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Two PTI member killed and a few seriously injured

The guys who are preaching to not protest were swearing at the government when ik was the PM. I have met so many such people in my life, specially those who claim to be the strict followers of deen, to be hypocrites of the highest order.

Speaking on a virtual forum with zero exposure doesn’t constitute protest lol but you’re a forum mod so you obviously conflate your value. Protest means gathering large mobs, doing rallies, azadi marchs, challenging authority, causing damage to economy and property, basically what PTI and TLP have done over the years.

PTI and its followers are welcome to protest on defence.pk. That will show the PDM/establishment nexus 😂😂😂

Maybe the problem isn’t strict followers of deen maybe the problem is your lack of comprehension and understanding what the other person is saying because you’re physically incapable of listening due to your prejudices and beliefs. Some people just can’t listen because they’re so crippled by their own ego and beliefs that they can’t entertain opposing views.

Also LOLOL youthiya calling others hypocrite isn’t very fitting. Have you seen your leader? 😀😀
You claimed

I never claimed anything. But that is the problem. You might accuse me of something else, reject what I bring, find problems with scholars because “I follow them” because must win argument. Pretty pointless to talk with you, doesn’t it?. If you want to learn, go to scholars, you shouldn’t learn from me anyway

He reminds us about entering our own grave yet points fingers at the deeds of another person. He calls other people zani yet preaches us to believe in whatever we want to believe. Your hypocrisy is mindnumbing. Every word that leaves your ugly mouth reeks with absolute nastiness. You are a dishonest hypocrite and you know it.

You’re vulgar and I don’t like responding to you.

I responded just to make you burn I will never engage with you properly 😂😂

Increase your vulgarity, I skip past your post when I see your name.
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I never claimed anything. But that is the problem. You might accuse me of something else, reject what I bring, find problems with scholars because “I follow them” because must win argument. Pretty pointless to talk with you, doesn’t it?. If you want to learn, go to scholars, you shouldn’t learn from me anyway

You’re vulgar and I don’t like responding to you.

I responded just to make you burn I will never engage with you properly 😂😂

Increase your vulgarity, I skip past your post when I see your name.

Dude, take a hike. We know who you are. The Uyghur doctor.

In reality you are a noora, but you always pretend that you are not. Your hate for PTI is well known to everyone.
Doesn’t matter who does it, the point stands
I agree that violent protest against the state are not allowed unless the state is causing corruption in the land. In the case of what happened it was meant to be a politically rally to get ready for elections not for destroying property or hurting people which ironically again the state ended up doing.

According to Islam, if an accuser can't provide 4 witnesses who have seen the act with their very eyes, they are liable to get lashes.

That's why I say that we have too many hypocrites. The guys who are preaching to not protest were swearing at the government when ik was the PM. I have met so many such people in my life, specially those who claim to be the strict followers of deen, to be hypocrites of the highest order.

Don't take such people seriously.

Agreed. We have very special cases. Often these people are beneficiaries.
The reason I don't think IK is leader is that he doesn't care.
Previously people were killed and no one was arrested
His killers will go unpunished as well even though it's clearly a custodial killing

My advise is people not to come out if there leader is coward

Zardari cares more about hai workers then Imran Khan
Zardari has generals in his pocket, IK does not.
Big difference…
This person was autistic. Must take special heartless kind of brut to torture such person.
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