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Two Soldiers and One Cop killed in Turkey

Turkey's Interior Minister Efkan Ala said Friday that two of the arrested “terrorists” who killed two security officials in central Turkey on Thursday are Albanian nationals, while the third is Kosovan.

Three people, including a soldier and a police officer, were killed in a shoot-out in the central Turkish province of Nigde on Thursday.

"The terrorists opened fire from a taxi that they rented in the southern province of Hatay," the interior minister said. "A number of hand grenades, bullets and guns have been found in the bags left behind by them."

The attackers opened fire when Turkish gendarmerie and police teams tried to stop their vehicle at a roadside checkpoint near the town of Ulukisla.

The gendarmerie and special operations teams chased the assailants who escaped in a truck that they had seized.

The Interior Ministry has said the third person killed in the attack was the driver of the truck.

The intended targets of the assailants, who reports suggest could likely be members of Al-Qaeda or Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), have not yet been identified.

Turkish soldier killers two Albanians, one Kosovan | General | Worldbulletin News
I dont get it,we allways supported these Albanians and Kosovars.
Maybe we should have let them being killed by the Serbs.
Thats the problem with some European Muslims,they get so radical from either watching terrorist propaganda on internet or listening to a radical cleric sent to their countries as ''imams''.
I dont get it,we allways supported these Albanians and Kosovars.
Maybe we should have let them being killed by the Serbs.
Thats the problem with some European Muslims,they get so radical from either watching terrorist propaganda on internet or listening to a radical cleric sent to their countries as ''imams''.
Radical terrorist dont care, they only care for their own goal.

ISIL are armed criminals, they aren't educated Muslims nor obedient Muslims.
They are terrorists we was right in the beginning.
thats more people died than in our so called military aggression in Crimea lolmao.
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