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Type 26 Frigate build expected to begin in 2017

The contract has recently completed, the SW-4 Solo completing 27 hours of flight trials with 22 autonomous landings. The trials also included integration with the DNA(2) ship combat management software and mission planning activities.

The trials results will inform future programmes.

Unmanned Warrior 2016 is a trials and demonstration event designed to offer over 40 manufacturers and research organisations an opportunity to showcase their systems in a realistic environment.

Coming soon... Unmanned Warrior

Commander Peter Pipkin, Fleet Robotics Officer, commented;

Unmanned Warrior is going to provide a showcase for the demonstration of products in a tactically relevant environment. The overall value will be in transforming the market as a whole by creating increased demand for these technologies, not seeking specific business opportunities within the event. We have deliberately adopted a different approach to capability demonstration, in that the MOD is inviting participants to offer their thoughts on what future capability might look like and where technology can be exploited without any preconception. This recognises that we (Defence) do not always have a crystal ball but are willing to look at the full breadth of possible technology exploitation paths.
None of these systems forms part of the Type 26 GCS programme but are included for completeness.

Aircraft and Stores Handling
Ship-borne aircraft handling systems are required to capture, move and restrain different types of aircraft in high sea states and adverse weather.

MacTaggart Scott pioneered helicopter recovery systems.

The deck lock system requires the pilot to hover over a steel grid in order to deploy the locking ‘harpoon’. Once engaged the hydraulic actuator system, from Claverham, pulls the helicopter onto the deck, compressing the oleo leg in conjunction with negative thrust from the rotor. This system can secure the helicopter to the deck without needing any personnel to approach it, an important safety consideration. The deck lock grid is available from a number of manufacturers and widely used.

Additional securing straps are often used and the deck lock released, it is a flexible system and because the actuator sits on the centre of rotation the helicopter can be easily manoeuvred into the most favourable position for subsequent takeoff. The pilot has immediate confirmation that the helicopter is secure and is not reliant on others

Once secured to the deck, a means of transporting to the hangar is required and these fall into two broad types, rail assist and tug. The MacTaggart Scott TRIGON system is used by many operators and makes use of computer controlled steel wire ropes to secure and move helicopters. It uses a series of cables, with the three rail PRISM system specifically on Type 23 for Merlin, this document makes a good case for the all round superiority of TRIGON.

MacTaggart Trigon helicopter recovery and handling system

Any future rotary RPAS will need to be able to launch and recover in high sea states so securing and moving in high sea states will be of great importance.

Although no details have been released specifically for Type 26 GCS aircraft securing and handling it is likely to make use of designs already in service.

For Type 26 GCS, the Air Weapons Handling System (AWHS) will be designed by Babcock

The system will store and move air weapons from their stowage locations to weapon preparation areas prior transfer onto aircraft or into torpedo launch systems. Re-stowage of unused munitions is also part of system operation and a high degree of automation will reduce manual handling.

Inside the hangar, an overhead gantry crane will likely be installed, perhaps similar to the design by Seward Wyon for the Type 45 Destroyer. Given the route from the flight deck, through the hangar and into the mission bay, this may require a bespoke design. The hangar is sized to accomodate a single Merlin helicopter, or two Wildcat’s.

Future rotary UAV’s may also be housed in the hangar.

Helicopter Landing visual aids and lighting will be supplied by AGI Limited including Homing Beacon Lighting, pilot eye line lights, visual approach lights, control systems and the Advanced Stabilised Glide Slope Indicator (ASGSI)

The flight deck safety net assemblies will likely be provided by Vonroll, as they do for other Royal Navy vessels.

Adaptable Mission Bay
The mission bay is an important part of the concept of operations for the Type 26.

Equipment modules, vehicles, boats, UAV/USV’s or stores can be carried from the beginning of a deployment or if required, flown, sailed or driven out to a nearby port, and loaded from either side.

