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Two Saudi soldiers missing in Yemen, presumed in Houthi custody: Defense Ministry

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Yes, when you cannot counter historical facts and ground realities that are even confirmed by links you resort to nonsense. Just worry about your chronically failed, landlocked, irrelevant and impoverished country. Your initial post would get you an ban straight away if there was any moderator here. Imagine if someone had written the same thing on your section? Oh, the crying.

Yes, Al-Assad is from KSA.

Child, people from what is now KSA spread Islam over 1300 years ago from Spain to China. Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, Sufism all originate from Hijaz in KSA. I suggest that you blame that part of the world for all your indigenous miseries that I have already stated and which are well-known.

@WebMaster time to clean this thread from trolls.

A troll and racist is only you here not anyone else.

Why ban when I am only saying the truth that Saudi is the supporter of terror in both Afghanistan and Pakistan? and now invaded a sovereign nation and paying the price.

At least my country is not supporting the kinds of cannibals which Saudi supports against other Muslim countries. Your country's activities tells so much of it's history don't tell me about the links.
When there are airstrikes civilian casualties are inevitable specially when its in cities.

I am not saying Airstrikes are ineffective(They did destroy most of the Ballistic Missile stockpile and neutralized the airforce) but if Airstrikes can do as much as you say then ISIS should be wiped out by now and Vietcong shouldn't be able to do as much damage as they did on Americans and both of them are facing/faced way more airpower than the houthis are currently facing
Houthis are still far from being destroyed

Yes, especially when Houthi's deliberately use civilian areas as hostage. The tactic of almost every insurgency/rebel/terrorist group when there is urban fighting.

Civilian casualties have happened and will happen. That's the nature of such wars when you have Houthi terrorist cult members hiding among civilians or taking entire cities as hostage. It's unfortunate but nevertheless the reality.

The Houthi's have killed more civilians than the coalition since they illegally captured most of Yemen in September 2014. Before they succeeded they had killed 100's of civilians in the process as well. You think that an armed terrorist cult militia like them were handing out roses while they were conquering large areas of Yemen?

Read for yourself.

Houthi insurgency in Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Houthi takeover in Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not even going to speak about their conflicts with the Yemeni state (ruled by the Ali Abdullah Saleh crook who is now their best friend) which have killed 1000's of civilians since the 1990's.

What the recent conflicts in the ME region have taught us all is that strength matters the most. And that will be shown by the powerful party against the enemy.

I don't think that anyone has claimed that the Houthi's are defeated. You have to remember, as I already wrote to you, that the Ali Abdullah Saleh crook (former dictator of Yemen who ruled for 34 years and who fought Houthi militias for over 20 years!) and factions of the Yemeni army are loyal to him and certain tribes. That is why the fight is also involving the Yemeni military (a fraction of it at least).

So it's quite complicated.

You are wishing death on common Arabs and Saudis and then asking why you are being blown off:crazy:
Get real mate.

He is mentally disturbed like a few other trolls in this thread. He cannot phantom that his failed state (only second to North Korea) has been like that throughout most of its history and that most of their problems are indigenous and go way, way back. In any case no Arab here cares about Afghanistan and people like him. Let him bark for all I care but then he should be able to get a fitting reply without "crying" racism. Historical facts and ground realities or calling someone a Tajik can never be racism. Calling 30 million people (the most evil) and is racism though let alone wishing them death. Or his insults aimed at 450 million Arabs and generalization. Nobody had even mentioned Afghanistan or Afghans with a word. The average Arab is neither for or against Afghanistan. It's a distant country.
So calling you a Tajik is racism? I just stated some historical facts and told you about the realities on the ground. You should thank me so you can improve in the future.

You dare to talk about "racism" after your initial post in this thread? Get lost, kid. If there was an Arab moderator on this section like once before you would have turned pink as a result of your initial post.

