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U.K blocks Iranian passage in the Strait of Gibraltar, it means:

Apparently Iran doesn't even need to seize a tanker, just a threat was enough: :lol:


That is what Iran should do. It doesn't need to physically close the Hormoz straight.
Yes,this whole thing seems to have been incredibly poorly thought out by the british,altho as vassals they may not actually have the luxury of any "choice" in the matter,after all if ones chumpenfuhrer screams "JUMP" you as a vassal just have to automatically start jumping regardless of anything else.:tsk:
The UK basterds seem to have noticed that Iran is not bluffing..:nono:


Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

After a former IRGC commander exhorted his government to take a British oil tanker hostage following the seizure by Royal Marines last week of a vessel hauling Iranian crude, an oil tanker run by British Petroleum is sheltering in the Persian Gulf over fears it could soon be seized by Iran in a tit-for-tat response, Bloomberg reports.

British Heritage

The tanker, which is named ‘British Heritage’, is able to haul about 1 million barrels of crude. It had been sailing toward Iraq’s Basrah oil terminal when it made an abrupt U-turn over the weekend.

The ship is now hanging out near Saudi Arabia’s coast because BP is reportedly worried that the vessel could be targeted if Iran seeks to retaliate for the seizure of the tanker Grace 1 on Thursday.

The Grace 1 was seized after being caught transporting Iranian crude, in breach of sanctions.

British Heritage, registered in the Isle of Man and flying under the British flag, had been chartered by Royal Dutch Shell Plc to transport crude from Basrah to northwest Europe. However, it never collected its cargo and the booking was canceled.

Of course, the ship won’t be able to pass through the Strait of Hormuz, the chokepoint through which about 1/3 of global oil shipped by sea moves, without sailing close to Iran’s coast. It’s unclear how long the ship will be sheltering for.

Iran’s deputy foreign minister said on Sunday he considered the seizure of Grace 1 to be an ‘act of piracy,’ while a former leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said the Islamic Republic should take a British tanker in response.

While it’s owners apparently believe the British Heritage to be ‘safe’ in Saudi custody, we wouldn’t be surprised if it was conveniently and mysteriously ‘bombed’ like the handful of other tankers over the past few months – an incident that the UK and KSA would have no problem pinning on the Iranians.
Persian gulf just became a no-go zone for BP and any british related oil tanker/facility.

Iran will wait out the 2 weeks the british have called for. but if its not released, I would be shocked if BP doesn't start paying a massive price for this. they already are.
Persian gulf just became a no-go zone for BP and any british related oil tanker/facility.

Iran will wait out the 2 weeks the british have called for. but if its not released, I would be shocked if BP doesn't start paying a massive price for this. they already are.
Agreed,by any definition it was a remarkably stupid act by the british,one genuinely wonders why on earth they did it.
Royal Navy Frigate Escorts U.K. Tanker Out Of The Persian Gulf After Iranian Threats

Last week, Iran said it could seize a British ship in retaliation for U.K. authorities seizing an Iranian tanker in the Mediterranean Sea.

The U.K.-flagged tanker Pacific Voyager appears to have had an escort in the form of the Royal Navy's Type 23 frigate HMS Montrose, along with an unknown Sandown-class minehunter, as she sailed from the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz into the Gulf of Oman today. This comes less than a week after an Iranian official threatened the seizure of a British ship in retaliation for U.K. officials seizing control of the Iranian supertanker Grace 1 off the coast of Gibraltar.

Online ship trackers first noticed that Montrose, which is forward-deployed to the region, and the minehunter were shadowing Pacific Voyager on July 9, 2019. The minehunter's transponder appeared to identify it as HMS Ramsey, but that ship is based in the United Kingdom. There are four other members of the Sandown-class that do operate forward-deployed in the region. Pacific Voyagersuccessfully passed through the Strait of Hormuz without incident later in the day.

“The UK maintains a long-standing maritime presence in the Gulf," a spokesperson for the U.K. Ministry of Defense told the Daily Star, refusing to confirm or deny that any Royal Navy ships were escorting Pacific Voyager. "We are continuously monitoring the security situation there and are committed to maintaining freedom of navigation in accordance with international law."

Full read: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...out-of-the-persian-gulf-after-iranian-threats
Royal Navy Frigate Escorts U.K. Tanker Out Of The Persian Gulf After Iranian Threats

Last week, Iran said it could seize a British ship in retaliation for U.K. authorities seizing an Iranian tanker in the Mediterranean Sea.

The U.K.-flagged tanker Pacific Voyager appears to have had an escort in the form of the Royal Navy's Type 23 frigate HMS Montrose, along with an unknown Sandown-class minehunter, as she sailed from the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz into the Gulf of Oman today. This comes less than a week after an Iranian official threatened the seizure of a British ship in retaliation for U.K. officials seizing control of the Iranian supertanker Grace 1 off the coast of Gibraltar.

Online ship trackers first noticed that Montrose, which is forward-deployed to the region, and the minehunter were shadowing Pacific Voyager on July 9, 2019. The minehunter's transponder appeared to identify it as HMS Ramsey, but that ship is based in the United Kingdom. There are four other members of the Sandown-class that do operate forward-deployed in the region. Pacific Voyagersuccessfully passed through the Strait of Hormuz without incident later in the day.

