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Two Saudi soldiers missing in Yemen, presumed in Houthi custody: Defense Ministry

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Keep repeating the same comment will not make it true. You have zero, i.e no evidence to back these claims.
You cannot provide an iota of evidence. This is 'common knowledge' perhaps for wahabis but not in the world of reality and facts. The reality is, the total number of people killed in Yemen number number around 3000, most of which are civilians killed by the savage armies of saudi arabia, UAE etc.

You were banned either way, showing you are a troll. Everytime you get banned etc you start blaming the mods and not your own backward comments.

Anyway, I am not interested in how much of a troll you are. I am interested in facts. So are you going to substantiate your claims or will you keep repeating the same statement like a broken record with no backing?
I can make claims too if I want, like 3000 saudis have been killed. You see, I can do that too. And I have as much evidence for this claim, as you do for your 3000 dead Houthi and pro saleh fighters.

You cannot even count to 10 in Arabic, you cannot locate Yemen on a world map and you have no clue about the conflict and here you are blabbering and disputing official numbers cited by international and local sources. Even the Houthi's themselves have published much greater number of official casualties than their OWN claims of coalition soldiers that they have supposedly killed.

Yes, you can see videos of Houthi slaughter on main Arab forums 24/7 or just take a look at the ground realities and the condition of their strongholds or all the territory that they have lost after heavy defeats. On the other hand you can only find a few videos showing KSA casualties which are minimal. Hence why the same 2-3 videos are being parroted. Outside of that showing a few empty vehicles and tanks destroyed out of 1000's that KSA posses. Let alone the entire coalition which possess 1000's upon 1000's.

Keep writing nonsense you obsessed troll.:lol:
Farsi, many times more Iranian soldiers have been killed by barefooted Baloch separatists armed with AK-47's in the past 1-2 years than Saudi Arabian casualties in 6 months of war against an actual army (The pro-Ali Abdullah Saleh faction of the Yemeni army) and against the most heavily armed terrorist group in the world.

Thanks for posting an video of an empty and abandoned tank from the official Houthi terrorist channel. No sign of any Saudi Arabian soldiers as usual. Like they would not have shown their bodies if they were dead, lol.

You proved your point of KSA having lost not 150 soldiers and civilians (like every source outside of the Houthi's state) but 1000 casualties.

Meanwhile in the real world in Iran 1 raid by Baloch separatists captured 10 times as many soldiers as the 2 Saudi Arabian soldiers that to date have been captured by the Houthis.

Anyway what to expect from a fanboy of the number 1 photoshop army of the world whose "achievements" are ridiculed across the entire planet.

The last video is hilarious especially.

Keep posting some ancient videos about some Iranian border guards. This thread is about Saudi Arabian army getting slaughtered in Yemen and not about Iran. If you want to talk about Iran, go in the Iranian section and you'll be thoroughly educated. You're acting desperate and trying to change to topic to a different conflict.

If we have to listen to you afro arabs, every single vehicle and tanks in Yemen destroyed are empty, including those of them destroyed whilst moving. :lol: Even if that were to be true, it goes to show the incompetency of the saudi and coalition armies as all they can do is abandoned their tanks and vehicles and run away. However, reality is very different as there are countless videos showing very graphic dead saudi/coalition soldier dead bodies in these
destroyed vehicles.

Just look at this: :rofl:
Keep posting some ancient videos about some Iranian border guards. This thread is about Saudi Arabian army getting slaughtered in Yemen and not about Iran. If you want to talk about Iran, go in the Iranian section and you'll be thoroughly educated. You're acting desperate and trying to change to topic to a different conflict.

If we have to listen to you afro arabs, every single vehicle and tanks in Yemen destroyed are empty, including those of them destroyed whilst moving. :lol: Even if that were to be true, it goes to show the incompetency of the saudi and coalition armies as all they can do is abandoned their tanks and vehicles and run away. However, reality is very different as there are countless videos showing very graphic dead saudi/coalition soldier dead bodies in these
destroyed vehicles.

