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U.K blocks Iranian passage in the Strait of Gibraltar, it means:

US want it , they are trying to involve NATO . Don't be so straight otherwise you have to pay heavy price . Please go through NATO protocol . If you attack any member , it will be considered an attack on all member and US just want this . They don't want to attack alone . It is a trap by US .
And UK used sanction of EU which ban Syria oil import. EU has to follow the sanction. UK played dirty and well.


Why is UK adamant about getting involved? I would think they aren't interested?
It's about ME, Iran is the major stumbling block. BP has lots of interest in ME. They are provoking Iran to drag Trump down into the mess.
The damage of political corruptions in different sectors are different.

The corruptions in security and military services and financial sector are most dangerous to a country. How about IRGC?

very hard to say. while in the military and security apparatusus the corruption is not significant. the IRGC is a controversial subject of its own. they dominate the iraniain economy and make it almost impossible for medium to large sized private companies to compete.

but the IRGC is the premiere security force of Iran, so I personally don't have a big issue with them. and many people likewise give them a pass.

the biggest parasites are children of high level government officials. some of them live like kings inside/outside iran. They use their influence to walk into any bank and get loans. Their daddies signature and influence on projects is worth millions, etc etc... if you are a big enough fish, the possibilities of making unbelievable money is limitless.

that's usually how it works and it leads to a lot of resentment from ordinary people.

though Iran is definitely not unique in this aspect, though the Iranian government needs to do better.
very hard to say. while in the military and security apparatusus the corruption is not significant. the IRGC is a controversial subject of its own. they dominate the iraniain economy and make it almost impossible for medium to large sized private companies to compete.

but the IRGC is the premiere security force of Iran, so I personally don't have a big issue with them. and many people likewise give them a pass.

the biggest parasites are children of high level government officials. some of them live like kings inside/outside iran. They use their influence to walk into any bank and get loans. Their daddies signature and influence on projects is worth millions, etc etc... if you are a big enough fish, the possibilities of making unbelievable money is limitless.

that's usually how it works and it leads to a lot of resentment from ordinary people.

though Iran is definitely not unique in this aspect, though the Iranian government needs to do better.
According to my Chinese experience, Iran needs more bottom up feedback mechanism. But it will create chaos and turmoil. It must be carefully controlled.

Iran has threats, economic and military. But the most significant threat is leadership transition after Ayatollah Khamenei. Your west 'Friends' has waited for that day for 30 years.

The Chinese model is strengthen the party discipline, centralize authority and control the level of corruption. After that you can use top down model to fix the system. It must be executed by a strong leader with allies in the system and public opinion support.

The biggest threat of systematic corruption is not corruption itself, but decentralizing authority. Once you lost the control of authority, you will go down the hell and repeat Dissolution of Soviet Union.

By the way, there are 5 countries in the world which has centralized authority, Iran, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam. Only Iran and China plays a significant role in the international arena.

There are few countries in the world which have NOT been controlled by bankers, transnational corporations. Iran and China are 2 of them.

The corruption depth of west countries are deeper than people usually thought.
I'm using logic dude, even if some news report posted will be rejected by you.
Only IRGC and US army exist in countries infested by Isis.
While US (Obama) closed his eyes, while Iranian ships continue supplies to Isis infested regions.
I wonder what happened now?
yes that is true
Iranian ships supplied weapons to forces that were fighting the ISIS scum
this is why ISIS was routed in Iraq and ISIS march to Damascus was halted
What benefit did seizing this oil tanker have for the UK? Nothing. All it has done is reduce security for British vessels and increase costs (not just to cover the military escorts but also for the added insurance). The UK can’t afford to continue to escort every British flagged or owned vessel that enters the Persian Gulf. It has also escalated the diplomatic rift with Madrid, who claim sovereignty over Gibraltar. And in the end, the Iranian tanker will be released and it is Britain that will foot the bill for this calamity...
The british have still not come to their senses and are instead further upping the ante by arresting the captain and chief officer of the iranian oil tanker.
I think its getting closer to the point where iran is going to have to do something reciprocal as sadly these clowns just dont seem to be getting the message,or worse are dead set on ignoring it .
The british have still not come to their senses and are instead further upping the ante by arresting the captain and chief officer of the iranian oil tanker.
I think its getting closer to the point where iran is going to have to do something reciprocal as sadly these clowns just dont seem to be getting the message,or worse are dead set on ignoring it .
That's what happens when our traitor officials transmit weakness.

I'm afraid its crew may get the same fate of our diplomat who was illegally arrested in Europe and traitors decided to sacrifice him for the benefit of their own pro-west policies.
a strong motive exposed. they are going to use this manufactured tension with Iran as propaganda to try and get their public to accept increased funding for their weapons industry.


Iran in ten years was going to have a larger navy than the unroyal navy. :rofl:

Subs are the way to go. 100 subs minimum for any decent navy. And yet, none have 100 sub fleets. This includes littoral, but not midget subs. Littoral subs are like corvettes, midget subs are like patrol boats. Latter, not part of the fleet.

Littoral subs are about the size of German U-boats, & thus ok for blue sea missions.

Oil revenues for a month could pay for a 100 fleet.

Put Iran to work and spend the five billion euros needed for a 100 sub fleet.
Would the Brits still have gotten away with this if this incident occurred in or near Persian Gulf rather than straight of Gibraltar?
Would the Brits still have gotten away with this if this incident occurred in or near Persian Gulf rather than straight of Gibraltar?
Hell no. You need to consider, this is not an Iranian tanker. It is just carrying Iranian crude. It is owned by a Russian company and all crew are non-Iranian. However, they wouldn't dare touch anything related to Iran within reach of Iranian forces.
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