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U.S Army Chief: “Iran attack option on the table”

Where you from hearing what is news? Is not based on rumors? I do not know what it is, but one thing go one thing clear here is that discussions of China's MAO unlimited, as long as you are, not based on unfounded rumors.

Are you from the party? :rofl:
Wrong...The US never had any colonialist outpost in China like the European powers did. You need to do your own research on this, again, this is so you cannot accuse me or anyone else of misleading you. But as far as the KMT goes, any reign they had on mainland China with US support was short lived. Care to research on when they had to withdraw to Taiwan? Colonialism in China died at the end of WW II, no thanks to Mao but to the US, like it or not. Here is what the US said about Indochina, which composed of Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia...

Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Summary and Chapter I

In short, the US opposed colonialism in Asia by any US allies, from the greater China to the smaller Indochina. So where do you get your 'facts' that Mao liberated China from Western colonialism? From the Party, of course. That is your idol worshiping.

Another word game? Sino-US Friendship Commerce and Navigation Treaty, you do not know? China is in fact a semi-colonial semi-feudal society in that time, it does not matter with your word games
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Iran is going way out of line. If the US has to take action, any delay would negate the purpose. I am sure they know what they are doing. I would love to see not only the nukes are taken out but also a change in the regime. Iranians deserve freedom and I am sure majority of Iranians would support the change of regime if not the attack on nuclear sites.
Iran is going way out of line. If the US has to take action, any delay would negate the purpose. I am sure they know what they are doing. I would love to see not only the nukes are taken out but also a change in the regime. Iranians deserve freedom and I am sure majority of Iranians would support the change of regime if not the attack on nuclear sites.

A change of regime cannot come without an attack, covert or overt. And I'm pretty sure US has tried the covert way.
"US support was short lived"? Yes, but this is because of our actions, we are very proud of. This American does not matter, you are wanted it very long, but not done.
Hardly...Even if the KMT came to power in this alternate universe China, it still does not mean the US intended to establish a Euro-style colonial presence in Asia. At best, it would have been something US-Japan or US-South Korea relationship with China being the junior partner. Considering how both of them turned out, may be being a junior partner in this relationship in exchange for protection and access to the world's largest consumer market is not so bad.
Hardly...Even if the KMT came to power in this alternate universe China, it still does not mean the US intended to establish a Euro-style colonial presence in Asia. At best, it would have been something US-Japan or US-South Korea relationship with China being the junior partner. Considering how both of them turned out, may be being a junior partner in this relationship in exchange for protection and access to the world's largest consumer market is not so bad.

Not so bad? You're kidding, South Korea, Japan? This is an insult to some extent. China is not Japan, South Korea, without any interest. Remember this point.

Do not forget the "Sino-American Treaty of Friendship Commerce and Navigation", there is no independence and liberation, China is destined to become a U.S. colony tragic, OK, American-style colonial. South Korea and Japan are small, there is a certain industrial base, China's wide range of semi-feudal nature of society far behind, nor is there any national capital generation, because the "Sino-US Friendship Commerce and Navigation Treaty" existence. He is not so simple, the big change is not emerging from the air. If there is no change, at that time China will become the plunder of raw materials and in a dumping ground for foreign goods, the Chinese presence as an inferior race. And any change in control of their own destiny, for want complete control of the United States to China will not allow, as history has shown the same.

No country can afford the huge population of China, in addition to our own, in addition to the Chinese Communist Party's in-depth and wide range of social transformation.

PS: Now Japan simply means that the United States ATM. Do not think that we do not understand this point.
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There is no existence of the Soviet Union, there is no current western welfare, there is no external pressure, there would be no compromise on capital to ordinary people, so that more of the Run for the general population, SO, without China's independence, and then what will happen in Asia, North Korea, Vietnam, the entire East Asia, Southeast Asia, what will happen? How would the United States for his colony? History is not simply hypothetical.

I have the independence of China is very proud and very happy, so do not say anything that might insult him, if you have etiquette.
So the US is planning to attack iran with the reason thats going nuclear.....after all "The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program".
So the US is planning to attack iran with the reason thats going nuclear.....after all "The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program".
See post no. 33 on pge 2.
Not so bad? You're kidding, South Korea, Japan? This is an insult to some extent. China is not Japan, South Korea, without any interest. Remember this point.

Do not forget the "Sino-American Treaty of Friendship Commerce and Navigation", there is no independence and liberation, China is destined to become a U.S. colony tragic, OK, American-style colonial. South Korea and Japan are small, there is a certain industrial base, China's wide range of semi-feudal nature of society far behind, nor is there any national capital generation, because the "Sino-US Friendship Commerce and Navigation Treaty" existence. He is not so simple, the big change is not emerging from the air. If there is no change, at that time China will become the plunder of raw materials and in a dumping ground for foreign goods, the Chinese presence as an inferior race. And any change was officially complete control of China, the United States would like to destroy, so it was a better reasoning.

No country can afford the huge population of China, in addition to our own, in addition to the Chinese Communist Party's in-depth and wide range of social transformation.

PS: Now Japan simply means that the United States ATM. Do not think that we do not understand this point.
You made the charge that China was 'liberated' from American colonialism. I have shown that to be false. Now the only thing you can do is stretch whatever agreement or pact or treaty to portray China in as much a victim status as possible to salvage your failed argument. There is nothing anyone can do to convince you otherwise and this is not the appropriate place for discussion about China anyway.
You made the charge that China was 'liberated' from American colonialism. I have shown that to be false. Now the only thing you can do is stretch whatever agreement or pact or treaty to portray China in as much a victim status as possible to salvage your failed argument. There is nothing anyone can do to convince you otherwise and this is not the appropriate place for discussion about China anyway.

Proved? Yuanmingyuan enough? Large number of overseas Chinese antiques lost enough? the "Sino-American Treaty of Friendship Commerce and Navigation", enough? China's economy by foreign capital and comprador capital controls, China's own capital in only a few light there enough? China's population is a large number of extreme poverty, enough? You want me to find a perfect Chinese wealth is being looted of statistical list, there are, but I am really not interested.

As for "ailed argument", China for several thousand years of history, this is just a short time, but, forget history is treason, we are talking about is history.
Suicide is on the table as well, doesn't mean it's a good option.
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