Just look at this: :rofl:
by the way I have checked some videos on the net from Houthis perspective except one or two. many are filmed shooting at abandoned Saudi vehicles. nothing wrong with that .. but they shouldn't be claimed as destroyed during a fire fight.

before you post it. let me say I have seen the video where a tank is hit and its crew bails out and runs to safety. I am just saying that there is plenty of propaganda as well.
I hope this needless war ends soon.
by the way I have checked some videos on the net from Houthis perspective except one or two. many are filmed shooting at abandoned Saudi vehicles. nothing wrong with that .. but they shouldn't be claimed as destroyed during a fire fight.

before you post it. let me say I have seen the video where a tank is hit and its crew bails out and runs to safety. I am just saying that there is plenty of propaganda as well.
I hope this needless war ends soon.

Irfan dear, I have addressed this bro. Even if what you say is true, which in frankness is not because for forum rule reason I simply cannot post videos containing dead bodies/graphic bodies. But lets assume what you said is in indeed true, what does it tell you about the competency of this coalition where as soon as fighting starts, they abandon their vehicles and run away? In either case, the Houthis are destroying them in the face to face combat.
Irfan dear, I have addressed this bro. Even if what you say is true, which in frankness is not because for forum rule reason I simply cannot post videos containing dead bodies/graphic bodies. But lets assume what you said is in indeed true, what does it tell you about the competency of this coalition where as soon as fighting starts, they abandon their vehicles and run away? In either case, the Houthis are destroying them in the face to face combat.
there is no need to psot blood and gore to prove a point.

Yemeni youthis are fighting for their freedom.. its not just one tribe. there are 7 tribes 6 of them are sunnis and only one is zaidi
I remember that and I listed that too when i learnt that in a program.
GCC invasion and reckless bombing has been a failure.. they destroyed this poor country
Keep posting some ancient videos about some Iranian border guards. This thread is about Saudi Arabian army getting slaughtered in Yemen and not about Iran. If you want to talk about Iran, go in the Iranian section and you'll be thoroughly educated. You're acting desperate and trying to change to topic to a different conflict.

If we have to listen to you afro arabs, every single vehicle and tanks in Yemen destroyed are empty, including those of them destroyed whilst moving. :lol: Even if that were to be true, it goes to show the incompetency of the saudi and coalition armies as all they can do is abandoned their tanks and vehicles and run away. However, reality is very different as there are countless videos showing very graphic dead saudi/coalition soldier dead bodies in these
destroyed vehicles.

Just look at this: :rofl:

How thick are you exactly? Those videos are from 2014. "Ancient", lol. The fact is that barefooted Baloch freedom fighters have caused more casualties for your army in a few raids and captured 10 times as many soldiers than 6 months of direct war in Yemen has for KSA and its soldiers. That's just a fact.

There is no slaughter and no setbacks. Unless 100 soldiers being killed + a few dozen civilians means slaughter. Then I don't know what you will categorize the slaughter of the Houthi terrorist cult and the Ali Abdullah Saleh mercenaries and their strongholds who look like Stalingrad.

Anyway don't worry your constant trolling on this peaceful section will be dealt with.

there is no need to psot blood and gore to prove a point.

Yemeni youthis are fighting for their freedom.. its not just one tribe. there are 7 tribes 6 of them are sunnis and only one is zaidi
I remember that and I listed that too when i learnt that in a program.
GCC invasion and reckless bombing has been a failure.. they destroyed this poor country

I don't know where you have those false information from. It seems that you are not knowledgeable about Yemen at all with all due respect.

@azzo @Full Moon @BLACKEAGLE @Falcon29 @Gasoline @KTOOOOM @alarabi @Frosty @Saeed Yasser Al-Muflahi (the only Yemeni user here) etc.

The Houthi's are not allied with any Sunni tribes and are a cult who have killed 1000's of Yemenis since they emerged in the 1990's. They are a terrorist group who illegally took control of large areas of Yemen in September 2014 (when they ousted the elected president Hadi) and before that were killing civilians and opponents too.

Those are not "tribes" but mercenaries allied with the Ali Abdullah Saleh (former dictator of Yemen who ruled the country for 34 years) and who fought the very same Houthi's for decades. Now they are best friends because they are getting spanked and their position of power/influence is threatened.