In the first concept drawings, it was shown as housed underneath the flight deck but as the design matured, moved to a more central position, forward of the helicopter hangar and below the main weather deck.

This arrangement allows modules or other cargo to be landed onto the flight deck and then moved through the hangar to the bay. Although it is assumed the hangar will have some form of overhead gantry crane it is not clear if this crane can extend into the mission bay. If not, equipment may have to be manually handled through the hangar and into the mission bay.

The mission bay can accommodate a range of small craft such as Inshore and Offshore Raiding Craft, Sea Boats (up to 12m long) and up to ten 20ft ISO containers. In addition to boats and containers, it can also accommodate a Merlin or even two Wildcat helicopters.

The image below is from a Babcock investor presentation and shows the mission bay being used to disembark a RHIB.


Combined with the flexible accommodation provision, it opens up some very interesting opportunities.

Payload modularity gets a very bad ‘rap’ from the online defence community, driven I suspect, largely from the US Navy LCS woes, but it is a sound concept. It provides a great deal of flexibility but where it differs from other modular approaches (such as the LCS) is that the ships main sensors and weapons are fully integrated.

The Type 26 GCS project team are also leading on a couple of projects that will benefit NATO standardisation, namely module interfaces and shock protection. A mock-up of the bay has been constructed at RNAS Yeovilton to allow experimentation, especially with regard to moving loads inside and outside the bay. DSTL and the US company,Weidlinger Associates, have created a solution to ensure containers remain secured after being subject to explosive shocks, testing has been carried out at an underwater range in Scotland with very encouraging results.

The crane system is rated at 15 tonnes and can extend to the side of the ship for loading and unloading. The crane itself is based on a model used for handling containers on North Sea oil rigs, again, experimentation has determined how it can be effectively modified to accommodate a range of movement and orientation of the ship.

As can be seen from the images below, it has changed since the earlier design, the one on the right is the latest.


Marine Systems Technology and PAR Marine had been mentioned in relation to the supply of the x-y crane used in the mission bay, the same manufacturer that provides the crane for the US Navy LCS Freedom class and DDG-1000. Rolls Royce/ODIM have now signed a Design and Development Agreement for the Type 26 Mission Bay Handling System.

It looks to be an extremely versatile system.

As the Mine Countermeasures and Hydrographic Capability (MHC) Programme progresses there may also be further work with the crane system to allow it to launch and recover autonomous unmanned systems.


It will be interesting to see how this develops from the various concepts and similar examples shown above, what makes the mission bay work is not space, it is the crane. Without the crane, the mission bay is no more than an empty space. It will be different from the Pellegrini/Craneking manufactured and supplied system.

MacTaggart Scott will supply mission bay side doors.

Accommodation is included for 208 crew, with a core complement of 118. If the core complement is analogous to the full crew of Type 23, at 170-185, this represents a significant reduction in crewing. There are a number questions arising from this, does the 118 crew include specialists for Sonar 2097 and other dedicated ASW activities, for example, does this lower aboard crew mean more onshore, another?

The additional crew space could be used for Special Forces, beach recce parties, raiding forces, rescued civilians, UAV operators or other mission specialists.

One would expect that the ‘core complement’ will change depending upon specific deployment requirement but however used, the additional spaces make for a flexible arrangement.

One thing is certain, though, whatever the final number they will have much-improved accommodation facilities compared to the Type 23, yes, including iPod charging points! Accommodation spaces will probably be unisex and similar to those found on CVF and Type 45, as supplied by Strongbox Marine, the supplier to the Russian Navy, as it happens.


There will no doubt be those that hark back to the good old days of mess decks but modern ships need modern people and modern people need modern accommodation. Those aboard will be deployed for long periods and I find nothing unusual whatsoever with wanting to provide them with as good facilities as reasonably practicable.

Retention of skilled personnel is an important factor in cost management and if people are leaving because their accommodation is more like the Cruel Sea than a modern working environment then I would suggest those crusty old sea dogs take their nostalgia elsewhere, perhaps they miss weevils and scurvy as well!

