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U.K blocks Iranian passage in the Strait of Gibraltar, it means:

Wasnt UK part of the group of countries which wanted to keep the Iran Deal despite USA withdrawing from it? If UK and Europeans were sincere and were for once willing to prove they are not American puppets, they have failed this test. Blocking of Iran oil shipment means UK and USA are one and the same and cant be trusted.
you should focus on how to penetrate iron dome .
Some Iranian missiles can do that, main obstacles are the Arrow and David's sling..they cant stop all missiles, but they can stop many.

Wasnt UK part of the group of countries which wanted to keep the Iran Deal despite USA withdrawing from it? If UK and Europeans were sincere and were for once willing to prove they are not American puppets, they have failed this test. Blocking of Iran oil shipment means UK and USA are one and the same and cant be trusted.
You smartly and correctly identified the hypocrisy with the UK's behavior. Problem for UK is that Iran isnt afraid of UK.
Some Iranian missiles can do that, main obstacles are the Arrow and David's sling..they cant stop all missiles, but they can stop many.
add thaad in that too . only way to harm pentagon is to hit israel.
Some Iranian missiles can do that, main obstacles are the Arrow and David's sling..they cant stop all missiles, but they can stop many.

You smartly and correctly identified the hypocrisy with the UK's behavior. Problem for UK is that Iran isnt afraid of UK.
If the need arise you can target those arrow and David slings first. And for that you can hide the actual missiles inside a barrage of rockets to saturate the system.
Wasnt UK part of the group of countries which wanted to keep the Iran Deal despite USA withdrawing from it? If UK and Europeans were sincere and were for once willing to prove they are not American puppets, they have failed this test. Blocking of Iran oil shipment means UK and USA are one and the same and cant be trusted.
Yes,an extremely ill considered hostile act on the part of the uk,as I`ve no doubt that far more uk tankers have to pass thru iranian controlled hormuz than iranian tankers have to pass thru gibralter.
Ultimately the eurovassal regimes wind up looking rather schizophrenic in their supposed attempts to try and preserve the jcpoa.You have them talking the talk about wanting to preserve it while at the same time they are either unwilling or unable to do more than the most pathetic of token gestures ie instex,yet any minuscule token good will these gestures might have engendered with iran is completely destroyed with utterly idiotic acts such as this act of piracy by the british.On the other hand however,you have rouhani and co whos stubborn insistence that the jcpoa is somehow not yet dead,effectively means that iran remains shackled to its corpse and thus cannot even begin to effectively retaliate for the acts of economic warfare enacted against it.Its very frustrating to watch.
In other words, they're closing the Strait of Gibraltar for Iranian oil. Is Suez Canal still open for Iranian oil? If not, Iran is obviously facing more than sanctions: They're virtually blockading Iranian oil from reaching any parts of Europe and the countries on the Mediterranean.

And with the lack of UNSC resolution authorizing such sanctions, it is a declaration of war. The excuse that the Brits were enforcing EU sanctions against Syria is bullish-t. Such sanctions never authorized maritime seizure of ships bound for Syria; they were only meant to punish Syrian government officials financially.

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