Yemen ex-leader Saleh 'amassed up to $60bn' - UN probe - BBC News
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they are Yemeni freedom fighters.. its not just one tribe. there are 7 tribes 6 of them are sunnis and only one is zaidi
I remember that and I listed that too when i learnt that in a program.
GCC invasion and reckless bombing has been a failure.. they destroyed this poor country

This is because of their paranoia. This paranoia makes them see Iran everywhere in the region. They started bombing this poorest of all arab nations because one of these freedom fighter groups just happened to be shi'ites. What is hilarious, is that when these arabs bomb other arabs, they claim they are fighting 'evil Iranians'. Fear leads to delusion which lead to such recklessness.

Have no doubt, in the end this saudi coalition will face yet another embarrassing defeat. But I agree, I hope for the sake of the innocent lives being taken by the savage coalition that this war end. Where is this so called 'united nations' when the likes of US, Isreal and their puppets are committing such crimes?
How thick are you exactly? Those videos are from 2014. "Ancient". The fact is that barefooted Baloch freedom fighters have caused more casualties for your army than 6 months of direct war in Yemen has for KSA and its soldiers. That's just a fact.

There is no slaughter and no setbacks. Unless 100 soldiers being killed + a few dozen civilians means slaughter. Then I don't know what you will categorize the slaughter of the Houthi terrorist cult and the Ali Abdullah Saleh and their strongholds who look like Stalingrad.

Anyway don't worry your constant trolling on this peaceful section will be dealt with.

Once again, instead of posting some random old videos about some random border guards in Iran, lets concentrate on Yemen. Don't change the topic like a desperate wahabi.

I am still waiting for the evidence of your random 3000 dead Houthi/Pro-saleh fighters. What happened? You realised the al wahab news agencies of saudi arabia are not a reliable source? :lol:

Keep bathing in your delusion whilst in real life, all the footages coming out of Yemen show the exact opposite of your fantasies, they show saudis being absolutely slaughtered on a daily basis all around Yemen. Sauds should have stock to bombing from air like cowards, that would have saved them from this embarrassment.
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Once again, instead of posting some random old videos about some random border guards in Iran, lets concentrate on Yemen. Don't change the topic like a desperate wahabi.

I am still waiting for the evidence of your random 3000 dead Houthi/Pro-saleh fighters. What happened? You realised the al wahab news agencies of saudi arabia are not a reliable source? :lol:

Keep bathing in your delusion whilst in real life, all the footages coming out of Yemen show the exact opposite of your fantasies, they show saudis being absolute slaughtered on a daily basis all around Yemen. Sauds should have stock to bombing from air like cowards, that would hve saved them from this embarrassment.

@jaibi this serial troll is doing it again. It's time to completely ban him from this section as no Arab user wants this serial troll around. He is only looking for trouble.

How about you use your brain for once and investigate official reports in the international and local media? Or take a look at the numerous Houthi defeats and 1000's of videos of their slaughter? I suggest Arab Defence, Arab Aviation and Arabic Military or just a Google search or search on Youtube in Arabic. Oh, wait you don't speak a word of Arabic and can't locate Yemen on a world map.

It shows nothing but a few empty vehicles and tanks. There is no such footage and no embarrassment and KSA is 100% secure.

It's not KSA but the Houthi terrorist cult strongholds that look like Stalingrad.

The kill ratio is at least 1:25 in favor of KSA and the Arab coalition which is reported by ALL media outside of Houthi propaganda channels, Farsi PissTV and Farce News. So keep crying while KSA remains one of the most secure and wealthy countries and totally immune to this conflict as seen outside of a few border towns once in a while due to shelling in an area of 3000 meter tall mountains.
Irfan dear, I have addressed this bro. Even if what you say is true, which in frankness is not because for forum rule reason I simply cannot post videos containing dead bodies/graphic bodies. But lets assume what you said is in indeed true, what does it tell you about the competency of this coalition where as soon as fighting starts, they abandon their vehicles and run away? In either case, the Houthis are destroying them in the face to face combat.
is there any point to request KSA / Iranian posters to post without offending each other?
even the presence offends you both.. can really use an ME moderator

How about you use your brain for once and investigate official reports in the international and local media? Or take a look at the numerous Houthi defeats and 1000's of videos of their slaughter. I suggest Arab Defence, Arab Aviation and Arabic Military or just a google Search or search on Youtube in Arabic. Oh, wait you don't speak a word of Arabic and can't locate Yemen on a world map.

It shows nothing but a few empty vehicles and tanks. There is no such footage and no embarrassment and KSA is 100% secure.

