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Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack

Banu Umayyah

Apr 14, 2012
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Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack: state TV

Syria’s state TV said the country’s minister of defense, General Daoud Rajha, and Assad’s brother-in-law have been killed in a suicide attack in Damascus on Wednesday, as raging battles across the capital upped the stakes ahead of a Security Council vote on the Syria crisis.

President Bashar al-Assad’s brother-in-law, Assef Shawkat, is also the deputy minister of defense, was initially transferred to the hospital and was in a critical condition.

The television said interior minister, Mohammed al-Shaar, was still alive and in a “stable condition,” after Arab TV stations reported his death.

Meanwhile, the Syrian intelligence chief, Hisham Bekhtyar, was undergoing a surgery after being wounded in the bombing, security sources told Reuters.

Security officials told AFP that several other participants in a top-level meeting were wounded in the blast and taken to al-Shami hospital in the capital for treatment.

Suicide bomber worked as bodyguard for president Assad’s inner circle, Syrian security source told Reuters.

The national security building is a heavily guarded headquarters in the city’s central Rawda district.

Syria vowed on Wednesday to punish those responsible for a bomb attack which killed the defense minister and President Bashar al-Assad’s brother-in-law, saying it would “chop any hand that harms national security.”

“The armed forces are determined to terminate the killing gangs and criminals and pursue them wherever they go,” a military statement read out on state television said. “Whoever thinks that by targeting some commanders they can twist Syria's arm, is delusional.”

Meanwhile, France on Wednesday denounced Assad’s struggle to stay in power as futile and raised concerns about mounting violence in the conflict-torn country.

“The situation in Syria is worsening day by day as the violence intensifies. Bashar al-Assad must understand that his struggle to retain power is futile and that nothing will stop the Syrian people's march to a democratic future,” French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said.

He also called on those still backing Assad to turn against him.

“The last supporters of the regime must understand that repression leads nowhere and we urge them to dissociate themselves from the bloody repression carried out for 16 months,” he said.

He said France was “more than ever committed to have a resolution adopted” at the U.N. Security Council in order to “put an end to the repression and implement a political transition in accordance with the aspirations of the Syrian people.”

Fighting erupts near presidential palace
In a related story, the revolt against Assad’s regime came within sight of his presidential palace on Wednesday as fighting erupted in major Damascus neighborhoods for a fourth day.

An army barracks near the “palace of the people,” a huge Soviet style complex overlooking the sprawling capital from the western district of Dummar, came under rebel fire around 7.30 a.m. (0430 GMT), activists and a resident said.

“I could hear the sound of small arms fire and explosions are getting louder and louder from the direction of the barracks,” Yasmine, who works as an architect, said by phone from Dummar.

Video footage broadcast by activists purportedly showed fire in the barracks overnight as a result of an attack by mortar rounds, but residents who saw the fire said they had not heard explosions to indicate it was a result of an attack.

Dummar is a secure area containing many auxiliary installations for the presidential palace and the barracks is just hundreds of meters from the palace itself.

Fighting also erupted overnight in the southern neighborhoods of Asali and Qadam, and Hajar al-Aswad and Tadamun - mainly Sunni Muslim districts housing Damascenes and Palestinian refugees.

Assad and the ruling elite belong to the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam that has dominated power in Syria since a 1963 coup.

Government troops used heavy machineguns and anti-aircraft guns against rebels moving deep in residential neighborhoods, armed mostly with small arms and rocket propelled grenades.

Rebels directed their fire overnight at a large state facility turned headquarters for pro-Assad militia, known as shabbiha, drawn mainly from Alawite enclaves in nearby hills.

Army tanks and anti-aircraft guns, used as an infantry weapon, took positions in the northern neighborhood of Barzeh, where hundreds of families from the neighbouring district of Qaboun are seeking shelter.

