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Two suspected terrorists arrested in Uttar Pradesh

Bingo. This is War. We Indians should stop crying and instead focus on countering it. :tup:
For a country like ours, given a strong nationalist leadership, these attacks are nothing more than pin-pricks. Besides, training a yahoo takes much more time and effort than catching/killing one. So let them keep trying, we need to stay alert - that's all.

Strong nationalist leadership.... very interesting concept!!
What a joke.

I've written an extensive post on the lie India has perpetrated regarding the proposed genocide.

Its funny how you want to discount Sharmila Boses' book "Dead Reckoning" which picks apart the lie and is the first attempt to actually document what happened during the war using facts not basing her work on rumors which is what India has continued to perpetuate.

In the article "The Missing Millions" by William Drummond in the Guardian (pg. 15 Jun 6, 1972) who wrote:

"Since the third week of March, when the Inspector General's office in the Bangladesh Home Ministry began its field investigations, there have been about 2,000 complaints from citizens about deaths at the hands of the Pakistan Army have been received."

After all was said and done

"Only 72,000 claims were received. Of them relatives of 50,000 victims had been awarded the declared sum of money. There had been many bogus claims, even some from the Razakars, within those 72,000 applications."
William Drummond goes on to state that after receiving the report citing the death toll Mujib:

"lost his temper and threw it on the floor, saying in angry voice 'I have declared three million dead, and your report could not come up with three score thousand! What report you have prepared? Keep your report to yourself. What I have said once, shall prevail."
India perpetuated a myth and created a terrorist organization (i.e. the Mukti Bahini) that went around slaughtering innocent Pakistani's in Bangladesh. There was never any genocide by the Pakistani military.

However, you are right in that Pakistan has the right and will continue to support the struggle for freedom of our territory of Kashmir from India. We will not allow the genocide of our people and the occupation of our land continue.

Let us also not forget the victims of India's Genocide of the Sikh community of Punjab. Seems like India has a history of Genocide but Pakistan will continue fighting for the freedom of all peoples.

that was self defeating in purpose, nevertheless, for the sake of argument, lets say your figures are from the horse's mouth. 72000 fatalities doesn't constitute a genocide, but sikh genocide and godhra riots do.... or is now 3 million the new benchmark.

As far as kashmir is concerned do read the UNSC resolutions before the you go all "messiah of freedom" on me.
that was self defeating in purpose, nevertheless, for the sake of argument, lets say your figures are from the horse's mouth. 72000 fatalities doesn't constitute a genocide, but sikh genocide and godhra riots do.... or is now 3 million the new benchmark.

As far as kashmir is concerned do read the UNSC resolutions before the you go all "messiah of freedom" on me.

every days there is genocide of Urdu speaking minority in Karachi, 'TARGET KILLINGS', Layari region, that he will not discuss and will go back to 30 year old closed book chapter 200 times discussed. They are the biggest racists because they created Pakistan in the name of religion. In that case he has no right to speak about Kashmir etc, etc all sort of dramas.
Options are open"
1. Free Baloxhistan
2. Free Sindh
3. Indian Msulim will kill Pakistani Muslims.
4. Kick India hating creature out of India..

5. The final one, Ignore Pakistan and continue to grow at higher pace, so that India will be better place to live.

The first four are impossible and far from reality. The fifth one is good, but indians just cant do that. One point agenda of indian unity is hatred against Pakistan.

3rd and 5th are valid option and that's what we are doing.. 1,2,4 will be surprise action.. :)
More than just interesting. It is a necessity. :coffee:
I am not sure if you are bengali, but there is saying "je lonke jay, shei raabon hoy", contextual translation with politics being "once elected, every politician turns evil"... Hopefully some one will change the trend. fingers crossed.
Ok Hindutva troll.

You can sleep easy now.

Anything else?

Oh my deat RazPak, I forget to say one thing "******* don't like to share", ********* can't share the land with Shia and Ahmedis, leave Christians... The Ultimate goal of a ******** is "non ******* free earth".