Your each post consist racism in this Topic don't brag about any of your kind to ban me for nothing. Try to digest the facts that your country is a terrorists sponsor and invader.

You are wishing death on common Arabs and Saudis and then asking why you are being blown off:crazy:
Get real mate.

Not for common Arabs or Saudis but only those who are in the game.
by the way I have checked some videos on the net from Houthis perspective except one or two. many are filmed shooting at abandoned Saudi vehicles. nothing wrong with that .. but they shouldn't be claimed as destroyed during a fire fight.

before you post it. let me say I have seen the video where a tank is hit and its crew bails out and runs to safety. I am just saying that there is plenty of propaganda as well.
I hope this needless war ends soon.
The bold part we can agree on. Seriously nations act like spoiled children sometimes. There is no point of the yemen war. I expected arab nations to show restraint. How can Yemen be a bigger threat than Israel?
The bold part we can agree on. Seriously nations act like spoiled children sometimes. There is no point of the yemen war. I expected arab nations to show restraint. How can Yemen be a bigger threat than Israel?

It's not about threat but interests; there were already waves of miseries on Muslim countries and yet the Saudi and coalitions are eager to create more this must end as soon as possible the losing party will be only the outsiders not the Yemenis.
Mentally disturbed like a few other trolls in this thread.
A lot of people of people bash Saudi Arabia and not all of it is undeserved. Saudi activities have definitely resulted in the spread of radical Islam. But these geniuses forget that Saudi people aren't responsible for it, nor do all of them support such actions. That is like bashing Chinese for Tianmen Square massacre.

Yes the Chinese should have a democratically elected government but what can ordinary people do against guns and tanks. They try to live like everyone else - job, wife, house, food.

Not for common Arabs or Saudis but only those who are in the game.
I'm sure.
No Afghan will ever be unhappy on a Saudi death. Saudis are the worst creatures on earth and are major supporter of terrorists in all Muslim countries.
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First of all learn to write proper English. Your posts hardly make any sense. Secondly I don't care the slightest about your blabbering but when you write an initial post like you wrote you can expect a fitting reply.

Secondly it's not my problem that you cannot accept historical realities or the ground realities. Your country is a failed state with millions of problems of which 99% are indigenous. People from what is now KSA already gave you Islam 1300 years ago after conquering you. What you have done since and how you have developed since then has nothing to do with KSA or the 450 million Arabs as a whole.

You are running here and there to find something out of debate to discuss instead find sense to understand what replies you are getting.

The problem is Saudi is still giving it's brand of Islam to every Muslim country.
Your each post consist racism in this Topic don't brag about any of your kind to ban me for nothing. Try to digest the facts that your country is a terrorists sponsor and invader.

First of all learn to write proper English. Your posts hardly make any sense. Secondly I don't care the slightest about your blabbering but when you write an initial post like you wrote you can expect a fitting reply.

Secondly it's not my problem that you cannot accept historical realities or the ground realities. Your country is a failed state with millions of problems of which 99% are indigenous. People from what is now KSA already gave you Islam 1300 years ago after conquering you. What you have done since then and how you have developed since that time has nothing to do with KSA or the 450 million Arabs as a whole.

Yes, we gave you your drug addiction, Pashtunwali, tribalism, your dangerous "weapons culture", corruption, bacha baazi, ethnic rivalry etc. We even exported Hazaras to you. In fact all your problems are due to KSA and the 450 million Arabs who are ALL conspiring to hurt the "mighty power" and "highly influential and relevant" nation of Afghanistan. Taliban are actually Arabs. So are all the dozens of other armed groups in Afghanistan. Happy now?

The bold part we can agree on. Seriously nations act like spoiled children sometimes. There is no point of the yemen war. I expected arab nations to show restraint. How can Yemen be a bigger threat than Israel?