“Anti-aircraft guns are firing at Qaboun from Barzeh. There are lots of families in the streets with no place to stay. They came from Qaboun and from the outskirts of Barzeh,” said Bassem, one of the activists, speaking by phone from Barzeh.

In the central neighborhood of Midan tanks and infantry fighting vehicles known as BDMs took positions in main thoroughfares and sporadic fighting was reported.

“Armor have not been able to enter the alleyways and old streets of Midan. The neighborhoods old Zahra and the old area near Majed mosque are in the hands of the rebels,” said Abu Mazen, an activist in the district.
Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack: state TV

The regime is in its death bed.
Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack: state TV

Syria’s state TV said the country’s minister of defense, General Daoud Rajha, and Assad’s brother-in-law have been killed in a suicide attack in Damascus on Wednesday, as raging battles across the capital upped the stakes ahead of a Security Council vote on the Syria crisis.

President Bashar al-Assad’s brother-in-law, Assef Shawkat, is also the deputy minister of defense, was initially transferred to the hospital and was in a critical condition.

The television said interior minister, Mohammed al-Shaar, was still alive and in a “stable condition,” after Arab TV stations reported his death.

Meanwhile, the Syrian intelligence chief, Hisham Bekhtyar, was undergoing a surgery after being wounded in the bombing, security sources told Reuters.

Security officials told AFP that several other participants in a top-level meeting were wounded in the blast and taken to al-Shami hospital in the capital for treatment.

Suicide bomber worked as bodyguard for president Assad’s inner circle, Syrian security source told Reuters.

The national security building is a heavily guarded headquarters in the city’s central Rawda district.

Syria vowed on Wednesday to punish those responsible for a bomb attack which killed the defense minister and President Bashar al-Assad’s brother-in-law, saying it would “chop any hand that harms national security.”

“The armed forces are determined to terminate the killing gangs and criminals and pursue them wherever they go,” a military statement read out on state television said. “Whoever thinks that by targeting some commanders they can twist Syria's arm, is delusional.”

Meanwhile, France on Wednesday denounced Assad’s struggle to stay in power as futile and raised concerns about mounting violence in the conflict-torn country.

“The situation in Syria is worsening day by day as the violence intensifies. Bashar al-Assad must understand that his struggle to retain power is futile and that nothing will stop the Syrian people's march to a democratic future,” French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said.

He also called on those still backing Assad to turn against him.

“The last supporters of the regime must understand that repression leads nowhere and we urge them to dissociate themselves from the bloody repression carried out for 16 months,” he said.

He said France was “more than ever committed to have a resolution adopted” at the U.N. Security Council in order to “put an end to the repression and implement a political transition in accordance with the aspirations of the Syrian people.”

Fighting erupts near presidential palace
In a related story, the revolt against Assad’s regime came within sight of his presidential palace on Wednesday as fighting erupted in major Damascus neighborhoods for a fourth day.

An army barracks near the “palace of the people,” a huge Soviet style complex overlooking the sprawling capital from the western district of Dummar, came under rebel fire around 7.30 a.m. (0430 GMT), activists and a resident said.

“I could hear the sound of small arms fire and explosions are getting louder and louder from the direction of the barracks,” Yasmine, who works as an architect, said by phone from Dummar.

Video footage broadcast by activists purportedly showed fire in the barracks overnight as a result of an attack by mortar rounds, but residents who saw the fire said they had not heard explosions to indicate it was a result of an attack.

Dummar is a secure area containing many auxiliary installations for the presidential palace and the barracks is just hundreds of meters from the palace itself.

Fighting also erupted overnight in the southern neighborhoods of Asali and Qadam, and Hajar al-Aswad and Tadamun - mainly Sunni Muslim districts housing Damascenes and Palestinian refugees.

Assad and the ruling elite belong to the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam that has dominated power in Syria since a 1963 coup.

Government troops used heavy machineguns and anti-aircraft guns against rebels moving deep in residential neighborhoods, armed mostly with small arms and rocket propelled grenades.