It's not KSA but the Houthi terrorist cult strongholds that look like Stalingrad.

The kill ratio is at least 1:25 in favor of KSA and the Arab coalition which is reported by ALL medias outside of Houthi propaganda channels, Farsi PissTV and Farce News. So keep crying.

Why do you keep repeating the same comment over and over again? Are you incapable of coming up with something new?

I told you this a hundreds times already. For every video showing Houthi causalities, there is many times more showing saudis and their coalition member been slaughtered. Even if we granted that all the vehicles that were destroyed were empty, this is still an absolute embarrassment because it just goes to show how incompetent these saudi army and the rest of this coalition is that at the first site of a Houthi, they abandon and started running into a desert and mountains.

But the reality is very different. There are man countless videos showing dead saudis/Emratis etc dead in their vehicles. What does me no understanding arabic have to do anything? This does not stop other member whom know arabic from posting the information and it certainly does not stop me using my eye to see and judge for myself.

And finally, you 1:25 ratio is pulled out of our arse as I have proven. You do not have a shred of evidence for this claim. So stop embarrassing yourself with this desperate, baseless, fantasy. Al wahab news agencies do not count as sources. But even they're not making such claims.
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This guy is a serial troll who has been banned permanently on the ME and Africa section due to heavy trolling and who whenever he visits this peaceful Arab section is always looking for trouble and trolling, writing nonsense in the process as everyone can see. No Arab user wants him around and nobody takes him seriously. I am the only one that is foolish enough to engage with him.

Did your read your colleagues, @jaibi posts in this thread?

You just came back after being banned and you were also banned from middle eastern section. How desperate is this guy?
You think you will just go around posting random, baseless claims and hope no one will debunk your junk? This isn't some saudi forum kid.

By the way, this is not even this troll's first account. He has created other accounts in the past, one such being Al hasan or something like that.
I am repeating well-established (internationally recognized) ground realities that you have a big problem accepting it seems. Hence the need for repeating myself.

No single village in KSA is controlled by the Houthi terrorist cult and Ali Abdullah Saleh mercenaries. Both those parties have been losing land in Yemen since the conflict began, their strongholds have suffered heavily from successful bombardments, they have suffered numerous lost battles from Aden to Taizz (the two biggest cities after Sana'a), they have suffered at least 25 times as many soldiers etc.

The fact is also that less than 150 Saudi Arabian soldiers and civilians have lost their lives in 6 months of war. There are no sources other than Houthi propaganda channels that claim so. All independent sources are in agreement. It corespondents with ground realities too.

Likewise those 2 soldiers are the only 2 soldiers that have been captured by Houthis. Another thing most Houthi videos do hardly ever contain any dead Saudi Arabian soldiers.

It's completely ridiculous that I am wasting my time on a deluded notorious troll who is obsessed about his military, religious, cultural and linguistics conquerors.

You do not have a single evidence for your claims. Why can't you cite a single reference for your claims? Where are these sources claiming 3000 Houthis/Pro saleh fighter have been killed? You are just creating random figures up as you go along. This 1:25 ration, you could claim 1:250 ratio and the amount of evidence would till be the same, i.e zero. Why don't go ahead and post a single one of these 'independent' sources?

Futhermore, in every aspect of this conflict, the Houthis are slaughtering the saudis. Not a single video has been posted showing significance Houthi loses. This is whereas, on a daily basis, there are countless videos showing multiple causalities from the coalition.

I can post countless videos showing dead saudi imaged and footage. You are just using the forum's rule as your aid to help save you from embarrassment.


Farsi, I have been banned twice. 2 weeks in total. A ban that was rightfully removed as it was ridiculous which the moderation team agreed with otherwise they would not have lifted it. It lasted 2 weeks as well.

The moderation team knows everything and there are no rules being broken. Whether now or before.

On the other hand you are permanently banned and have been for months upon months (rightfully so) and your presence on the Arab section (historically) has only offered trolling as your user history confirms.

You can keep barking but you know this to be the case hence you likely being dealt with. We saw it today too in this thread and your first post here.

Go write nonsense about KSA (despite never being an Western colony) being created by the "West" (lol) contrary to historical realities on your Mullah section and other nonsense. Makkah and Madinah (two cities in KSA) are more important/influential than your entire entity to begin with. From your many deserts to barren mountains or your limited and shallow coastline.