Commissariat equipment will be supplied by Kempsafe and the reverse osmosis potable water generation equipment by Salt Separation Services.

Marine Systems Technology will supply the doors, now part of the PAR Group.

Fire Prevention and Control
One of the most significant through life cost drivers is personnel and although power, propulsion and electronics technology have traditionally required less personnel in successive generations of equipment a barrier to reducing crew numbers overall has been the fire/damage control requirement.

The first strategy is to prevent fires in the first place, design and material choices can do a great deal to reduce the potential for fire but warships are dangerous places, filled with dangerous materials. Fire detection systems that will include integration with machinery monitoring systems will allow the early detection of both the potential for fire and fire itself.

Although traditional methods of fire-fighting, suitably trained and equipped members of the crew, will be used, they will be joined by a range of automated systems.

One of these new approaches is the use of high-pressure water mist systems. HPWM are said to offer improved fire suppression whilst using dramatically reduced water volume compared to conventional sprinklers. The ultra-fine mist cools, displaces oxygen in the fire (not the whole compartment) and absorbs radiant heat. Unlike conventional water drenching systems it can be used on live electrical fires and because it is not harmful to humans, can be initiated immediately, without waiting for the crew to escape a compartment that might have extinguishing gas systems.

The system also has some measure of sophistication, initiating to cool escape routes pre-emptively or drench magazines, for example,

Tyco Fire and Integrated Solutions, Manchester, will provide the fixed firefighting system for the Type 26 Frigate using water, mist, foam and gaseous solutions.

Now owned by BAE the VT Halmatic Arctic and Pacific Rigid Inflatable Boats are used by the Royal Navy for general transport tasks and boarding operations, in service since 2004. Powered by a Yanmar marine diesel engine and Hamilton HJ 241 waterjet they have a top speed of approximately 30 knots. Each has a length of 7.8m, beam of 2.57m, draft of 0.5m and a hoist weight of 2.5 tonnes. The slightly smaller Pacific 22 MkII is also in service. They are fitted with a range of communication and navigation equipment, use a single Henriksen hook for lifting and lowering.

The small Zodiac FC470 Inflatable Raiding Craft MkIII’s are commonly used where their low weight, shallow draft and ease of deployment are important.

This type of craft will be a standard fit for the Type 26 GCS

Designed and built by Holyhead Marine, the Offshore Raiding Craft is in service with the Royal Marines used in insertion, patrol and security operations. The 9m craft are heavily armed and able to travelling at speeds up to 40 knots, available in three versions (mid, rear and front console), able to carry up to 8 personnel in addition to the 2 crew. Beam and draught are 2.9m and 0.6m respectively. The ORC trailer is supplied by Tex Engineering and with the ORC weighs 5.4 tonnes. They are powered by a 250hp Steyr Marine M256 engine driving a Rolls Royce FF270 waterjet’s. 39 are in service.

Where additional firepower is needed in support of maritime security operations for example, it is likely the ORC will be carried.

Less likely to be carried but dimensionally compatible with the mission bay is the Army’s Combat Support Boat.

Although mostly used by the Royal Engineers in support of bridging and dive operations the Combat Support Boat is also used by the Royal Logistic Corps to support amphibious and port operations.

The Mk1 CSB, built by Fairey Allday Marine, was used by the Royal Engineers, US Army and Marine Corps, Greece, Turkey and South Korea, and built in a quantity in excess of 1,000 units. In 2,000 these were replaced by the RTK Marine Mk2, each Mk2 CSB is powered by twin Yanmar 6LP diesel marine engines that drive  twin Hamilton HJ274 Waterjets via ZF Model HSW 630 gearboxes. Top speed is approximately 30 knots and they have a cargo capacity of approximately 2 tonnes or 12 personnel. C130 and Chinook transportable they are powerful for their size and versatile craft. Unladen weight is 4.75 tonnes, length 8.8m, beam 2.77m and draught 0.65m. BAE now own the design and marketing rights to the CSB although the dedicated trailer is supplied by Oldbury

A modification would be required for crane launch and recovery.