“The UK maintains a long-standing maritime presence in the Gulf," a spokesperson for the U.K. Ministry of Defense told the Daily Star, refusing to confirm or deny that any Royal Navy ships were escorting Pacific Voyager. "We are continuously monitoring the security situation there and are committed to maintaining freedom of navigation in accordance with international law."

Full read: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...out-of-the-persian-gulf-after-iranian-threats
That is fvcking hilarious!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
They were so concerned that their ship would be seized by iran that they had to send not one but TWO warships to escort it thru hormuz.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
So..,I wonder if they`ll be forced to have to do that for ALL british tankers in the pg from now on?.Thats likely to get expensive...I wonder if uncle trump will reimburse them for all the additional costs?.....Nah! hes not that generous.:azn:
Iran attempted seize British tanker

Five armed Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps boats unsuccessfully tried to seize a British oil tanker in the Persian Gulf Wednesday, according to two US officials with direct knowledge of the incident.

The British Heritage tanker was sailing out of the Persian Gulf and was crossing into the Strait of Hormuz area when it was approached by the Iranian boats. The Iranians ordered the tanker to change course and stop in nearby Iranian territorial waters, according to the officials. A US aircraft was overhead and recorded video of the incident.

That is fvcking hilarious!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
They were so concerned that their ship would be seized by iran that they had to send not one but TWO warships to escort it thru hormuz.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
So..,I wonder if they`ll be forced to have to do that for ALL british tankers in the pg from now on?.Thats likely to get expensive...I wonder if uncle trump will reimburse them for all the additional costs?.....Nah! hes not that generous.:azn:
Operational costs will increase for them and they will pay more than the oil inside the Iranian tanker. The British should know that Iran will not allow pirates to operate freely without any consequence.
Almost half our top reformist official are living in the western countries ... So they won't endanger happy and luxury lives of their children
How come? If Chinese officials' wife and children both live in foreign countries, the best he can get is Vice position.

If he has green card of foreign countries, he must step down.
Iran should have escorted the tanker with one of their mowj ships.

But of course mowj ships apparently are only for traveling to 3rd world countries and docking at their ports. God forbid Iran actually use them to protect their national interest.
How come? If Chinese officials' wife and children both live in foreign countries, the best he can get is Vice position.

If he has green card of foreign countries, he must step down.

a lot of parasites in the Iranian government unfortunately. the biggest achilles heel of the Iranian government is internal corruption and the loss of credibility that comes from it.

and nobody can do anything about it because virtually all of them are corrupt as hell and if they point a finger 20 will be pointing back at them.

the only person who said something was Ahmadinejad. who even his most staunch critics will concede that he personally wasn't financially corrupt (though he appointed a lot of corrupt thieves as well)

the only consolation in this is that every government on earth is corrupt. 1% of the population in every country live like kings, while the rest are running around like slaves trying to fill their stomachs more or less.
Operational costs will increase for them and they will pay more than the oil inside the Iranian tanker. The British should know that Iran will not allow pirates to operate freely without any consequence.
Agreed,this whole incident is just so utterly bizarre.I dont understand what on earth the us or its eurovassals imagine that they are possibly going to gain from this act of piracy.I mean you would think that even a vassal with half a brain would realise that they are far more vulnerable to these acts than iran is,after all iran controls the strait of hormuz that ALL british tankers HAVE to pass thru to enter and leave the pg.
Agreed,this whole incident is just so utterly bizarre.I dont understand what on earth the us or its eurovassals imagine that they are possibly going to gain from this act of piracy.I mean you would think that even a vassal with half a brain would realise that they are far more vulnerable to these acts than iran is,after all iran controls the strait of hormuz that ALL british tankers HAVE to pass thru to enter and leave the pg.

just go read the british peoples comments on UK newspapers on this.

it will tell you the reason. they are soo arrogant and self assured of their supremacy of the world. that they believe they can operate in a vacuum and do whatever they want without consequences.

the entire public was screaming Britain stronk!!, lets steal the oil before we give back the ship! how dare iran threaten to retaliate and more vomit inducing crap along those lines..

these savages only understand the language of force. even if they give the vessel back, its still important for iran to teach BP a lesson in 1 way or another
a lot of parasites in the Iranian government unfortunately. the biggest achilles heel of the Iranian government is internal corruption and the loss of credibility that comes from it.

and nobody can do anything about it because virtually all of them are corrupt as hell and if they point a finger 20 will be pointing back at them.

the only person who said something was Ahmadinejad. who even his most staunch critics will concede that he personally wasn't financially corrupt (though he appointed a lot of corrupt thieves as well)

the only consolation in this is that every government on earth is corrupt. 1% of the population in every country live like kings, while the rest are running around like slaves trying to fill their stomachs more or less.

The damage of political corruptions in different sectors are different.

The corruptions in security and military services and financial sector are most dangerous to a country. How about IRGC?
Iran attempted seize British tanker

Five armed Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps boats unsuccessfully tried to seize a British oil tanker in the Persian Gulf Wednesday, according to two US officials with direct knowledge of the incident.

The British Heritage tanker was sailing out of the Persian Gulf and was crossing into the Strait of Hormuz area when it was approached by the Iranian boats. The Iranians ordered the tanker to change course and stop in nearby Iranian territorial waters, according to the officials. A US aircraft was overhead and recorded video of the incident.

Does it mean they didn't see the frigate or they saw it and thought it is not going to interfere? Doesn't sound right.
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