisoners’ Release in Saudi Arabia

He can dream all he wants... I have no sympathy for ahmadis they are causing these problems them selves yes ur free to belief what ever u want, but when u hijack a pious religion such as Islam and try and call ur self a Muslim that's where I have a problem.

Yes, for all I care people can believe in the Spaghetti Monster in their confined imagination.

I just will never accept a new cult spreading in the cradle of Islam. My country. Or propagandizing. I don't know what is going on in Pakistan when it comes to them there but all I know is that I don't want them in my country or the Arab world if they are intending to spread their beliefs. That's a no go for me. I am not even open for a discuss here and those cult members should be dealt with harshly.

But Islam is something sacred for us.
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Yes, for all I care people can belief in the Spaghetti Monster in their confined imagination.

I just will never accept a new cult spreading in the cradle of Islam. My country. Or propagandizing. I don't know what is going on in Pakistan when it comes to them there but all I know is that I don't want them in my country or the Arab world if they are intending to spread their beliefs. That's a no go for me. I am not even open for a discuss here and those cult members should be dealt with harshly.
It saddens me how stupid some people can get unfortunately ahmadi belief originated in the 1800s ? I think? Anyway serious question do ahmadis know what the defenition of a Muslim is ? A person who beliefs in one God and Muhammad (s.a.w) as his last messenger. Now let's think for a minute ahmadis believe in a prophet Called Ahmed? I think. So how on earth can your argument be that I'm Muslim ? Are you freaking kidding me? Do ahmadis not know what the defenition of a Muslim is? Ahmadis saying they are Muslims is like someone shitting on ur face and then cries about foul play. It boggles my mind.
It will be really ironic when the west turns against certain Muslims, your kind will be the first one to shout about human rights.

That depends on how you define that " certain " kind of Muslims. If someone is persecuted just because he's an ordinary Muslim, all countries reserve the right to take whatever action needed to solve out the problem.

To me wahabism sounds more like a cult then Ahmadiyyat.

You must have been smoking something. The conservative branch of Sunni Muslim i.e. Salafism is being practiced by hundreds and hundreds of millions. If it were a cult as you're claiming, what could you say about someone who rejects the basic principles of Islam, yet he cries blood to be recognized as Muslim :lol:

Ahmadiyya: The Cult - Discussions on Islam vs Ahmadiyya

If you leave Ahmadiyyat then no one bothers you, you are free to do whatever you want. Whereas if you leave Wahabi cult you get killed by the Government or the mob.

Show us a solid evidence to your claim or stop whinnying about it.

Ahmadiyyat is actually spreading pretty fast in the Arab world. We even have large community of them in a certain Arab Country(not going to say the location in public for their own safety).

Goodness, why don't you tell us?

The Grand Mufti of Ghana recognizes Ahamdis as Muslims. Stop following Mullahs madly sir.

The Grand Mufti of Ghana has no right to who's Muslim, who isn't.

It will be really ironic when the west turns against certain Muslims, your kind will be the first one to shout about human rights.

Some of them are locals you do know that right?

To me wahabism sounds more like a cult then Ahmadiyyat. If you leave Ahmadiyyat then no one bothers you, you are free to do whatever you want. Whereas if you leave Wahabi cult you get killed by the Government or the mob.

Ahmadiyyat is actually spreading pretty fast in the Arab world. We even have large community of them in a certain Arab Country(not going to say the location in public for their own safety).

The Grand Mufti of Ghana recognizes Ahamdis as Muslims. Stop following Mullahs madly sir.
In Pakistan they aren't allowed to propagate their beliefs or to identify themselves as Muslims; they were given a chance to explain their beliefs before the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan but after listening to them the Parliamentarians decided that their beliefs violated the essentials of Islam & hence cannot henceforth identify themselves as Muslims !

I dunno what to make of it all ! :(

The Mullahs in parliament clearly lost. One of the Ahmadi Muslim scholar Moulana Dost Mohammad Shahid who represented us in the parliament appeared on MTA and clearly told what was discussed in the parliament. Many times mullahs were more interested in thorowong hurls and abuses towards Ahmadis and its founder but were not really ready to discuss theological differences.
I have no problem if you consider Ahmadis as Non-Muslims. Its your choice, it called freedom of speech and thought. Now Ahmadis also have a right to call themselves Muslims even if you don't.

Salafi takfiri shiekh get owned by Palestinian Ahmadi Muslim.

Im trying hard not to start any religious debates as this is not a religious forum but some trolls are flaming this thread as usual.
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Let us get serious for a moment and drop all that personal agenda here.

Just tell me as a practicing Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh why all other Muslims are wrong but a religion, sect, movement, cult (call it what you want) that started less than 200 years ago is the only right way?

Why are you using Palestinian Arab Muslims as a proof of anything? Not long ago you insulted all Arabs and now you are using us to back your sect up? What is going on?

@Hazzy997 is that Palestinian even famous? Do people know about him? Do you know what a "Ahmadi" is? Do your family members in Palestine, relatives, friends etc. know what it is? Do you know about the 3.5 million big Arab community in the USA that knows about this sect that originates in what is now Pakistan?
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

United Nations Charter: Freedom of Religion.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

United Nations Charter: Freedom of Religion.

That is all fine but what is the situation among minorities in Pakistan? Last time I checked you Ahmadis are not allowed to call yourself Muslims. Why are you focusing on KSA once again? Why not clean your own house first?
Hmm a combination of Islam and Sikhism! Very interesting!
@al-Hasani In that video he put up the shieks full words have not been translated if you watch the whole video you will see there are portions where what he is saying is not even translated for the viewers.
@al-Hasani In that video he put up the shieks full words have not been translated if you watch the whole video you will see there are portions where what he is saying is not even translated for the viewers.

Bro, can you tell me about the basics beliefs of Ahmadis? Or are they shunned in secrecy? I know that Wikipedia pages cannot be trusted and I have not really studied their beliefs aside from the fundamentals which I find heretic from a Islamic point of view.

I will watch the video later. After all they are speaking Arabic. But it would not surprise me if they have altered the subtitles etc. Because there is no chance for any "Ahmadi" scholar to win a debate against a Muslim scholar.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

United Nations Charter: Freedom of Religion.
Good job Einstein we did not know that just cuz you have a freedom to call ur self whatever you want or follow any religion you want doesn't give u a right to hijack Islam. Just like I have a choice to cuss a police officer but I chose not to because I know of the consequences .. Think of it this way keep trying to associate ur self with Islam and ull constantly have to face the consequences... Ur a bias ahmadi I can already tell by the way ur labelling everyone a mullah who is against ur school of thought
The Mullahs in parliament clearly lost. One of the Ahmadi Muslim scholar Moulana Dost Mohammad Shahid who represented us in the parliament appeared on MTA and clearly told what was discussed in the parliament. Many times mullahs were more interested in thorowong hurls and abuses towards Ahmadis and its founder but were not really ready to discuss theological differences.

Really ? The transcripts to the parliament debate was released by the Pakistani government after suppressing them for years. Your I believe third Caliph declared that if Pakistan ever released the transcripts all of Pakistan would become Ahmadi lol. Guess what, it didn't happen. :lol: Go online you can find the transcripts I even mentioned this before in an old thread and I have read the transcripts myself.
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