The Royal Navy’s survey launches are also compatible with the dimensions and limits of the mission bay and gantry crane.

One of the potential uses of the mission bay is for supporting a deployable mine countermeasures and survey capability. This does not turn a Type 26 GC into a dedicated MCM vessel but it is an area that is currently being developed with the MHC and Sweep programmes, detailed here

In April 2014, a contract was let to Thales.

On behalf of France and the United Kingdom (UK), OCCAR has awarded the Maritime Mine Counter Measures (MMCM) contract to Thales Underwater Systems, in collaboration with BAE Systems and their partners in France (ECA) and in the UK (ASV, Wood & Douglas, SAAB UK)
The €22m 15-month contract covered the first design and definition stage. It also secured an agreed fixed price for Stage and 3, manufacture and support respectively. The Thales led consortium includes Wood and Douglas (Ultra) for the telemetry and data link, ECA for autonomous underwater vehicles, BAE for mission management and simulation systems, SAAB for remotely operated vehicles (ROV) and Autonomous Surface Vehicles for the surface vessel.

Each system will comprise a USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) equipped with an autonomous navigation system, an obstacle detection and avoidance sonar, a threat identification and neutralisation capability based on ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), a T-SAS (Towed Synthetic Aperture Sonar) and AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles). The geolocated AUVs will use the latest-generation synthetic aperture sonar SAMDIS with multi-aspect functionality for improved classification. They will perform their tasks autonomously with control from a host ship or shore-based station via high-data-rate communication links.
Thales will develop a containerised portable operations centre (POC).

In addition to the joint UK/French mine hunting programmes the Royal Navy, with its positive experience from Iraq and SWIMS, has maintained and shown a renewed interest in combined influence sweep systems.

At the sime time as the MMCM contract another was announced, this one to Atlas Elektronik for the continued development of their FAST/ARCIMS system. The £12.6m 3-year contract will lead to the full development of the solution that can be deployed from Hunt Class MCM vessels. Block 1 calls for the development of the prototype, Block 2, integration with the Hunt Class and Block 3, manufacture of a system developed as a result of trials activity. Jane’s reported that the final configuration is likely to include 4 unmanned systems housed in a Reconnaissance Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Hangar (RUUVH) on board.

Jane’s also reported;

Towing speed is typically 8 kt. The ARCIMS sweep mission module payload set comprises a power generation module, and towed sweeps for acoustic, electric, and magnetic influences.
When Atlas delivered the two ARCIMS launches to the Royal Navy they delivered them in two configurations, the first was in the form of the RN Motorboat Hazard, pictured above, and the second, with equipment for the combined influence sweep system.

The media below, from Thales, shows the general concept of operations for Halycon, operation from a shore location and using a Remotely Operated vehicle for inspection and disposal. The ROV shown is from Saab, the SeaEye Falcon, equipped with a multi-shot disposal system called the multimine neutralisation system, or MuMNS. ARCIMS, from Atlas Elektronik, has been developed over quite a long period from the various systems such as FAST and SeaFox. Atlas teamed up with the makers of the Bladerunner speedboat, ICE Marine, to create the Motorboat Hazard.

The small unmanned ROV is the Ocean Modules V8 M500 Intervention, click here for the brochure.

The Thales Synthetic aperture Sidescan Sonar (SAMDIS) sonar has developed from the ESPADON work and uses three beams to increase coverage and speeds. ECA will also be responsible for the launch and recovery system (LARS) which will enable non specialised craft to operate the system in challenging sea conditions. The ECA component will be developed from its A27-M, the largest in its portfolio, and will include the Thales Synthetic aperture Sidescan Sonar (SAMDIS) sonar.

Both Sweep and MHC components are fully intended to be deployable from Type 26 GCS, this may not be the preferred method but the option remains.