You are unfamiliar with this conflict and it's not Yemen which is a threat or Yemenis who are brotherly fellow Arabs and neighbors but a terrorist group within Yemen (The Houthi terrorist cult) and army elements loyal to the former dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh who ruled Yemen for 34 years, wasted it's big potential and stole 60 billion dollars in the process.

Yemen ex-leader Saleh 'amassed up to $60bn' - UN probe - BBC News

Most Yemenis are fully behind the coalition and streets in Southern Yemen have already been named by locals after leaders of the coalition. That just shows how content people are.

With all due respect non-Arabs or people who cannot speak Arabic and are thus unable to follow local Yemeni and Arab news are unable to see the full picture of the conflict. Only what they want to see. For instance 99% of the trolls here don't even know that Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Houthi's fought against each other for 20 years and now they are "best buddies".

Or the fact that KSA has ALWAYS historically supported the Zaydi sect of Northern Yemen which the Houthis (one cult among the MILLIONS of ordinary Zaydi Yemenis) belong to.
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I'm sure.

Pointing only to the topic which are the causalities of Saudi and coalition in Yemen; do you ignore there invasion and zulm in Yemen? there support of terror in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries? don't you know many of the sectarian incidents are having roots to Saudi inside Pakistan? don't you know how they treat ajnabis in their country? (majority of them Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Afghans).
@Saif al-Arab forget it man. Don't bash all Afghans because of one bad apple. He sunk way too low there. No need to join him.

Pointing only to the topic which are the causalities of Saudi and coalition in Yemen; do you ignore there invasion and zulm in Yemen? there support of terror in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries? don't you know many of the sectarian incidents are having roots to Saudi inside Pakistan? don't you know how they treat ajnabis in their country? (majority of them Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Afghans).
Please edit your posts. There can be no two opinions about the meaning of that content.
If you don't want to be generalized, then don't do so yourself.
@Saif al-Arab forget it man. Don't bash all Afghans because of one bad apple. He sunk way too low there. No need to join him.

Please edit your posts. There can be no two opinions about the meaning of that content.
If you don't want to be generalized, then don't do so yourself.

You are right. In reality I have absolutely nothing against Afghanistan or Afghans but I am a firm believer in trolls being served the same dish that they initially serve to others. This includes actions in real life. In that way I am very straightforward.

No Arab would ever tolerate an Afghan barking this way in real life. They would have dealt with him verbally or physically.

You should not forget that I was engaged with two serial trolls already (A Lur and a stateless Kurd) previously and that I was dealing with their notorious nonsense and absurd lies. My patience was at its lowest already.

Anyway of course I know that millions of Afghans like Arabs and vice versa or that a lot live in the Arab world etc. but you can't ignore the historical realities that I wrote about or ground realities which are 100% indigenous Afghan problems. Arabs and everyone else have their indigenous problems too. All ethnicities have that and groups of people.

He tends to be a part of that tiny minority of Afghans who blame all their trouble on Arabs. Most tend to blame Pakistanis.

Anyway let him write whatever he wants to. I don't care as long as I can counter it. His post will also show the Arab users here that this is a individual to avoid and not take seriously. No harm done.
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@Saif al-Arab forget it man. Don't bash all Afghans because of one bad apple. He sunk way too low there. No need to join him.

Please edit your posts. There can be no two opinions about the meaning of that content.
If you don't want to be generalized, then don't do so yourself.

That's more precise now after the edit. Thanks.
Houthis are stronger than you think.The Saudi and most Arab forces are not experienced they overestimated themselves just because they have some shiny toys .The Houthis have been fighting since 2004 and has knowledge on terrain and geography of Yemen. houthis have been trained and armed by Iran as well
After they took over Northern and temporarily some parts of the South they captured lots of weapons from Yemeni military. Although some were destroyed by airstrikes they still have most of the weapons. To make them even stronger they are allied with several tribes and a faction of the yemeni military

But of course they are no match for the Gulf Alliance but they are giving a good fight.

and they carry light just a ak 47 or rpg thats all
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