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Two PTI member killed and a few seriously injured

PDM claims to be democracy. But we oldies don't remember such wide spread oppression of people in General Zia or Musharraf era.
These PDM goons are the worst dictators.
To them anyone opposing them is not Pakistanis or even human.
This time will pass, but I will never support the mafia again, even if the entire old generation is retired and new folks takeover, I have no place for them in my heart anymore. I don't mourn their losses at all now. It is as if they don't belong to my values or I don't belong to the values where they roam like rabid dogs.

It's not about IK, it's about the way they kill their own people. Any country that kills their own people is not a place to be called 'home'.
If you are feeling like this, no doubt countless thousands maybe millions in Pak are as well. For me this is the important job IK has done, his pulled the curtains down on the whole system from corrupt generals to judges. None of these will be trusted until there is a real clear out and change, only way that can happen is a political change in governing Pak. This corrupt current sham democracy needs to be killed off.

IK's pacifist strategy, backed by regular peaceful rallies, protests and demonstrations, won't work in a security state run by a fascist wardi mafia.
I agree with that, but knowing his pacifist means he has no other options. Also armed resistance will make PTI into a terrorist outfit that's what the ruling class want, this will then definitely lead to more populous dissent and make independence movements more successful.
Pakistani people should start a 'fund me' kind of campaign to collect money for his family. At least this much PTI can do for his family after his death.

IK should himself collect money for the people killed by state sponsored terrorism.

By the way, he has very few days remaining in my opinion, he should collect and distribute whatever he could to the people who have supported him and lost their family members, money, businesses, assets (such as cars) etc. After he is gone, these people will not have any place to go.

Khan should do it now.. the time is short.
Pakistani people should start a 'fund me' kind of campaign to collect money for his family. At least this much PTI can do for his family after his death.

IK should himself collect money for the people killed by state sponsored terrorism.

By the way, he has very few days remaining in my opinion, he should collect and distribute whatever he could to the people who have supported him and lost their family members, money, businesses, assets (such as cars) etc. After he is gone, these people will not have any place to go.

Khan should do it now.. the time is short.
👍 💯
Pakistani people should start a 'fund me' kind of campaign to collect money for his family. At least this much PTI can do for his family after his death.

IK should himself collect money for the people killed by state sponsored terrorism.

By the way, he has very few days remaining in my opinion, he should collect and distribute whatever he could to the people who have supported him and lost their family members, money, businesses, assets (such as cars) etc. After he is gone, these people will not have any place to go.

Khan should do it now.. the time is short.

I think PTI will do that without doing any fund raising, that's not I am worried about. Disturbing thing is that dove like IK can't deal with vultures. PTI should find some cold hearted loyal to cause persons for PM/CM and other important positions. IK will be good for President post where he can keep delivering motivational speeches.
Unconfirmed report one more PTI worker killed.
I think PTI will do that without doing any fund raising, that's not I am worried about. Disturbing thing is that dove like IK can't deal with vultures. PTI should find some cold hearted loyal to cause persons for PM/CM and other important positions. IK will be good for President post where he can keep delivering motivational speeches.
The moment IK starts a fight with the kind of support he has, he will be killed in no time.

Anyway, he is going to be killed as he has said so many times, it's just that he is buying time for now.
IK does not have fighters in his party. It is a party of common Pakistanis who earn their living through halal ways.

If that's the case, then IK should stop pitching weaklings against the ruthless state machinery. IK gives a call, his supporters come out and get beaten up/killed by the uniformed goons, and no one is held accountable. Repeat
83 Days to Election, Vote is our power

> File case with Supreme court on Police Brutality
> Demand from care taker government why police is beating citizen of Pakistan
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They want to shut up Imran Khan. He’s done as much as he can. He's not a revolutionary and should back off now and stay quiet.

It's time for a new organization, Pakistan Mahaz e Inqalab, PMI, Pakistan Revolutionary Front led by a commando sort of a leader. Let them come forward and lead the revolution to a successful completion.

When the filth has been cleared PTI can come back to restore order.
Pakistani people should start a 'fund me' kind of campaign to collect money for his family. At least this much PTI can do for his family after his death.

IK should himself collect money for the people killed by state sponsored terrorism.

By the way, he has very few days remaining in my opinion, he should collect and distribute whatever he could to the people who have supported him and lost their family members, money, businesses, assets (such as cars) etc. After he is gone, these people will not have any place to go.

Khan should do it now.. the time is short.
Khan has Allah behind him, no one can harm him, time will tell who will live and who will die, they plan and Allah plans and Allah is the best of planners.
Nauzubillah if Allah has decided to end Pakistan and punish the people(may Allah have mercy on us), only then he will allow something to happen to Khan.
Khan should order all the foreign Pakistanis stop all ind of inward remittances immediately until this hafiz moron not announce the elections , if they dont follow the constitution they should pay the consequences too
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