In addition to the survey and mine countermeasures roles, unmanned surface vessels may be deployed for force protection and situational awareness. BAE and ASV have recently demonstrated their unmanned technology.

From BAE and ASV;

Unmanned technology with the potential to change the face of naval operations within a decade has successfully been demonstrated for the first time by BAE Systems in partnership with ASV at a site near Portsmouth Naval Base.
The new system will allow crews to carry out vital tasks such as high speed reconnaissance and remote surveillance while keeping sailors out of harm’s way. The modified boat is capable of operating autonomously for up to 12 hours at a time on either a pre-planned route or via remote control. It can reach speeds in excess of 38 knots (44 miles per hour), providing unique ship-launched manoeuvrability and enhanced situational awareness to support the decision-making of its operators. The technology is designed to be fitted to the Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIBs) like those already used extensively by the Royal Navy.

Underpinning the system’s ability to operate autonomously is its complex array of sensors, including a navigation radar, 360 degree panoramic infrared camera array and laser range finder which offer operators a detailed picture within a significant range of the vessel.

“This technology delivers an extremely robust and fast-moving unmanned boat that is able to perform a number of surveillance and reconnaissance roles, even when operating at high speed or in choppy water,” said Les Gregory, Product and Training Services Director at BAE Systems.

“BAE Systems has a wealth of experience in the development and integration of unmanned systems. The successful demonstration highlights the enhanced capability this technology offers. While other programmes are primarily designed for larger, slower boats to tackle mine counter-measure scenarios, this system provides an extremely manoeuvrable multi-role vessel.”

The unmanned system and software algorithms controlling the boat were provided by Portchester-based unmanned and autonomous specialist, ASV. BAE Systems has been working closely with ASV to integrate the technology and prove the concept through the demonstrator. The next stage in its development is to create the sensor suite before ensuring a seamless integration with the combat management system on the parent ship.

Dan Hook, Managing Director for ASV said: “The algorithms we’re developing with BAE Systems allow the boat to perform complex missions and navigate through waters avoiding collisions.

“This gives it the flexibility and sophistication to operate in a number of different tactical roles, whether it’s patrolling areas of interest, providing surveillance and reconnaissance ahead of manned missions, or protecting larger ships in the fleet.”

The boats will be able to operate up to 40km away from their parent ship. As well as being completely autonomous they can also be remote-controlled by crew on land, from the ship via a hand-held controller or piloted as usual.

The technology is designed as a retrofit to the manned Pacific 24 RIB already deployed across Type 23 Frigates and Type 45 Destroyers. These boats will also go on to the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers once they enter service.

As unmanned technology develops, there is no doubt this kind of system will be carried and operated by Type 26 GCS.

It is likely these will also feature in Unmanned Warrior.

Raytheon Anschütz will supply the Integrated Navigation and Bridge System (INBS), Rolls Royce Marine, the steering gear, RAS equipment and stabilisers, Score Marine, valves, and Reynolds Hi-Tec, flexible couplings.

L3 Marine Systems will supply the Platform Management System (data sheet) and Cathelco, cathodic protection.

The EDGE Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) system will be from BAE, it collates information from multiple on and off board systems, providing information for combat and navigation purposes.

There are many hundreds, if not thousands, of other systems and components, not listed above, CBRN protection, waste management and even the paint for example.

With all the technology described above it is easy to forget that the single most important part of Type 26 GCS will be its crew, shore support and other personnel.

What will the Royal Navy get with Type 26 GCS?

Simply, an evolutionary, low risk but extremely capable system that builds on the best of Type 23 and Type 45.

It will be flexible, capable, have bags of growth potential and suited for contemporary operations against peer threats whilst in compliance with the latest standards, norms and expectations, and rightly so.

Despite the rather convoluted development process, I can’t see what is not to like.


Long one i know. Thank GOD for copy and paste though. lool :D:P
Expensive, but what cost a Arleigh Burk class?
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