Rebels directed their fire overnight at a large state facility turned headquarters for pro-Assad militia, known as shabbiha, drawn mainly from Alawite enclaves in nearby hills.

Army tanks and anti-aircraft guns, used as an infantry weapon, took positions in the northern neighborhood of Barzeh, where hundreds of families from the neighbouring district of Qaboun are seeking shelter.

“Anti-aircraft guns are firing at Qaboun from Barzeh. There are lots of families in the streets with no place to stay. They came from Qaboun and from the outskirts of Barzeh,” said Bassem, one of the activists, speaking by phone from Barzeh.

In the central neighborhood of Midan tanks and infantry fighting vehicles known as BDMs took positions in main thoroughfares and sporadic fighting was reported.

“Armor have not been able to enter the alleyways and old streets of Midan. The neighborhoods old Zahra and the old area near Majed mosque are in the hands of the rebels,” said Abu Mazen, an activist in the district.
Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack: state TV

The regime is in its death bed.
Only two main people left the two brother Bashar and his brother head of their intelligence
It would be a shame for a great country like Syria to let these cowards win.

RIP to the martyrs.
Plz, keep Islam away, don't embarrass yourself. Al-Assad days are numbered, and we all will celebrate his collapse.:lol:

Actually every word that you say you embarrass yourself including this irrelevant comment :))

these cowards will conquer Iran after the fall of Assad.
Actually so far it's Iran that has conquered their country ;) Unless you admit that by cowards, you mean Americans and Israelis which is a good confession :D
Iranian people should be ashamed of themselves for supporting a ruthless dictator like Bashar Al Assad.

Back on topic, More than two big wigs are dead. News are coming in that Defence Minister, Interior Minister and other high officials have been eliminated.

This is fitting end to bunch of murderers and thugs whose speciality is to kill children and rape women. I hope they will find Assad along with his family in the sewer pipe.

Where is the Syrian lion who use to claim all Syrians love Bashar Al Assad. All these defecting soldiers and generals don't agree with him.
Suicide bombers and Islamists. Doesn't this tell you anything? ;)

Suppressing Civilians in the starting before the armed struggle started and Alawaties..... Doesn't this tell you anything?

Suicide bombers and Islamists. Doesn't this tell you anything? ;)

Suppressing Civilians in the starting before the armed struggle started and Alawaties..... Doesn't this tell you anything?
wow Shia now become iranian. :rofl:
man your country is so fragile socially and economically and will collapse any time. just arm the people of Ahvaz , bluch, and will kick your mullah out of power.

you didn't actually
iran got raped by him for 8 years. look how many people have died and what parts were conquered by him
btw does not concern me.
we are not in the 80 anymore. food for oil is fair enough

Thats why Ahvazis where on the frontline fighting off Saddam yeah? Stop trying to Saudi the facts... For once in your life tell the truth... Just like how you tried to Saudi the facts in regards to Iran-Contra. Funny how you got caught lying there and had nothing to say.

Here again I will give you a source:

Iraqi hopes of an uprising by the ethnic Arabs of Khuzestan failed to materialise; most of the ethnic Arabs—who were Shia—remained loyal to Iran.


Instead of returning from your deviation and repenting to Allah (swt) by assisting these long-oppressed
people against the tyrant and his agent regime, you stood with him and aided him with weapons and
men, thinking that he will protect your interests Now u burn in Hell fire.

Allah Almighty (swt) is says I will take My heavenly revenge on all oppressors, and as much as they committed oppression against My servants, I will take revenge on them and punish them here and Hereafter. I forgive everything except oppression.


Funny to see Iranians panicking and crying over this. defense minister, interior ministor, deputy defense minstor and others all dead. The game is almost over people, time for Iran to run away defeated just like Bahrain.

Yes if you suicide bomb people, they usually die... What does that prove except the cowardly nature of the terrorists? About Assad, time will tell. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Saudi Arabia must be getting desperate if this is the only hope you cling on to.
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