This is your multiple account in this forum. How many account are you going to make anyway?
You have been banned so many times now. You were recently just banned.

Why are you keep reposting the same post and editing your posts? :rofl:
This guy deleted his posts and then reposts them. How desperate can you get?


There are no such videos. I have watched all Houthi propaganda videos. Only 2 show a few dead bodies. Likewise those two soldiers are the only captured soldiers to date. You are a complete joke. On the other hand there are 100's of videos of the Saudi Arabian air force bombing numerous Houthis in plain sight.

Stop deleting and reposting your post you desperate afro arab. What's wrong with you? Futhermore, it quite clear why I am not posting dead saudi footages because it is against the rules. Are you thick?
Why do you keep repeating the same comment over and over again? Are you incapable of coming up with something new?

I told you this a hundreds times already. For every video showing Houthi causalities, there is many times more showing saudis and their coalition member been slaughtered. Even if we granted that all the vehicles that were destroyed were empty, this is still an absolute embarrassment because it just goes to show how incompetent these saudi army and the rest of this coalition is that af the first site of a Houthi, they abandon and started running into a desert and mountain.

But the reality is very different. There are man countless videos showing dead saudis/Emratis etc dead in their vehicles. What does me no understanding arabic have to do anything? This does not stop other member whom know arabic from posting the information and it certainly does not stop me using my eye to see and judge for myself.

And finally, you 1:25 ratio is pulled out of our arse as I have proven. You do not have a shred of evidence for this claim. So stop embarrassing yourself with this desperate, baseless, fantasy. Al wahab new agencies do not count as sources. But even they're not making such claims.

I am repeating well-established (internationally recognized) ground realities that you have a big problem accepting it seems. Hence the need for repeating myself.

No single village in KSA is controlled by the Houthi terrorist cult and Ali Abdullah Saleh mercenaries. Both those parties have been losing land in Yemen since the conflict began, their strongholds have suffered heavily from successful bombardments, they have suffered numerous lost battles from Aden to Taizz (the two biggest cities after Sana'a), they have suffered at least 25 times as many soldiers etc.

The fact is also that less than 150 Saudi Arabian soldiers and civilians have lost their lives in 6 months of war. There are no sources other than Houthi propaganda channels that claim so. All independent sources are in agreement. It corespondents with ground realities too.

Likewise those 2 soldiers are the only 2 soldiers that have been captured by Houthis. Another thing most Houthi videos do hardly ever contain any dead Saudi Arabian soldiers.

It's completely ridiculous that I am wasting my time on a deluded notorious troll who is obsessed about his military, religious, cultural and linguistics conquerors.

You just came back after being banned and you were also banned from middle eastern section. How desperate is this guy?
You think you will just go around posting random, baseless claims and hope no one will debunk your junk? This isn't some saudi forum kid.

By the way, this is not even this troll's first account. He has created other accounts in the past, one such being Al hasan or something like that.

Farsi, I have been banned twice. 2 weeks in total. A ban that was rightfully removed as it was ridiculous which the moderation team agreed with otherwise they would not have lifted it. It lasted 2 weeks as well.

The moderation team knows everything and there are no rules being broken. Whether now or before.

On the other hand you are permanently banned and have been for months upon months (rightfully so) on the ME and Africa section and your presence on the Arab section (historically) has only offered trolling as your user history confirms. Which I have just proved to the moderation team.

You can keep barking but you know this to be the case hence you likely being dealt with. We saw it today too in this thread and your first post here.

Go write nonsense about KSA (despite never being an Western colony) being created by the "West" (lol) contrary to historical realities on your Mullah section and other nonsense. Makkah and Madinah (two cities in KSA) are more important/influential than your entire entity to begin with. From your many deserts to barren mountains or your limited and shallow coastline.


There are no such videos. I have watched all Houthi propaganda videos. Only 2 show a few dead bodies. Likewise those two soldiers are the only captured soldiers to date. You are a complete joke. On the other hand there are 100's of videos of the Saudi Arabian air force bombing numerous Houthis in plain sight.

Also prepare yourself to be banned from this section again. A ban that should never have been lifted in the first place. The evidence is ample and actions will be taken if the rules are to be followed.
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