"******* or die"
every days there is genocide of Urdu speaking minority in Karachi, 'TARGET KILLINGS', Layari region, that he will not discuss and will go back to 30 year old closed book chapter 200 times discussed. They are the biggest racists because they created Pakistan in the name of religion. In that case he has no right to speak about Kashmir etc, etc all sort of dramas.
relax, remarks are from a relatively new member. What he chooses to discuss and not is his prerogative. Healthy debate is always welcome, and then there are sr members here to jump in
Oh my deat RazPak, I forget to say one thing "******* don't like to share", ********* can't share the land with Shia and Ahmedis, leave Christians... The Ultimate goal of a ******** is "non ******* free earth".

"******* or die"

You can sleep now Hindutva troll.

Anything else?
that was self defeating in purpose, nevertheless, for the sake of argument, lets say your figures are from the horse's mouth. 72000 fatalities doesn't constitute a genocide, but sikh genocide and godhra riots do.... or is now 3 million the new benchmark.

That's what Sharmila Bose covers in her book.

72,000 people were reported killed of that only 50,000 deaths were given compensation.

However, there has never been a single attempt by the Bengali government during Mujib's time or subsequent administrations to ever exhume supposed "mass graves" or other victims already buried to allow an independent forensic team to actually figure out how victims died (i.e. were the deaths attributed to the Mukti Bahini, Indian soldiers or Pakistani soldiers).

As of right now no one has any idea who killed those 50,000 people and it's most likely they were killed by the the Mukti Bahini terorists you sent in or possibly even Indian troops that crossed the border after starting the 1971 war.

As I stated previously the Pakistani army did not comitt a genocide in Bangladesh and has always championed freedom. It is now obvious India has been lying since 1971 as did their bloodthirsty ally Mujib whose daughter, also India's ally, is no different going so far as to demolish democracy in Bangladesh, mercilleslly kill her political rivals and whose supporters are killing thousands of other innocent Bengalis vying for freedom and the right to vote in free and fair elections.

The Sikhs were seeking independence of their ancestral land free of Indian Hindu rule, occupation and subjugation just as the Pakistani's and Kashmiri's seek the freedom of our lands and eventual reunification of our ancestral territory.

It is unfortunate that India has a long history of genocide, aggression against its neighbors, support of terrorist groups that seek to destroy and enslave and an almost habitual tendency to lie.
That's what Sharmila Bose covers in her book.

72,000 people were reported killed of that only 50,000 deaths were given compensation.

However, there has never been a single attempt by the Bengali government during Mujib's time or subsequent administrations to ever exhume supposed "mass graves" or other victims already buried to allow an independent forensic team to actually figure out how victims died (i.e. were the deaths attributed to the Mukti Bahini, Indian soldiers or Pakistani soldiers).

As of right now no one has any idea who killed those 50,000 people and it's most likely they were killed by the the Mukti Bahini terorists you sent in or possibly even Indian troops that crossed the border after starting the 1971 war.

As I stated previously the Pakistani army did not comitt a genocide in Bangladesh and has always championed freedom. It is now obvious India has been lying since 1971 as did their bloodthirsty ally Mujib whose daughter, also India's ally, is no different going so far as to demolish democracy in Bangladesh, mercilleslly kill her political rivals and whose supporters are killing thousands of other innocent Bengalis vying for freedom and the right to vote in free and fair elections.

The Sikhs were seeking independence of their ancestral land free of Indian Hindu rule, occupation and subjugation just as the Pakistani's and Kashmiri's seek the freedom of our lands and eventual reunification of our ancestral territory.

It is unfortunate that India has a long history of genocide, aggression against its neighbors, support of terrorist groups that seek to destroy and enslave and an almost habitual tendency to lie.

Read your post again, objectively. I am sure you can construct the holes yourself.... If not I am sure someone will help you along.... If you want to live in planet pakistan, where you are the beacon of light and we are the gremlins, then be it. That is the world you choose. till next time Adios.
The first four are impossible and far from reality. The fifth one is good, but indians just cant do that. One point agenda of indian unity is hatred against Pakistan.

Yes Chicha...We did that what exactly you said...And you can see, we are far more prosperous then Pakstan... And your countryman is moving around the world with begging BOWL.
seems like fake news ..like they have did that in recent past ..
well regardless,we know who is doing what.

we can break their bones in no time.

Just some politicians coming in the way,the agencies know clearly who funds the terrorist.
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